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Newsfeed > Irene's Profile
Irene's family
Casual labor
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal still stands that I would wish to enroll in a tailoring course. Faced with unemployment and a lack of skills, I recognize the transformative power of education. By gaining expertise in tailoring, I aim to not only enhance my employability but also unleash my creative potential. Joining college and acquiring these skills is not just a personal aspiration; it's a step toward a more stable future for my family. I believe that with the right training, I can secure a job that not only fulfills me but also contributes to our family's well-being. Through this journey, I hope to support my husband in shouldering the responsibilities of raising our children and fostering a future where financial stability and personal fulfillment intertwine. Additionally, I would wish to be reunited with my husband and have a happy family again . Our family union was a bit cut short after my parents came for me just because my husband had not paid the dowry which he had promised to pay this month using his few savings.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I diligently saved $61 from the quarterly transfers from GiveDirectly into a merry-go-round, sent $5 to my husband, who isn't a recipient, and another $5 went towards paying school fees for my son. When it was my turn to receive the lump sum of $100 from the merry-go-round, I joyfully spent $60 to buy two goats, fulfilling a long-held dream of expanding my livestock. I'm hopeful that by the end of the project, my goats will multiply, allowing me to sell them and provide education for my children. I also used $10 to cover my son's medical bills when he fell ill and another $10 for food. Lastly, $10 was spent on buying clothes for my son. As an unemployed individual relying on my husband's income from driving, every bit of support is crucial, especially as we navigate challenges like medical expenses and providing for our family. Despite the distance, my husband continues to support our children, even as I stay home after my parents came for me to facilitate his return home to pay my dowry. His income may be limited, but together, we strive to make ends meet and secure a brighter future for our family.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to enroll in a tailoring course. Faced with unemployment and a lack of skills, I recognize the transformative power of education. By gaining expertise in tailoring, I aim to not only enhance my employability but also unleash my creative potential. Joining college and acquiring these skills is not just a personal aspiration; it's a step toward a more stable future for my family. I believe that with the right training, I can secure a job that not only fulfills me but also contributes to our family's well-being. Through this journey, I hope to support my husband in shouldering the responsibilities of raising our children, fostering a future where financial stability and personal fulfillment intertwine.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Clearing the $9 debt for my friend brought an unexpected peace of mind. I had purchased clothes from her shop previously, but due to financial constraints, I couldn't settle the full amount at the time. The lingering debt had been a constant source of stress, disrupting my sleep with nagging worries. Finally, being able to clear it felt like lifting a weight off my shoulders, and those sleepless nights turned into nights of peaceful rest. In addition to settling the debt, I allocated $5 to ensure that my children wouldn't have to endure empty stomachs. Buying food for a few days brought relief, and knowing that my children would have regular meals lifted a significant burden. Furthermore, I took $20 from the transfer and put it into a merry-go-round savings scheme. My goal is to accumulate enough funds to invest in goats. I have a vision that these goats will become a means to generate income for my family, particularly to cover the school fees for my four children who are still in lower grades. My spouse, a hardworking taxi driver and the primary breadwinner, has faced numerous challenges due to low wages. Despite his tireless efforts to provide for us, there were moments when our needs surpassed his earnings. I see investing in the merry-go-round and planning for the future as a way to contribute to our family's stability and secure a better educational path for our children.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In its current state, my house is in a dilapidated condition with weak building poles causing it to lean precariously to one side. This situation is a cause of great concern for me, especially with the safety of my newborn baby at risk. I fear that the house might collapse in the near future, posing a significant threat to both of us. However, I have devised a plan to address this issue. I intend to save enough money from my upcoming transfers to purchase the necessary stones and cement. My goal is to construct sturdy pillars around the house, ensuring its safety and strength.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
During July, a significant portion of my $15 was allocated to our savings group, formed with the purpose of saving money for important projects and achieving financial prosperity. Supporting my younger sister in her education was another priority, as she had been sent home from school due to unpaid fees. Thankfully, she is now back in school, continuing her studies. Additionally, I repaid a $5 loan to a friend who had supported me during a financial crisis. Recently, I experienced the joy of welcoming a beautiful baby girl into the family. To cover the incurred hospital bill, I utilized $5 of the money. The remaining $4 was wisely spent on purchasing one packet of maize flour and one kilogram of sugar. I am extremely grateful for the financial assistance provided through these transfers. It has greatly eased the burden on my husband, who is the sole breadwinner as a driver in the transportation industry. Unfortunately, the high cost of fuel has been negatively impacting their sector, making it challenging for him to earn a substantial income. In summary, the $15 was distributed among various important aspects of life, including savings, education support, loan repayment, healthcare expenses, and essential groceries. These funds have proven to be a valuable aid in improving our family's financial situation.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I live in a rented room in a different village from my home, I pay a monthly rent of $25 for this room. I have been really wishing that this can change. I cannot live at home since the sun is hotter there and the drought there is much more intense than here, they fully depend on buying water and food which is not the case here. I want to be able to have enough money saved by the end of this year that I can buy a piece of land that I can build my home on. I want to be self reliant since now I do not have a source of income and I depend on my husband even for the paying of rent in this room. I want my children to also access good schools and also go through school without stopping and this village provides the right environment for this. In my home children barely get through school as the environment is not conducive even for children to study and get better opportunities.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had been in one savings group in the village but when I joined GD I joined another additional group. In December I cleared a debt I had of $10 in my old savings group and made a monthly contribution of $10 in my new savings group. I would previously, before the transfers save $2 or $3 but now my contribution have increased to $10 which means I get back a good amount when money is being given back. I saved $10 in January to my savings group and $20 in February. I also used the transfers to buy food for my family in January I spent $10 on maize flour and in February I spent $5 on the same. I have also been working towards building a toilet, I spent $3.5 in January and February in buying roofing sheets. During the December holidays I bought clothes $10 for my family and also used $6 of my transfers as bus fare back home to go see my family. In January I spent $6 on my brothers school fees payment.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I want to buy a goat and also buy iron sheets and build a toilet. I do not currently have a toilet. I hope to spend $60 to build this toilet. We are putting money aside with my mother and aunt for $7 as we save towards building a toilet for the home so people do not have to use the bush. It is usually hard to send visitors to the bush whenever we are hosting, and I greatly hope this changes.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I saved a significant amount of my most recent transfer into a savings account. From my upcoming transfers, I want to increase my savings and purchase some land. I plan to construct a large home for my family on the new land. The land we are currently on was given to us by a relative two years ago. He passed away two months ago, and ever since then, there has been a battle between us and his family over who gets to keep the land. Knowing that I might soon be homeless if they decide to evict us has made me feel uneasy. In addition to saving money, I spent $10 on family food. My husband, who provides the majority of our income, makes a pitiful living as a public service tout. Purchasing a lot of food provided sufficient assurance that we wouldn't go hungry.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The GiveDirectly staff are well trained in handling potential thus they display professionalism at work. They play a role in creating awareness about the program newly enrolled in our area through sensitization forums. In addition, they always do household visitation without skipping any house this display how honest sincere, and considerate the NGO is to every potential recipient. Home visitation and kind staff. Moreover, they offer valuable advisory support to us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since I got married, we have been spreading our beddings on the floor because we do not have a bed. This situation has been tough to bear because it occasionally makes us catch a cold, especially during rainy seasons. Painfully, when we have young babies, we always suffer a lot in terms of seeking their medication as a result of cold that I suspect is caused by the fact we sleep on the floor during the extreme weather conditions. As soon as I received my recent transfer, I spent KES 3,000. Initially, we could not have one because both my husband and I do not have a reliable source of income. Thanks to GiveDirectly for its financial support.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
My heart skipped with joy when I received the transfer.  I knew that food would no longer be an issue for us in the coming days. After a week of illness, I was relieved to finally be able to take my son for appropriate treatment.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Prior to the transfers, I was nursing my son at home, hoping that my husband would to afford to take him to the hospital, which proved futile.  The timing of the transfer was ideal because I was able to cover his medical expenses. I am relieved that he is fully recovered and playful as a result of Give Directly's transfer.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband, who works as a delivery man, is our family's sole provider. Since his income is based on the number of deliveries he makes, he sometimes comes home with nothing. We are forced to sleep hungry on such unproductive days.  His inconsistent income makes it difficult for him to save for emergency situations such as hospital expenses. My one-year-old son had been suffering from chest pains for days when I received the transfer, but there was no money to take him to the hospital. As a result, I spent KES 450 on his medication. With the remaining funds, I purchased enough food to last the next week.
access_time 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
As my husband works in Mombasa, I live in my mother-in-law's house. Our house is falling apart and we have no furniture. Not even a bed. I resorted to moving in with my mother in law because I was scared that the house would cave in and hurt my child and I. I suggested to my husband we save these funds and build a better house once we have a substantial amount. Say maybe KES 30,000. It will be a relief to have our own space. The great of the amount we shall use to buy beds, mattresses and other furniture.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My child brings me joy. I am enjoying the journey of motherhood. I thank God for the blessing and I pray that he grants me a long healthy life to raise my child and bear more.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The space we dwell in at the moment is so small, that we barely fit. Nights are long and uncomfortable because I share a single bed with two more adults. I hope the situation changes soon.