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Newsfeed > Dogo's Profile
Dogo's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($370 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
If I can just secure enough funds, my heart is set on transforming my living space into an appealing place. The first order of business would be to indulge in the thorough art of plastering, breathing new life into the weathered outer walls. This would stand as a testament to my aspirations, a tangible embodiment of the beauty I've always yearned to surround myself with. The thought of residing in such a beautiful place fills me with an exceptional sense of anticipation and fulfillment.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Giving Support to the community through unconditional cash transfers, irrespective of status, education, gender, race, or age, was a genuinely extraordinary move made by GiveDirectly. We are appreciative of the opportunity to take part in and gain from such a kind endeavor. We also value the chance to learn about the best ways to use money, since it has given us the knowledge we need to make wise decisions and make the most of the aid we have received.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
From the first transfer, I started constructing a spacious house because the one I had was very small and congested. Since I used the transfer for other things as well, I was unable to complete the construction. When I got the second one, I prioritized completing the roofing. I bought iron sheets and the roofing timbers for $200 including the contractor's labor charge. As of now, the house is complete and I am happy for living in a decent, spacious, iron sheet-roofed house. In addition to this, I applied for a freshwater connection at my home. I managed to buy all the plumbing materials and they were fixed. Currently, the only remaining is the water meter which I was told to wait as they sought out some logistics for them to come and fix it. This process cost $142. Thereafter, I paid $50 school fees for my son who had been sent out of school for the fee arrears. I am happy that he is back to school now. After that, I used the remaining amount for the family's upkeep
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($440 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had gone to grieve with my brother who had lost her wife when I received a call from my son whom I left at home. The son wanted to confirm whether I had received the first transfer from GiveDirectly after hearing from the neighbors who had received theirs. Since I was in a sad mood I told him I will confirm after I was done. Two days later when I returned home I gave him the phone to check since I do not know how to read. Upon checking, he confirmed that I received the transfer the very day he called me. I was happy to know that I had money in my account. This happiness was brought by the fact of seeing the green light of building a good stable house since the one I was using was collapsing.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Hunger and poor shelter was the main challenge my family and I were facing. Since I relied on charcoal burning, It was very difficult to make ends meet and we used to go up to at least two days a week without getting some meals. As of now, I am very grateful to GiveDirectly for the support it gave me. I was able to fix the shelter issue by constructing a house. I also managed to buy some foodstuff which has seen us getting some meals regularly not like before when hunger was terrorizing our family, thank you to GiveDirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I withdrew the money, I prioritized the construction of a house. I bought the building materials and their prices had been hicked after the suppliers knew that we received money from GiveDirectly. Therefore, I bought building poles for $100, 17 iron sheets for $150, and nails and ridges for $60. In the construction process, I spent $120 on the contractor. Currently, I am a happy woman sleeping in a nice secure house. The fear I had due to the state of the initial house is no longer there, courtesy of GiveDirectly. After that, I opted to use the remaining amount for the family's upkeep since getting some food has been a challenge due to poverty.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
What came to my mind once I heard about the arrival of GiveDirectly in our village, was to own a decent house. Imagine sleeping in a house whose walls are collapsing! This makes me spend sleepless nights due to the fear of being buried alive. With this money, I intend to spend a better portion of it,($800) to construct a 3 bed-roomed house. This will restore my joy since I will have the opportunity to welcome my visitors as well as live a peaceful life. On the hand, I will spend the remaining amount ($200) to install some underground water pipes to my home, to have easy access to clean water like my neighbors. Therefore, this is basically what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have a daughter who works in Saudi Arabia since November last year. Since then, she had not been paid but recently, she got her lump sum payment. This was a source of joy to me because I am currently getting enough food to share with my family of 7. I can now relax from the hazardous quarrying work which recently has not been reliable. What a sigh of relief!
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I consider financial constraints as the biggest challenge that I am currently facing. My quarrying job earns me very little, usually $2 per day, which equates to the cost of 1 packet of maize flour. This means I do not have a chance to save for my future as well as cater to very basic needs like housing. In addition, this job is no longer reliable because the workers are many and our boss chooses whom to hire. This has forced me to live in a pathetic house since I do not have money to construct a new one, a situation that has lowered my self-esteem since I can not afford to welcome my visitors.