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Newsfeed > Noah's Profile
Noah's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($306 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my goal is to enhance my goat-selling business by increasing both purchases and sales, ultimately leading to a better daily profit. With this increased profit, I plan to expand my involvement in farming activities, particularly vegetable farming, as there is a water project set to be established close to my house. Accessing water from this source will enable the development of a vegetable garden, which we will utilize to sell produce and cover other household expenses.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Before GiveDirectly's intervention, my household was among the poorest in our community, and we were on the verge of giving up, especially after our motorcycle, which was our main source of daily income, broke down. Providing food for my family became an even greater challenge. However, when GiveDirectly arrived with a free cash transfer, I could not believe it was real until I received and spent the money on what I believed would help my family. I am deeply grateful for the freedom to spend the support as we saw fit, which has brought about a remarkable transformation in our household. I now have 12 goats, managed to repair the old motorcycle, and it is currently working well. I have also started a new business that I hope to expand using the modest profits I am currently making while still providing for my family of three. It is truly encouraging to see an organization like GiveDirectly that empowers individuals to make their own decisions. I sincerely hope this same spirit and support can extend to other needy villages, as it has made an incredible difference in our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the third transfer from GiveDirectly allowed me to turn a long-held dream into a reality by starting a new business, something I had been eager to do but lacked the capital for. I ventured into a goat-selling business, a choice I made considering that the entire community relies on livestock farming and often sells goats to meet household demands. Before starting this business, I had to invest $150 in a smartphone, which is essential for communication and showcasing my products to potential customers who place orders through phone calls and WhatsApp. This proved cost-effective compared to sending physical goats, which could be expensive and unreliable in cases where the customer rejects them. I used an additional $150 as starting capital, buying the first three goats, and have been reinvesting the profits after each sale. To facilitate deliveries, I repaired my old motorcycle, spending $56 on spare parts. I am pleased that the business is gaining traction, and I can now count on at least a $5 profit from each goat sale after covering all transport costs. Furthermore, I spent $50 on paying school fees for my third-grade daughter and used $45 to purchase new clothes for her mother. I am grateful for the support from GiveDirectly, and I am hopeful that the projects I have initiated will continue to grow and provide for my family of three in the future.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($319 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead to the coming year and beyond, my aspirations revolve around strengthening my existing motorcycle transportation business while reviving my wife's grocery store, paving the way for the initiation of a new venture in livestock business. My primary goal is to engage in buying and selling goats within the nearby market, recognizing the potential profitability and manageable nature of this enterprise. Our community predominantly consists of farmers who rear goats, and these animals are in high demand for local consumption in resorts and hotels. By capitalizing on this market, I aim to establish a thriving and sustainable business that will contribute to our long-term financial stability.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has been commendable in its efforts to alleviate the devastating impact of famine and hunger that my family was enduring. I am sincerely grateful that the first transfer we received was wisely spent on food, which rescued us from the grips of starvation. The enrollment process was conducted fairly, and the field officers displayed respect and professionalism, ensuring that we comprehended all the necessary information before we willingly signed up for the program. It is my earnest hope that in other villages, similar practices will be implemented, thereby facilitating equal transformation and growth for families who have long endured hardship and suffering. To enhance the effectiveness of the program, extending these positive aspects to other communities would be highly beneficial.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the second transfer, I had several goals in mind that I aimed to accomplish. One of the priorities was to improve our sleeping conditions, so I invested $560 in purchasing a comfortable bed and bedding. Previously, we had been using a homemade bed that made unpleasant noises during the night, but now we can peacefully sleep until morning. Additionally, I bought new shoes for my wife and children, spending $47 to replace their worn-out and torn ones. To ensure the safety and confinement of my 20 goats, I acquired a chainlink fence for $54 from a nearby shop, and I spent $3 on transportation for this purchase. Since my phone had recently broken down, rendering me unable to communicate or conduct mobile money transactions, I bought a new phone for $15, which has been serving its purpose effectively. Moreover, I settled a debt of $17 at the nearby grocery shop, where I had been obtaining food on credit. I also purchased some household items for $3 and acquired a sack of dry maize grains for $65, which has been sustaining my family of four. Furthermore, I invested $80 in purchasing two additional goats, aiming to include them in my existing herd and eventually sell them at the annual auction in December. Throughout this time, I had been reliant on a motorcycle taxi business that experienced a breakdown, resulting in a repair cost of $64. Fortunately, the motorcycle is now fully functional again, which is a relief.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($145 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment I received my first transfers , a rush of emotions flooded my being – gratitude, relief, and an immense sense of happiness. For the first time in a long while, I could envision a future where hunger would not be my constant companion. The unconditional transfers provided me with the means to nourish my body and regain strength. No longer confined to surviving on minimal or no meals, my life took a profound turn. The joy that emanated from having access to regular, nutritious meals cannot be overstated. It fueled my spirit, and allowed me to regain the strength necessary to tackle life's challenges head-on.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life is that I gained the ability to purchase food and acquire new clothes, this may seem like simple acts, but their significance in transforming my life cannot be overstated. The unconditional transfers not only addressed our immediate needs but also restored our hope and resilience. They provided us with a sense of security and stability, enabling us to focus on building a brighter future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
These transfers have provided me with a lifeline, enabling me to address pressing needs that were otherwise unattainable. The first priority for me was to address the pressing issue of food scarcity. Before receiving the unconditional funds, my family and I were going through an incredibly challenging period where we had no food at all. Hunger had become a constant companion, and the desperation was palpable. However, with the arrival of the transfers, I immediately took action. I allocated a substantial portion of the transfers ($170), towards purchasing food for my family. This allowed us to not only satiate our hunger but also regain strength and vitality. The relief and joy that flooded our household as we could once again enjoy nourishing meals cannot be expressed in words. In addition to securing our basic sustenance, I recognized the need to address the state of my wornout clothing. The garments I possessed were tattered and beyond repair, leaving me feeling self-conscious and lacking in confidence. Therefore, I allocated $ 300 from the unconditional funds to purchase new clothes. This seemingly small investment had a profound impact on my self-esteem and overall well-being. With the new clothes, I felt a renewed sense of dignity and pride, allowing me to face the world with greater confidence and a positive outlook.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
For the transfers, I plan to fence my farm which will enable me to plant crops since the rains have come. I plan to use about 50 dollars of the transfers. I also plan to purchase food and clothing which will enable me to live a decent life. For the second and third transfers, I plan to purchase 25 goats at 30 dollars each. This will assure me of having an investment in the future. For the remaining amount of the transfers, I will repair my motorcycle which I will use to do the bodaboda business. The transfers will greatly change my life positively since I will be able to do things that I could not do before.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness in the past six months came from the money I got from selling a goat I had. This enabled me to have a merry Christmas which made me very happy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The challenge I'm faced with at the moment is the lack of food and other basic needs. It has been 3 years since we had enough rain which have led to a lack of food and also livestock deaths. Because of the drought, I have not been able to plant my farm and therefore I don't have food. In addition to this, because of the drought life has become hard and I don't get casual work that I depend on to purchase basic needs. This has made my life difficult since I cannot meet all my needs and sometimes I'm forced to go hungry due to lack of food.