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Newsfeed > Helen's Profile
Helen's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($354 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Living near the river has great crop farming potential, though my land has been lying fallow since my daughter, who used to assist me, passed away recently. I find myself unable to manage alone in my old age. If I acquire funds, my plan is to engage in crop production and hire help for the process. Alongside this, I have my grandchildren to care for—my two late daughters left behind two children under my care, and another daughter has left me three children. I must work diligently to support them, especially in their education. I am hopeful that God will open doors for me to secure the finances needed to pursue farming. Currently, I am organizing a fundraiser to support my granddaughter's entry into higher education.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's unconditional cash support empowered me to independently plan my finances according to my needs. This opportunity allowed me to prioritize obtaining my granddaughter's certificate. Additionally, I found the GiveDirectly officers to be respectful and fair during the enrollment process. Their approach is commendable, and I sincerely hope you continue with the same. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my final transfer, I immediately addressed the pressing needs of my family. Firstly, I have taken responsibility for my two grandchildren after they lost their mothers. My other daughter left three of her children under my care. One of them finished high school last year with arrears totaling $400, which prevented her from picking up her certificate. I used $300 to reduce the arrears, leaving a balance of $100 to be settled later, although I later paid an additional $50, pending a balance of $50. She had been accepted to university, but I lacked the funds to facilitate her immediate admission. Currently, I am raising money to hopefully enroll her in medical school. The remaining $150 from the transfer was allocated to the construction of a bridge. Living across the river had posed challenges, as it was difficult for both my aging self and visiting relatives who had to leave their vehicles on one side.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I'm hopeful about starting to raise chickens at home. It's a solid plan because I can easily watch over them, especially with my leg making it hard to move around. I'll sell the eggs they lay and some of the chickens when they grow and multiply. I'll begin with just a few chickens I can handle then gradually expand over time. I believe this will be an opportunity to earn a living and provide support for my daughter.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I'm truly thankful for the unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly. It allowed me to make decisions about how to spend the money. The education provided by GiveDirectly officers helped us understand the source of the funds better, removing any doubts or fears. I strongly advocate for GiveDirectly to continue with this same approach.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I've faced numerous challenges in providing for my family, particularly concerning my daughter's education. Despite my efforts, she often faced being sent back home from school due to unpaid fees. With a debt of $900. Yet, I scraped together what little I could, pleading with teachers to allow her to stay. I used my second transfer of $450 to reduce this debt and My daughter completed her schooling with a pending debt of $480, but her academic performance was exceptional. Despite this, the weight of the debt hung over us, preventing her from pursuing further education. However, I held onto hope, trusting that God would provide a way. Receiving a congratulatory call from her teacher regarding her performance was bittersweet. Though proud, the absence of her certificate due to unpaid fees gives me sadness. My challenges compounded when I broke my leg and arm, leaving me unable to work. Despite my past involvement in farming, I now find myself confined to the home, dependent on others for support. My husband's polygamous nature has left me feeling neglected and unsupported. His focus on his other wives has left me to bear the burden alone. my late daughter whom I lost recently was my support, especially in managing our farming activities. Her untimely passing has left a gap that seems impossible to fill all activities stopped. With these obstacles, I remain steadfast in my faith, trusting that God will open a way for my family's future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($125 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I can vividly recall that particular day. I spent the day working on my quarter-acre plot, making the most of the rare rainfall we were experiencing. Engaged in planting vegetables, which I planned to sell for a livelihood, I returned home around 4:00 p.m., feeling thoroughly exhausted. Upon entering my house, the thought of reaching out to my child for a small sum of money to purchase food for the evening crossed my mind. To my surprise, upon retrieving my phone, I discovered a Mpesa message indicating a receipt of the transfer from GD. Perceiving this as a divine provision,  I humbly expressed my gratitude and bowed down in thanks, relieved that I would not need to burden my child for assistance anymore. Without delay, I proceeded to the nearest shopping center to buy food for my family of three for that evening. Later, I shared the uplifting news with my granddaughter and spouse, both of whom were elated by the positive turn of events.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Receiving the transfer has brought about a significant positive change in my life. The most notable difference is the sense of peace I now experience, knowing that there is a promising future for my granddaughter. While I haven't been able to fully clear even half of her school fee arrears, I find solace in having settled a portion, marking progress towards a solution. Moreover, my dietary habits have improved since I started receiving the transfer. Previously limited to two meals, I can now afford a three-course meal. This positive shift in my nutrition not only contributes to my overall health but also enhances my strength for carrying out farm work. The improvement in both my granddaughter's educational prospects and my own well-being reflects the tangible impact of the financial assistance.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer we received served as a crucial lifeline for my family. As the primary caregiver for my granddaughter, who tragically lost her parents at the tender age of four months, my responsibilities have been both challenging and emotionally demanding. Relying solely on the income generated from my quarter-acre of land, where I cultivate maize for sale, has become increasingly difficult due to the recurring droughts over the past three years. This has hindered our ability to meet even the most basic needs. The weight of my granddaughter's school fees posed a significant burden. Despite her completion of secondary education in 2022, her certificate was withheld by the school due to $800 in outstanding fees. In response, I allocated $100 from the recent transfer to make a partial payment toward her school fees. Additionally, I used $80 to refurbish my granary, which had been severely infested by termites. Though the renovation is ongoing, I remain optimistic about completing it with the anticipated second transfer. This improvement will provide a secure storage space for my farm products, a stark contrast to the current situation where they are stored in the living room, vulnerable to weevils and theft. I used the small amount that remained to purchase essential food supplies for my family of three. I am truly grateful for the transfer.
access_time 11 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The transfer has been very timely, I have been worried on how to clear my granddaughter's school fees. She's currently doing her final exams and must clear fees before she can collect her certificate. Givedirectly's cash will help me clear her fees areas of $600. This makes me happy. My kitchen and store is in a bad condition, I need to do some repairs. I will set aside about $100, hopefully it will be enough Due my dependence on agriculture, I plan to use the rest of the transfer to do farming on my quarter acre pice of land. It's gives us food security. I will use some the transfer on this.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am very old and own sheep. They help me in educating my children through their sales. It's easy keeping sheep at my age. This has been my biggest source of fulfillment in life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Education is key to success nowadays. I have 3 grandchildren to support. It's been very difficult raising their school fees, it had drained my resources. We have sold livestock and has even affected our family income. My granddaughter is currently doing her final exams for secondary education. I have fees areas and don't know how she will get her certificate without us clearing school feels. This has been my biggest worry.