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Newsfeed > Jumwa's Profile
Jumwa's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($374 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I look ahead to the coming years, my heart is set on a bold and ambitious goal: to open my very own hotel business. Having singlehandedly raised myself up to this point, I am determined to secure a brighter future for both myself and my family. To achieve this dream, I plan to diligently save from my current business endeavors, channeling every spare penny towards building the necessary capital. With unwavering dedication and tenacity, I aim to launch my hotel venture next year. This undertaking is not just about boosting my income; it represents a testament to my resilience and the desire to create a legacy of success for generations to come.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Receiving GiveDirectly's unconditional money has been a life-changing experience for me. With the funds, I was able to purchase assets that have significantly improved my family's life. I now have a comfortable and stable home, something we had only dreamed of before. Additionally, I invested in goats, which not only provide us with a source of income but also contribute to our daily needs. The financial burden of education was also lifted, as I could afford to pay school fees for my children, ensuring they received the education they deserved. GiveDirectly's support has opened doors to opportunities I never thought possible, and I am filled with gratitude for the positive impact it has had on our lives
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the recent unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly, I knew exactly how to invest wisely for my family's future. I purchased eleven goats, carefully selected to ensure they could thrive in our environment, totaling $300. These animals held the key to securing my children's education. As the school fees piled up for my four children in primary and one in secondary school, in Form 4, I could rest easy knowing that the livestock would be my safety net. In times of financial strain, I could sell some of the livestock to cover the education expenses. With $200, I paid off the accumulated fees for my five children, ensuring they could continue their studies without interruption. Having taken care of their education, I also had my family's immediate needs in mind. With the remaining amount, I bought enough food to sustain us for some time. My days as a local palm wine seller taught me to be resourceful, and on a good day, I could make $5. Although life had thrown challenges my way, including being abandoned by my spouse over ten years ago, I held onto hope and worked hard to provide for my family. Now, with the livestock and reduced financial burdens, I could see a brighter future ahead, one where my children would have opportunities I could only dream of. Grateful for the support received, I am determined to make the most of this opportunity and create a secure and fulfilling life for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($401 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was sitting under a shade tree alongside my house when the message arrived, and when I saw it, I was delighted. My house was in terrible shape; it would fall apart while we were asleep, and now the main worry was that the rainy season was here and I had no clue what I would have done.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
With the iron sheet roofing, I can collect rainwater and use it for every domestic use, saving us from walking long distances to fetch water. Not forgetting that we are now having a better house compared to what we had before, which was not even fit to be called a home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The only thing I could consider using the transfers on is building another house, which took me $53 to complete. I am grateful that I did this because the rains would have swept away our initial home and we would be homeless by now. I also bought food with $2, which has been difficult for the past few months. We are now delighted and comfortable as a family.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
A new house and venturing into livestock keeping are top of my priorities once I receive this money. At the moment, I live in a grass-thatched house together with my family of 5. This house is small and it can not accommodate us. I have desired to construct a decent house but due to financial constraints, this has never been possible. Receiving this money means realizing my dreams. I plan to construct a 2-roomed iron-roofed house to relieve me from the expenses of changing the grass roof. In total, this will cost me utmost $600 of my transfers. The remaining amount will help me to buy 10 goats to act as my long-term investment project. This will along in supporting my children's education in the future. What a happy life!
What is the happiest part of your day?
As a mother, having to watch my child stay out of school is so painful. This was my situation in January when my son who is in secondary school stayed home for 2 weeks. I had no idea how I would clear his fee arrears until I was lucky to sell some charcoal that I had in my store. From this sale, I was able to raise $30 which enabled him to resume classes even though I did not clear the entire balance. Seeing him go back to class brought me unexplainable joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Having to support my children single-handedly yet I have a spouse is quite challenging. Meeting our daily needs, requires me to engage in vending local brew and charcoal burning. Despite all the hard work, my children often miss school because I fail to pay fees on time. This has greatly affected their performance and it makes me worry of their future.