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Newsfeed > Rebecca's Profile
Rebecca's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18150 KES ($141 USD)
access_time 11 days ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was in town doing my shopping around 4 PM when I heard a notification on my phone. When I checked the message, I saw that I had received the money, and I was overjoyed! For the past five years, my house has been without sofas and curtains, so this was a big deal for me. I immediately thought about how I could improve the appearance of my home. It felt like a wonderful opportunity to make my living space more comfortable and welcoming. I couldn't wait to use the money to buy the things my home had been missing for so long!
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving the transfer, my life was very difficult because floods destroyed my two acres of land and my house. I was struggling to make ends meet and had hoped to sell my maize to buy chairs for my home. However, my dreams felt far away as I faced many challenges. After getting the cash from GiveDirectly, everything changed for the better. I was able to buy chairs and curtains, making my house look presentable and comfortable. Now, I feel proud of my home and grateful for the support that has helped me improve my living situation.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Transforming my home was my top priority, so I decided to invest the cash transfer wisely. I used $100 to buy chairs and curtains, which my house desperately needed. For too long, we had been living without proper seating, and the lack of curtains made our home feel bare. Furthermore, I spent $50 on iron sheets to build a separate house for my daughters, who are now adults and need their own space. It felt wrong for them to sleep under the same roof as us, so this was an important step toward their independence. In addition to the furniture and building materials, I allocated $30 to buy new clothes for my children. They had been wearing worn-out clothes for far too long, and I wanted them to feel proud when they went to church or on vacations. Seeing their smiles when they tried on the new outfits brought me immense joy. I love to see my family happy, and this money allowed me to meet their basic needs. With a family of six, life can be challenging, especially since my husband and I rely on casual jobs for our income. However, this cash transfer from GiveDirectly has given us hope and a chance for a better life. I now feel a sense of relief, knowing that I have provided for my family's immediate needs and created a more comfortable living environment for us all.
access_time 3 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
To ensure my children have a home after their house was destroyed by floods, I will allocate funds to construct a new one. Addressing the food shortage issue is a priority, so I will focus on securing an ample food supply for the family. Currently, my house is at risk due to termite damage to its wooden frames, which could potentially collapse in strong winds or rain. Part of the funds will be used to repair these frames to ensure my family's safety. The remaining funds will be dedicated to paying school fees for my two secondary school children. This will enable them to stay in school and concentrate on their studies without interruptions. To create a sustainable income for our future, I plan to invest part of the funds in farming. This includes replanting the land that was devastated by floods. This farming project aims not only to provide food for the family but also a reliable source of income.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The floods that inundated my house destroyed all our belongings, including our bedding, leaving us with nowhere to sleep. I was immensely grateful when the Kenya Red Cross Society donated mattresses and food items to us. This brought us great relief and comfort during a difficult time.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The floods devastated our village, including my own home. One of the houses where my children used to stay was washed away. I don't have the funds to rebuild it for them. Additionally, our 1.5-acre farm land, which provided our food and income for school fees, was also destroyed by the floods, leaving us with nothing to rely on. Now, we struggle to survive by taking on sporadic casual labor jobs. Paying school fees for my two secondary school children is a major hurdle. There are times when they are sent home due to unpaid fees, further complicating their education.