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Newsfeed > Hellen's Profile
Hellen's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($340 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In our household, our livestock hold a cherished place in our hearts. However, we face a significant challenge: the lack of proper storage for their feed. Currently, we store the feed on a bare floor, leaving it vulnerable to damage from rain and termites. This has led to inadequate livestock feeds, leading to losses, especially during the prevalent droughts in our area, particularly in the first three months of the year. For instance, we sadly lost around two livestock last year due to hunger. For the coming year, I am planning to sell maize from my one acre of land and use the proceeds to establish a proper storage facility. This will enable me to store the maize stalks after the harvest and feed my three cows during times of scarcity.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GD has done well in providing unconditional cash transfers, allowing us the freedom to allocate the funds based on our individual needs and priorities. This has led to significant improvements in both my personal life and the wider community. Previously, I resided in a house with a muddy floor, which posed numerous challenges, from constant dust accumulation to the laborious task of smearing the floor regularly, a burden at my advanced age. Thanks to the cash transfer, I was able to cement my floor, a transformation that has made everyday living much more comfortable, healthier and easy to clean. Additionally, I am happy to have expanded my livestock holdings by adding a cow to my existing herd of three. I am sincerely grateful to GD for their impactful support, which has made a tangible difference in my life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the third transfer, I decided to invest it in buying a dairy cow worth $30. This cow holds great significance for us as it will primarily provide milk for domestic use, particularly when our other two cows are not lactating. This decision allows us to avoid the high cost of purchasing milk and ensures a steady supply for both my spouse and me. Since we only need a small amount of milk, I am eager to share the surplus with our neighbors and grandchildren. It brings me joy to uphold our cultural belief that prohibits the selling of milk. As our herd expands through natural multiplication, we plan to sell the male calves. The proceeds from these sales will be instrumental in addressing various other needs that may arise within our family. With the remaining amount from the transfer, I purchased two sacks of maize and some other food items. This ensures that my spouse and I have enough food to sustain ourselves, especially since we are unable to engage in casual work due to old age. We rely on the sale of our livestock to meet our basic needs, so having enough food on hand has also safeguarded the future sale of our 10 goats.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($280 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am considering an investment that will not only benefit my household but also extend its advantages to my grandchildren and neighbors. I plan to buy a cow, primarily for its milk. I intend to provide a steady supply of milk for our daily use, enriching our diet with its nutritional benefits. In our family tradition, selling milk is regarded as taboo. Therefore, the milk from our cow will be exclusively for consumption within our own home and for sharing with our neighbors and grandchildren. This practice not only upholds our cultural beliefs but also fosters a sense of community and generosity. The long-term strategy involves the natural growth of our livestock. As the cows multiply, we anticipate having male calves that, in accordance with our cultural practices, can be sold. The proceeds from these sales will be crucial in supporting my family in addressing various other needs that may arise. This approach allows us to respect and maintain our cultural heritage while also ensuring the economic stability and well-being of our family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The support from GiveDirectly brought about significant improvements not only for me but also for my community. Previously, my home was plagued with a muddy floor, a situation that made everyday living both challenging and uncomfortable. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to cement my floor, transforming my living space. Moreover, this assistance played a crucial role in ensuring a stable food supply for my family. In the past, financial constraints often forced me to consider selling one of my goats to meet our basic needs. However, with the support from GiveDirectly, I was able to keep my goats, which are not just livestock but a significant part of my livelihood and heritage. The impact of GiveDirectly's aid extends beyond my household. Neighbors have used similar support to undertake various beneficial projects: some have invested in livestock, others have fenced their farms to protect their crops, and many have even built new houses. Witnessing these transformations has been incredibly inspiring. The approach taken by GiveDirectly — empowering individuals with direct financial assistance — has proven to be effective and transformative. I hope that GiveDirectly continues with this commendable initiative, as it has the potential to uplift many more lives and communities.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before the assistance from GiveDirectly of $450, my floor was in a poor state and dusty, making cleaning tiresome and attracting ants. The smearing of dirt was a constant issue, making our living space less than ideal. Understanding the necessity of a more permanent solution, I invested $300 in cementing the floor. The new cemented floor has transformed our home into a more comfortable and conducive environment, free from the previous issues of dust, mud, and ants. Their support not only allowed us to cement our floor but also enabled us to address another critical need – food security. With $150 of the funds, I bought enough food, a necessity that was becoming increasingly difficult to secure. As I am currently unemployed, and my husband's income from casual jobs is sporadic and minimal, averaging around $2.5 a day, ensuring a steady food supply has been a significant challenge. We own 15 goats, which serve as a financial safety net. During tough times, we sell some of them to sustain ourselves. Small-scale farming is another aspect of sustaining our livelihood. However, the returns from our agricultural efforts are unpredictable due to inconsistent weather patterns. The assistance from GiveDirectly has improved our living conditions and provided a cushion against the uncertainties of our daily lives. For this, we are grateful.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($118 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was thrilled when my son informed me about the arrival of my transfers while he had the phone. It was a moment of joy and relief, as the promise made by GiveDirectly's staff was finally being fulfilled. Despite having received assurances, there was a lingering uncertainty about whether the money would truly come through as promised. Expressing gratitude to both God and the organization, I gave my son permission to withdraw the funds while I eagerly waited at home with a list of planned accomplishments in mind.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am overjoyed with the positive changes in my life since GiveDirectly reached our village and provided support, particularly to me. The abundance of ample food for my family of two brings immense relief and the biggest difference in my daily life since I received the transfer, considering the prior heavy reliance on unpredictable subsistence farming and the gradual reduction of our goat herd due to selling. The support received so far is greatly appreciated, and I eagerly anticipate the remaining amount, believing it will further elevate our living standards.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For a considerable time, my main reliance was on small-scale farming, which often faced uncertainty due to unpredictable weather conditions, and occasional livestock sales to meet various household expenses. Receiving the first transfer marked a significant relief for me, as it provided a lump sum that I could allocate to diverse needs simultaneously. As soon as my son collected it from the nearby shopping center, I utilized the first transfer by purchasing three plastic chairs and a mattress, spending a total of $37. The old mattresses I had been using were uncomfortable, causing backaches, so the new mattress was a much-needed improvement. Additionally, I allocated $106 to buy foodstuffs, including two sacks of maize and beans, ensuring sustenance until the next transfer. The remaining $37 was spent on essential household items, such as kitchen consumables and toiletries, addressing needs that were previously unmet.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The transfer will be of immense help. Our compound is open and neighbor's livestock can get in freely disturbing us. We plan to fence it with a wire mesh. It will cost about $500. This will give us safety and peace of mind. Secondly, we need to add more livestock. It's a good investment here. Sheep and cows do well. I'll add one cow and 2 sheep. That's approximately $300. It will ensure the continuity of our livestock. Providing us with more income from their sales. Additionally, our house is of mud floor. We must cement it for easier cleaning and a healthier home. We plan to spend $200. We also have food problems at home, necessitated by the long drought. Our farm production was very low. Hence we need to save some money for food when we finish the ones we just harvested. The remaining transfer will serve this purpose.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We have goats and I enjoy hearding them. It's an easy job and very rewarding. When I need some money, we can always sell the goats. It makes me happy knowing that I can depend on them for money to buy food.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We have livestock and we lack a good storage of animal feeds. After harvesting it's important to store maize plants, it's good animal feed. When left on the ground they are eaten up by termites. This makes it difficult keeping enough feeds for the livestock. I don't have a store to keep safe. It affects our ability to feed well our livestock for optimal milk production. Which has affected our milk production for domestic use. During drought periods it's important to have your own stored animal feeds. It makes work easier, hence my urge to ensure I have a good store.