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Newsfeed > Mujawimana's Profile
Mujawimana's family
Subsistence farming
Rwanda Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
477520 RWF ($427 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
i plan to expand my house since the one i have has 2 two rooms and I have four grown up kids who need their rooms.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
i appreciate GD for giving us money but i would still appreciate when given more money.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
i paid 350,000 for land since i had no land and they wanted to take it. I paid 70,000frw to buy solor lights since before we used to use torches. the remining money money i used it to buy food for my family
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The first plan we have for the first installment is to renovate our house and build enough space for us and we plan to buy house materials that we need like furnitures, beds , matress , clothes and food for our children we also plan to buy livestock to give us fertiliser, we want to buy a pig for $50 and a goat for $40. In the second installment we plan to add to the balance from the first and buy a land for $500. Receiving this money will help us move forward positively in our life because it will help us own enough land and we will no longer need to rent; our children will have a better life and live happily because they will be getting everything they need and they will study without any worries of getting school materials and school fees.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My children have been able to get what to eat and we have been healthy for a while now and this is very pleasant for us. Recently we had an opportunity to have a cow to herd which is giving us milk and fertiliser to use in our land and it has brought some importance in our harvest and standard of living. We have an orphan Charlotte that we have raised for 17 years , she went to get her own life 5 years ago in another district but reality wasn't as she planned, she got pregnant unexpectedly and the father of the baby didn't want to help her , she had to come back living with us recently and we are currently thankful that her baby come to life safe and sound and this was a happy event for us because we gained another member in our family.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The first challenge we are facing is not having enough land to cultivate, we currently have a small land of our own which can't produce enough for my family size, I have to rent in order to be able to sustain for my family. And to be able to pay the rent I have to work for others as well and the small amount i get i immediately use it and can't have any balance to use in any need occuring. We currently don't have enough fertiliser because we don't have the capacity to pay for inorganic fertiliser, I currently use organic fertiliser which is not enough and to get it i herd livestock for others because what i have is not enough. I have a big family of 8 people and our house is very small for our family size , we have to share the same room with some of our children and the rest have to sleep in the living room floor because we don't have enough space for all of us.