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Newsfeed > Bahathi's Profile
Bahathi's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my greatest hope is to focus entirely on educating my three children. I believe that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for them, so I am determined to provide them with the best opportunities I can. Starting now, I plan to set aside a portion of every transfer I receive to cover their school fees, buy their books, and ensure they have everything they need to succeed. As each month passes, I will work tirelessly to keep them in school, guiding them to reach their full potential. My ultimate goal is to see them graduate, stand on their own, and lead independent, successful lives. By dedicating myself to their education, I know I am paving the way for a better future not just for them, but for our entire family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a mother of four children. We rely on subsistence farming for our livelihood, and my husband works as a cameraman. However, his income is not always enough to meet our needs. With the recent three transfers totaling $102, I knew I had to make decisions that would improve our living conditions and secure our future. First, I invested $27 in buying a goat, bringing the number of goats we own to three. This is a long-term investment that will help us generate income and provide for my children. Then, I spent $11 on food to ensure we had enough to eat. Our living conditions have been tough, and we didn't even have a proper bed. We used to sleep on the ground, using empty sacks as makeshift bedding. With $34 from the transfers, I bought a bed, and with the remaining $30, I purchased a mattress. Now, I sleep well and wake up rested, which has made a big difference in my daily life. These transfers have truly transformed our situation, giving us comfort and hope for a better future.
25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main aim is to gather enough money to ensure my children receive a good education, making their journey through school smoother and enabling them to graduate from higher institutions. By achieving this, I believe they will grow into responsible individuals capable of contributing positively to society in the future. Providing them with quality education is my top priority, as I see it as the key to unlocking their potential and opening doors to a better future. I'm willing to work hard and make sacrifices to ensure they have the resources they need to succeed academically. With determination and perseverance, I am confident that I can fulfill this goal and set my children on a path towards success.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Dependent on livestock and farming for my livelihood, the unconditional cash transfer offered a beacon of hope in our humble abode. Allocating $30 to hire help for tilling my farm was a strategic investment, ensuring a bountiful harvest in the approaching planting season. Witnessing the healthy growth of crops fills me with anticipation, hopeful for a prosperous yield that will sustain us through the year. With $32, I expanded my livestock holdings by adding another goat to my small herd. Each addition brings a sense of pride, knowing that my efforts in farming and rearing are bearing fruit, thanks to the support of GiveDirectly.In securing a brighter future for my family, education plays a pivotal role. Investing $14 in school uniforms for my two children uplifts my spirits, seeing them now attend school with confidence and dignity. Gone are the days of their subdued self-esteem due to a lack of proper attire. Finally, as we gather around the table, nourished by the food purchased with the remaining funds, I am filled with gratitude for the stability and opportunities that the cash transfer has provided. Each decision made was a step towards ensuring the well-being and prosperity of my family, a testament to the transformative impact of support from organizations like GiveDirectly.
21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As my livelihood depends solely on livestock keeping and farming, my primary objective for the year is to enhance my agricultural endeavors by reducing expenditures associated with hiring tractors for farm cultivation. To achieve this goal, I aim to acquire bulls, commonly utilized in this region for such activities. Currently, I own two goats, but to purchase a substantial bull, I need at least five goats, valued at a cumulative $200. However, for two bulls, I would require ten goats. Given my current financial situation, raising enough funds for a bull directly is challenging. Therefore, my strategy involves initially buying goats, which are more affordable. Once I accumulate ten goats, I plan to sell them to generate sufficient funds for acquiring the bulls. Having the bulls not only allows me to cut down on farming expenses but also presents an opportunity to generate income. I can offer ploughing services to other farmers in the area, charging $20 per acre. Bulls are preferred over tractors due to their cost-effectiveness. With the bulls, I gain the flexibility to cultivate a larger portion of my land, eliminating previous limitations. This, in turn, translates to increased food production for my family and surplus for selling. In essence, I envision a future with elevated income and an improved standard of living for my entire family, stemming from the successful integration of bulls into my farming practices.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My recent financial transfers have been crucial in providing essential support for my household's basic needs, including foodstuff and meeting school requirements such as fees and uniforms. In November, these funds played a significant role in bolstering my farming endeavors. I was able to allocate $25 to hire a tractor and $10 for the purchase of seeds. This investment ensures a promising harvest, providing long-term relief from hunger. Moreover, the surplus from my harvest allows me to sell a few bags in times of emergencies, providing a valuable source of funds and contributing to my overall well-being. In December, a portion of the transferred amount, totaling $20, proved instrumental in ensuring that my teenage sons underwent modern circumcision services at a nearby hospital. This decision was motivated by safety considerations, as opting for traditional methods would have posed significant health risks. I am relieved that the financial support allowed us to prioritize their well-being, and I am pleased to report that my children have fully recovered, with no health complications arising from the procedure. Additionally, they have seamlessly returned to school, contributing to their overall development and happiness.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
We live in a tiny one room house here in village this is after we lost our house to the rains. This was a temporary structure we made to enable us as a family to have somewhere to call home as we figured our way out. The transfers have allow me purchase a number of building materials which give me hope that the dream of getting a new home, bigger and enough for me and my family a dream that before seemed far fetched. My goal is to complete this construction to give my family to see the chance of seeing a better home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My family has had the opportunity to imagine living like other homes thanks to Givedirectly transfers. We are living in a small room made of three sheets of iron, this was following the loss of our home during the rains. Our house was old and worn off and was hanging in a thread. On receiving my transfers in July I spent $34 on the purchase of iron sheets, in September I bought nails worth $4 and paid for labour at $25. I also bought building poles in august at $20 and added some of my own money to but sticks necessary for roofing at $20. In September I also paid school fees fr my children at $600.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I said I could no longer continue with my charcoal business after getting a diagnosis from a doctor as I had been sick for quite some time. I now fully depend on my husband's income as a photographer as a way of taking care of my basic needs. As I said I also have three school going children and their getting a decent education is key for me. My plan is to use this transfers to ensure they get through school. I also want to buy a couple more goats and maybe chicken that I can rear.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I resorted to farming after my doctor gave me a diagnosis that couldn't not allow me to continue with my charcoal making business. I spent $25 of my April transfers hiring a tractor to till my land and I also bough some seeds for planting at $6. I also spent my transfers in ensuring my children went to school, I spent $20 in March and subdivided it between my two children for school fees and examination fees. I also bought a trouser in may for my son since his was much worn out. I bought some food at $9 in May. I had a desire to buy a goat, I had been spending my transfers on other basic needs but last month after discussing with my husband he gave me a goa head to buy the goat and promised to cover the basic needs.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I hope to accomplish a number of objectives this year. I want to first make my house look better. I'll accomplish this by erecting sturdy poles all around the house to replace the weak ones. Replace the "makuti" (coconut leaves) roofing with iron sheet roofing. Second, I'd really like to cover the primary school tuition for my other 3 children. This keeps them from being expelled for having unpaid school fees. By paying their tuition on time, they will have a better chance of succeeding in their studies and exams.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
At the beginning of this year, a part of my house collapsed. One wall that had extremely flimsy building poles collapsed, leaving me in a terrible predicament. To protect my young children's health from the cold and chilly weather during the night, I temporarily covered the wall with a polythene sheet. Due to the meager income he receives from his job as a photographer, my husband, who makes a living as one, cannot afford to pay for the building of the house. I was so happy to receive my January transfers that I immediately spent $17 to pay the mason who had repaired a section of the house. The remaining $17 I used to buy my daughter's final-year school supplies and pay her school fees. Seeing my daughter off to school, smiling and ready to learn with her classmates, makes me very happy.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a mother of four working as a casual laborer for livelihood. I burn and sell charcoal while my husband is a photographer in Mombasa town. Affording decent meals and paying school fees for our kids has been our greatest challenge due to our unsustainable income. I am so grateful that GiveDirectly’s transfers have positively impacted our lives. They have enabled me to buy enough food for my family, pay school fees, and buy uniforms for my school-going children. Every month when I receive my transfers, I spend KES 1500 to pay school fees for my kids and the remaining portion to buy food. I usually pay the school fees in bits because settling the arrears at once has been an uphill task due to my peanut income. In the last three months, I paid KES 4500 school fees, bought three school uniforms for KES 1800 for my kids, and spent the rest of the money on food. Since I started receiving the transfers, my life and my family’s have tremendously changed because we rarely lack food. In addition, my kids now go to school without facing serious fee challenges as was the case before.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I love the customer care department, which is very helpful in handling any queries that we have. They have provided better services and I want them to continue doing so. I want to urge the organization to enroll more people so that many people can get help.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent KES 500 on buying school uniforms for my son because the other set got torn and worn out. Besides buying new school uniforms, I spent KES 1500 on paying school fees for my children. I earn a living through the raising of livestock. I get paid by being awarded the Kids once they give birth. My husband works as a photographer in town. His job is becoming extinct with the emergence of smartphones which take quality pictures and are readily available. The low number of customers makes him earn very little (200 per day) and makes it difficult for him to take care of his family. When cannot earn money all day, I am forced to sleep hungry with the children or buy food on credit which many shopkeepers do not accept currently. Finally, I spent the remaining KES 1000 on buying stationery for my children, which was essential in helping me settle for the new term and new classes.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I am in a merry-go-round that involves goat keeping. Where one is given five female goats to rear, once they grow and give birth to five kids you keep the kids then pass the old goats to another. On this day, I woke up very early to shepherd the livestock. While at it, I passed by a shop where I had taken my phone for charging. This was around 6 a.m. When I switched it on, I saw the message that confirmed I had received funds from give directly. I felt blissful. After I was done with my work, I went to withdraw the whole amount then I used KES 170 on food purchases.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
It's hard to find happiness when one has so many bills to meet and no money or even a reliable job. This is my case and often I would be worried about what my children will eat. Now that I am receiving these funds from give directly, I am calmer. Even on the days when my husband, who is a photographer, doesn't get to earn, I know I have funds that will not only cover the food budget but also pay for the other expenses we may have. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used KES 170 to purchase some food. I saved the remaining KES 1000 for any emergencies. My husband who is a photographer, does not earn much. His pay is normally inconsistent. On a good week, he would send us KES 500. This is what I will use to buy food for the children and also pay any debt we have. I try my best to support him by practicing mixed farming. From here, I would get some nourishments for us.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
What I have always wanted is for my children to get the best education ever. At this error, children must be educated so that they can live a good life. I never got a chance to study due to lack of finances and this brought a ripple effect in my life and that of my family. It is not my wish for this to continue, therefore I will be using these transfers to better their lives as well as buying them food so they can also study on a full stomach. Receiving this money means an improved life for my children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My wish has always been to make sure that my children are educated to the highest level. Knowing that my dream is going to be fulfilled when I get GD money has brought joy and happiness to my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I used to burn charcoal for a living, unfortunately, I got ill and this made me stop. Since then I have been depending on my husband but this has added an extra burden on him that has made him struggle to educate our children. My wish has always been to get a job so that I can help him with some responsibilities sadly this has not come true. My current challenge hence is insufficient finances to assist him because he is overwhelmed.