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Newsfeed > Joseph's Profile
Joseph's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($299 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I've strategically invested in a combination of goats and cows, anticipating that they will not just be animals but contributors to our future income. The plan is for them to multiply over time, establishing a sustainable source of revenue. This aligns with my vision of financial stability, as these animals can become valuable assets. Despite the challenges posed by unpredictable weather patterns, I haven't given up on farming. Recognizing the importance of diversifying income sources, I've planted beans during the little rains we've experienced. Beans, being a resilient crop, can serve as a buffer during dry seasons, shielding us from the struggles associated with food scarcity. This dual approach—investing in livestock for long-term income generation and cultivating crops for immediate sustenance—reflects a commitment to resilience and adaptability. It's an acknowledgment that in the face of uncertainty, having multiple streams of income and food sources is crucial for ensuring a stable and secure future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The impact of GiveDirectly on my life has been tremendous. With the funds received, I was able to build a much-needed new house and invest in a 5,000-litre water tank. This has brought about significant improvements, particularly in terms of convenience. We no longer have to endure long walks to fetch water, and our overall living conditions have greatly improved. In my opinion, I believe there's an opportunity for broader community development. For instance, drilling boreholes could be a game-changer for the entire community that GiveDirectly can seize. Access to clean water is a basic necessity, and such a project could significantly enhance the health and productivity of everyone in the community. It's not just about personal benefits; it's about envisioning positive changes for the community as a whole. These improvements have inspired me to think beyond my immediate needs and consider ways in which the entire community can benefit. It's a hopeful sign of positive change, and I'm grateful for the transformative impact that GiveDirectly has had on my life and the potential it holds for the broader community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Investing $350 in a dairy cow was a strategic move for me. The idea is not just about having a single cow; it's about initiating a dairy farming venture. The cow is not just an animal; it's a source of potential income and sustenance. As it breeds and produces milk, I envision meeting our family's dairy needs and creating a surplus that I can sell to neighbors. Dairy farming offers a sustainable source of income. By selling the milk, I can save the proceeds to invest in additional cows, gradually expanding the enterprise. This approach aligns with a vision of long-term financial stability, where the farm becomes a self-sufficient unit generating income and meeting our nutritional needs. The $100 spent purchasing food is a deliberate investment in our immediate well-being. Having faced struggles after failed rains and relying on selling goats, I understand the importance of securing a stable food source. By purchasing cereals in bulk, I'm ensuring our current sustenance and planning for the future, mitigating the impact of unpredictable weather patterns.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($314 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My aspiration before this year concludes is to acquire at least one cow. This will enable us to produce milk, creating a source of income for my family. Given my advancing age, I'm no longer capable of undertaking physically demanding jobs, so this would provide a fitting solution.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Give Directly has earned our trust by demonstrating reliability and integrity in their actions. They have consistently fulfilled their promises by delivering the exact amounts and in the manner they initially pledged. This consistency allows us to plan our finances confidently, free from any uncertainty.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For a considerable duration, I've resided in a house without a fence, which has perpetually caused us fear and insecurity due to the potential for unwanted trespassers. Therefore, when I received my second round of transfers from Give Directly, I prioritized using $300 to erect a fence around my property. Having managed to buy a water tank, I dedicated the remainder of the transfers, totaling $150, to construct a sturdy slab on which to position and safeguard the tank.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($141 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Around 3:00 pm, while I was at home, I heard my phone ringing. I quickly checked and discovered an Mpesa message from Segovia Technology, which matched the information provided in the brochures given to us by GiveDirectly. Excitedly, I informed my spouse, who was by my side, and we both shared a joyful moment knowing that our plans were finally coming to fruition. The following day, I collected the funds from the nearby shopping center as planned.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Receiving the first payment has brought about a remarkable transformation in my daily life, primarily due to the presence of a fully constructed fence. This fence has had a tremendous impact on my ability to closely monitor the movement of my cows and goats, providing me with a sense of security and peace of mind. I am immensely grateful for the generous support extended to me by GiveDirectly, and I eagerly anticipate the potential of achieving even more with the subsequent transfer.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After explaining my plans to the visiting staff, it became clear that erecting a chainlink fence around my compound was a top priority. Once the funds arrived, I wasted no time and promptly acquired two chainlinks for $148. With the remaining $52, I purchased 65 poles, and later supplemented this with some of my own savings to complete the fence. This sturdy barrier not only ensures the security of my farm by keeping off stray livestock but also prevents my own animals from encroaching on neighboring properties.As my current family consists of just the four of us, I heavily rely on livestock farming for sustenance, as other family members have moved out to establish households of their own.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am passionate about livestock keeping, and I have entertained the thought of trying dairy farming since indigenous cows produce little milk which can hardly meet the consumption needs of my family. I had always wanted to try it but lacked the funds. I am so happy about GiveDirectly transfers since it is going to be a bridge to my dream of finally starting dairy farming. I intend to purchase a dairy cow worth $300 from Mogotio to keep and use the rest to buy a water tank to harvest rainwater for household use since water access is a huge problem here.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Sometimes in January, we had some rainfall and the vegetation sprouted and my goats got enough pasture to feed on. It was during that time that 20 of my goats gave birth to kids. It was indeed a lifetime fortune. They have grown and they are doing well, I anticipate selling some of them shortly to pay for school fees.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Climate change has caused us untold suffering. It is not predictable and has caused us uncertainties, for the last three years we have had a failed rainy season and therefore we were not able to plant food crops and subsequently we have been hard hit by food insecurity. We had been planting in anticipation but the crops failed and led to huge losses. The livestock have also not been spared because of the lack of pasture and water, people have had to dig into their pockets to purchase pasture but those who cannot afford simply let their livestock suffer the fate of the devastating effects of drought. Some have died which led to losses to the livestock keepers.