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Newsfeed > Harrison's Profile
Harrison's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($350 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, I plan to purchase a dairy cow, which costs about $400. I have realized that there is a significant demand for milk in my area. We usually depend on milk from Eldama Ravine, which sometimes is not enough. Having the cow will allow me to provide fresh milk to my neighbors locally, while also earning an income.Having a cow will allow me to provide fresh milk locally to my neighbors and earn an income. Additionally, the cow will help me make use of the maize stalks from my farming to feed it.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GD has done a great job by conducting assessments and enrollments directly through household visits, which avoids local leader influence and ensures fairness. I appreciate that the transfer is sent straight to our account, ensuring we receive the full promised amount, without any getting lost through the pockets of third parties. Additionally, I like that the organization follows up on how we use the transfers, as this encourages community to spend their transfers wisely. However, I think it would be better if the money was sent in two installments instead of three. The first $200 transfer is too small to make significant investments. Dividing the transfer into two larger installments would have helped us make bigger investments.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had used the money from a previous transfer to lease two acres of land. I planted maize for both personal consumption and sale. The entire process cost me about $400, covering the leasing fee, land preparation, planting, and weeding. I was optimistic about a good harvest, but unfortunately, heavy floods destroyed all my crops. This was a big blow as I rely on the crops to support my family of five. Despite this setback, I remained hopeful. With the third transfer, I leased another half-acre on higher ground for $50. I spent $40 preparing the land and planted beans, which should be ready for harvest in two months. I also spent $360 on buying water pipes to draw water from the river to my farm. This will ensure that I can comfortably farm my land without worrying about drought, as we usually experience limited rainfall. It also means that I will not have to spend money on leasing land near the river for farming.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Now, I'm all about farming. With the two hectares of maize I planted using the first transfer, I expect to earn about $180. With that money, I'll buy my own land instead of renting. Plus, I'll set up a shop for my wife in the village. The profits will help us pay for school fees and take care of our family's needs.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly excelled by providing unconditional cash, allowing us to make our own decisions. Unlike other organizations such as World Vision, you haven't used brokers to reach us. Your approach is impressive and different, and we've seen the positive impact of your money in our area. You've educated us well, and we're grateful for it. For future visits to other villages, consider giving the money in two phases: $550 for the first phase and another $550 for the second phase. This way, people can make better investments. The initial $200 is often not enough to budget for a project, and sometimes we start a project and then have to wait for the second transfer, which can take a long time to come. This adjustment would greatly benefit the communities you support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before receiving assistance from GiveDirectly, I struggled to pursue my passion for agriculture due to a lack of tools and resources. As a family man with three children, providing for them was challenging, especially when our crops failed and I had to resort to selling goats for food. I relied on borrowing land from neighbors and tools for farming, causing inconvenience and uncertainty in my work.However, thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to invest in my agricultural venture. With $290, I purchased horse pipes to irrigate my farm from the nearby river, enabling me to plant vegetables at home. Additionally, I rented a hectare of land for $100 and bought bean seeds for $30. My wife and I transitioned to self-employment through farming, providing stability and a sense of pride for our family.Additionally, I used $28 to purchase foodstuff. With improved access to food and income, my children are now happier and healthier. We no longer worry about going hungry, as we can afford three meals a day. Moreover, I no longer need to sell our goats for survival, and I can rent land for farming without relying on others' generosity. GiveDirectly's support has transformed our lives and allowed me to realize my agricultural dreams.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($137 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 6:30 PM when I received a message notification on my phone, and upon checking, I realized it was from GiveDirectly confirming the receipt of my first transfer. At that moment, I was with my spouse and our three kids. I hurried to show her the message, and we shared an exciting moment together. I had no doubts about its authenticity since the indicated amount was exact as promised, and the sender's identity matched the explanation we had received during the initial sensitization meeting. Despite our happiness, we couldn't collect the money the same day, even though all the plans were set. Instead, we visited the nearby shopping center the following morning.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
For quite some time, farming has never felt as manageable as it does now since I received the free cash transfer from GiveDirectly. There has been a noticeable shift in how we manage things in my household, and the biggest difference in my daily life since then has been the ease of getting things running. Clearing the leasehold cost happened instantly, removing the usual friction with the landowner, and subsequent land preparation, including tilling, ridging, and plans to acquire seeds, went smoothly with no need for the perennial loans I had grown accustomed to. With this new way of engaging with my farming activities, I feel hopeful that everything will be ready at the onset of rain, and I eagerly look forward to a better harvest with reduced operational costs.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly was a relief and marked a shift in our household approach. We had numerous plans with my spouse, but our priority was to optimize our farming activities by reducing operational costs and seeking alternative input sources. For years, we relied on bank loans to purchase farm inputs, which incurred considerable interest and deductions from our harvest sales. With no other viable options, we reluctantly complied with the bank's and input provider's terms. Upon receiving the transfer, I spent $100 to lease an acre of land and, subsequently, $55 on land preparation. We currently await free certified seeds from Seed Co, a company that offers a more advantageous purchasing arrangement compared to Kenya Seed. It directly purchases from farms, eliminating transportation costs, and provides post-harvest services like sacks and a thresher, all while offering the same price of $1 per kilogram. This approach ensures higher income potential without bank deductions, unlike our previous loans of $350 per acre. I used the remaining $30 to repair my motorbike, which is a crucial asset for transporting my two children to school and facilitating farm operations. We are hopeful about our farming future and thankful for the life-changing support from GiveDirectly.
access_time 11 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Due water supply problems to my farm, we plan to buy water pipes and generator. This will cost approximately $600. It will give us stability since we won't have to borrow them again. We'll then hire a piece of land and combine with ours to make one acre. This will allow us to plant maize. The income will sustain our family. It will cost approximately $100. Farming is a lucrative venture and many people have been able to enjoy good profits. Additionally, we plan to use $150 to secure our land. It will ensure that our crops are safe from invasion by domestic animals. Goats do well here, we plan to buy about 4 goats. They breed well and anticipate to have a large stock in few years time. They will give us extra income and be sold during emergencies.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We planted half an acre of land with green grams this year. We were able to harvest about 100 kilos 2 months ago. It's meant for domestic consumption. We're joyful knowing that our family will have a stable food supply.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Irrigation is our main source of livelihood, but due to the long droughts, water shortage has been rampant over the last one year. There's a permanent river about 2 kilometers away from my home, we don't own pipes to pump water. It means we cannot irrigate our farm to plant crops. We can only wait for neighbors to share with us their water. This inhibits our ability to grow a large piece of land, hence we normally have low productivity. This has affected our family income and also food security.