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Newsfeed > Eunice's Profile
Eunice's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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24th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am finishing college next April, and I plan to start investing in buying cows for land cultivation. This investment will generate income and help me cultivate my land. I have three children, two of whom are school-going. I am a teacher by profession, though I have not yet been absorbed by the TSC. I assist at a neighboring school where I receive a small token for my work. When I got enrolled in the GiveDirectly project, I was very happy. Fortunately, my spouse was also enrolled, and now we both receive these transfers. We agreed to go back to school and upgrade our education while we are still young and have fewer responsibilities. I spent my entire recent transfer of $102 on paying my college fees. I am very thankful to GiveDirectly for the financial support, as it has played a significant role in advancing my career. I will always remember GiveDirectly for enabling me to return to school and improve myself.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received my most recent transfer of $102, I used the entire amount to pay my college fees. I am a teacher by profession, and this transfer allowed me to go back to school to upgrade my qualifications. I wanted to seize this opportunity before becoming overwhelmed with family financial burdens. I am married, and my spouse, who is also a teacher, agreed with my plan. During school breaks, I attend college to further my education. Currently, I teach at a nearby school where I am not yet formally employed, but I receive a small token of appreciation for my assistance as I wait for absorption by the TSC. I am very happy and grateful for the financial support from GiveDirectly. Your assistance has been a blessing, enabling me to improve myself and secure a better future for my family. Thank you for your continued support.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Upon completion of my diploma education, I anticipate a profound sense of joy and fulfillment, knowing that it represents a significant leap forward in my journey. This accomplishment stands as a testament to the boldness and sacrifices I've made along the way. Looking ahead, my aspirations extend beyond personal achievement. With the funds from my transfers, I intend to invest in the education of my three children, recognizing the invaluable gift of knowledge and opportunity that I can provide them. Additionally, I plan to allocate a portion of these resources towards acquiring livestock, whether it be goats or cows. The vision is not just to possess these animals, but to see them thrive and multiply, contributing to our family's economic stability. Whether through the sale of offspring or utilizing cows for agricultural work, I see the potential for these investments to yield long-term benefits for us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As an Early Childhood Education Teacher with a certificate, my aspiration has long been to enhance my qualifications by pursuing a Diploma. Recently, I made a bold decision to invest all $102 of my transfers into paying for my college education. This marks the beginning of a two-year journey towards achieving my educational goals, and I couldn't be more thrilled and proud to have taken this significant step forward. As I embark on this educational journey, I carry with me a profound sense of optimism and excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead. My ambition has been to be absorbed by the County Government as an educator. With each lesson learned and milestone achieved, I am one step closer to realizing my dream of becoming a more knowledgeable and effective educator.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am currently undertaking a diploma course in early childhood education. I need $450 total to complete this entire training. For each semester we pay $80 and once the semesters are done we need about $170 to do our final exams. My hope is that this transfers will be sufficient to clear all my semesters in school and then even if it may require me to take loans to clear the exam I hope that my next year transfer will cover debt repayment.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am an early childhood teacher and I have a certificate level training. I decided to upgrade so over the holidays I attend school so as to get a Diploma. I used $30 of my November transfers in school to pay for this particular course. The remaining $4 was used for my feeding while there. I December I bought clothes for my children at $20 and I also got them a duck at $10, $4 went into savings. In January I paid school fees for my two children and saved $22.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I appreciate the financial support provided through the cash transfers, which has allowed me to afford medical treatment for my son. My income alone was insufficient to meet our financial needs. My main objective is to enhance our sources of income, enabling us to cover both our regular expenses and unforeseen emergencies. I plan to accomplish this by investing what I save from the transfers to buy cattle, which we can use for farming and will rent out during the planting season to earn income.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My son was diagnosed with a hernia at the beginning of this year, which necessitated quick medical treatment and surgery. Regrettably, I was unable to provide him with the essential treatment due to financial constraints. My husband and I are both teachers, but even with our combined wages, we were struggling to make ends meet, let alone afford the cost of surgery. I am delighted to report that, through this project, I was able to save $68 from the transfers, allowing us to schedule the hernia surgery for November. This gives us hope that our son will receive the critical treatment he requires. In addition, I set aside $14 to buy new school uniforms because the old ones were in poor condition and another $10 to cover their school tuition, ensuring that their education remains uninterrupted. Finally, I spent $10 on two chickens, which I intend to sell when they reach maturity, providing our family with a source of income.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As a dedicated primary school teacher at Ikanga Primary School, my current endeavor centers around saving diligently and expanding my livestock. With three goats already in my care, my aspiration is to grow my flock further, paving the way for a brighter future.Amidst my commitment to shaping young minds and imparting knowledge, I am mindful of the financial constraints that weigh on my own children's educational journey. Fueled by this concern, I am driven to gradually increase the number of goats I possess.Each additional goat represents not only a valuable asset but also resilience and growth. They embody the promise of a more prosperous tomorrow, enabling me to alleviate the burden of my children's school fees. With every new member of the herd, I move closer to realizing my vision of financial stability and providing my children with a worry-free education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In a heartfelt and compassionate act, as soon as the funds were transferred, a transformation took place for my nephew, who had been forced out of school due to insufficient funds. He was enrolled in Marikani Secondary School, and this incredible gesture moved our entire family deeply. With resolute determination, we joined forces and contributed $34 each, rallying around our young scholar. The sheer joy and relief that washed over him were immeasurable, replacing tears of despair with tears of gratitude. Now standing tall in his final year of high school, he is fueled by renewed hope, ready to conquer any challenge that comes his way. Our united support has not only changed his life, but it has also reinforced the profound strength and unity within our family.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Since I had signed up for the program, my objective had been to use the transfers to buy cattle. As a preschool teacher, I am currently employed with the Parents Teachers Association. When the schools are open, I make $70 a month, but when they are closed for a holiday, I am not paid. I need to start saving now so that I can pay for my three kids' school expenses in the future. I like goats and cows because they have offspring every year, which increases their profitability. Additionally, when the cows give birth, we will be able to utilize them to plow our field and acquire enough milk for our family's usage, saving us money on labor costs. Since it's hard to save money, I'd prefer to buy the cattle.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
It has been a challenge to raise money to purchase food for my family members. December was worse due to the drought that we are currently experiencing and in addition, I and my spouse have not had salaries for the last two months. We are both employed as early education teachers by the parents and teachers association and therefore, we are only paid when the school is opened. Since the pupils have been on holiday for two months, we were not on pay too. We are grateful because if it was not for the transfers, then our children would have gone without food for a good number of days. The whole of December transfer was spent on foodstuffs for our household while $14 of the previous month's transfer was spent on clothes for our children so that I could replace the old ones that they had outgrown. I still have $20 saved in my phone hoping to add it to this month's transfer and purchase a goat for rearing. Since we do not have a stable source of income, the goats will be of financial help in the future especially, in paying for our children's school fees.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly does well in giving direct cash transfers to the community where it works. The practice contributes towards enhancing people's goals. For instance, many parents have found it easier to re-enroll their children in school since they began receiving the transfer. They feel relieved from the burden they initially bore of raising fees even though they never had any source of income. Climate change has made crop farming unprofitable thus life is unbearable to many. In addition, GiveDirectly does well in reminding the elderly and perceived vulnerable people of the Mpesa security concerns. As a result, fraud cases are very minimal among my community members. Though all GiveDirectly does is well, I can only suggest that if possible, it may consider raising the transfers even to $40 a month.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a mother of three children; two, Aniri and Husna are enrolled in school. The third child, Samiri is 11 months. After I received my transfer, I spent $10 on paying their outstanding school fees. Therefore, they have comfortably managed to learn for the past month without being sent home. The transfer was of great help since I did not have money then to pay their fees. Unfortunately, my husband and I were struggling to raise cash due to delays in our payments since we both work as PTA teachers. I also spent $10 to buy two hens, and I am glad I have four hens now. I am optimistic about raising more hens to diversify my sources of income. Lastly, I spent $10 on food since the foodstuff available could hardly take us for a whole day. I am grateful for GiveDirectly's transfer.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At around 9.07 p.m., I was awakened by a message alert on my phone. Upon checking its contents, I confirmed that Give Directly had sent my first transfer. My heart was filled with so much excitement that I awoke my husband to tell him the wonderful news. The money was a first step toward achieving my long-term aim of providing my children with their own space.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
For a long time, I hoped to give my three children their own room. We have been living in a one-room house, which is becoming insufficient for our growing family of five. Previously, it was difficult to complete this mission due to financial constraints. However, the transfer allowed me to obtain building materials such as tree poles. My goal is to have the room built to completion within the next week so that my children may enjoy their new space. This marks my greatest achievement so far.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had always wished for the opportunity to add one more room to my house to accommodate my three children, as the current area is small and feels cramped. However, the KES 7,000 each that my husband and I earn as primary school teachers on the payroll of the Parents and Teachers Association is just enough to cover basic needs such as food and school fees. The funds received from Give Directly opened a door to put the idea of building the children's bedroom into effect. That is why I spent KES 2,500 from a recent transfer to purchase tree poles for the construction. I used the remaining funds to pay my two primary school children's school fees, which I had not paid when the term began. 
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have a family of five people and we all sleep in the same single room house whose iron sheets have started to leak when it rains. My children do not have freedom especially when it comes to studying at night as my husband always bellows at them that he wants to rest and I feel like they are not getting the right freedom for their studies. Receiving this money means purchasing two iron sheets every month up to the number recommended by our mason so that I can build a three-bedroom house that will be well lit using a solar panel to make sure my children's right to education is achieved.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We had a challenge with water in our village as water pans dried up but I thank God for the rain we had at least our water pans are now filled with water that can last us for six months.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Life is very expensive nowadays. The prices of basic commodities have risen. A two kilogram of maize flour is currently at 150KES and a two-kilogram of wheat is at 180KES. The rains are no longer reliable for subsistence farming. As we speak I have flopped two planting seasons with totally nothing to harvest. I always feel like crying when I imagine the resources I always put in and see them going to waste as the maize withers and dries up.