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Newsfeed > Esther's Profile
Esther's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary objective is to safeguard my crops by fencing my shamba. The persistent issue of livestock freely wandering and damaging my hard-earned crops has been a source of frustration. I envision a thriving piece of land where my agricultural efforts can flourish without the constant threat of intrusion. Fencing not only symbolizes a boundary for my crops but also represents a tangible investment in securing a sustainable livelihood. With a protected shamba, I am optimistic that my yields will increase, providing not only for my family but potentially contributing to the broader community's food security. This simple act of fencing holds the promise of transforming my agricultural endeavors into a more resilient and productive venture, laying the foundation for a better future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly changed my life. I was once in a place of hopelessness, struggling to make ends meet. The unconditional money they provided became a lifeline, bringing joy and happiness back into my life. With their support, I could address immediate needs and envision a more secure future. The financial assistance not only relieved the immediate pressures but also allowed me to invest in things that matter, like securing a stable place to live. I can now say with a grateful heart that I have a home because of the transformative power of GiveDirectly's support. They have done more than provide funds; they've given me a renewed sense of hope and the chance to build a happier and more secure life for myself.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Investing in a sustainable future became my priority when I received my recent unconditional cash transfer. With $278, I purchased a dairy cow and two sheep. The choice of a cow was strategic; I saw it as an investment for my older years. As I grow older, having a steady source of income becomes increasingly crucial, and the cow will not only provide milk for personal use but also an opportunity to sell surplus to neighbors, contributing to my livelihood. Besides securing my financial future, I spent $47 on a new mattress. The relief from the old one, which caused nightly discomfort and hindered my daily activities due to pain, is immeasurable. A good night's sleep is now an achievable luxury, enhancing my overall well-being. With the remaining funds, I made investments aimed at improving the quality of life. A 2,500-liter tank, acquired for $12.5, means I can now harvest water, eliminating the need to trek for miles to fetch water from distant dams. This not only saves time but also ensures a more reliable and convenient water supply. As a widow relying on casual jobs earning $2.5 a day, these strategic investments bring a sense of stability to my life. With my newfound resources, I can envision a future where financial worries are alleviated and the daily struggles become more manageable. Living with my two grandchildren, these investments are not just for me but are steps toward creating a more secure and comfortable environment for the entire family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($306 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, my foremost plan is to protect my two acres of land from animal encroachments. I intend to construct a durable chain-link fence and establish a grass plantation. The grass will be stored as a reserve to feed my livestock during droughts. This proactive measure will spare me from the laborious task of climbing trees and cutting leaves to feed them, a task my advancing age no longer permits. I am determined to ensure that my animals never go hungry and thrive despite the challenges posed by unpredictable weather conditions.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What I truly appreciate about GD is the unconditional nature of their transfers. These transfers have been a lifeline for many of us, lifting us out of poverty. I can personally attest that a significant number of people in my area have invested in income-generating projects, and I believe this will gradually elevate our economic status. Thanks to GD's support, I used part of the funds to purchase a cow and two sheep, which I see as a promising investment for a brighter future. Additionally, I no longer need to purchase vegetables since I can now grow them with the water from the water tank I bought.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had a strong desire to own my cows because the ones currently in my house belonged to my son, and I lacked control over them, particularly when it came to selling them to meet the family's needs. When I received the transfer, I used it to purchase a cow valued at $150. I am genuinely delighted to now have one, and I am optimistic that they will reproduce and multiply in number. These will sustain me through my future, especially considering my old age, which limits my ability to engage in manual labor for income. Additionally, I acquired a 2500-litre water storage tank for $230, which has been instrumental in preserving the rationed water we receive twice a week. I am proud to say that this tank has allowed me to engage in small-scale irrigation for my kitchen garden and fruit cultivation. Consequently, I no longer need to purchase vegetables as frequently as before since I get them from the garden. I allocated $36 to purchase a new mattress, replacing the old and worn-out one I had used for a decade. With the remaining funds, I invested in purchasing cement to finalize the construction of a latrine slab. This was a project I initiated but could not complete due to financial constraints. I am profoundly thankful that the toilet is now fully functional, sparing me the discomfort of sharing one with my neighbor and upholding our dignity and privacy.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($142 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Amidst the sun-kissed fields, I stood alongside my daughter-in-law, tending to the crops that sustained our livelihood. It was in this serene setting that we received the news of the transfers arriving. Our meals had long been meager, leaving our stomachs hollow and yearning for more. But with the arrival of the money, our dreams of having food that truly nourished us were within reach. No longer would our meals consist of mere fragments and diluted portions. We could now afford to have food that provided sustenance and filled our stomachs with a satisfying fullness. The prospect of enjoying a wholesome meal, free from the pangs of hunger, ignited a sense of excitement and gratitude within us.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The relief that comes from having enough food to sustain us cannot be understated. With our bellies full, we can now rest peacefully, knowing that our basic needs are met. Having made the wise decision to invest in two sheep, we have secured a source of sustenance and the potential for future income. These animals represent an opportunity for self-sufficiency, as they provide nourishing meat and the possibility of breeding and selling offspring. The thought of being able to generate income and provide for our family through these endeavors fills us with hope and determination. In addition to securing our food supply, we have set our sights on acquiring a water tank to collect rainwater. This investment will ensure that we have a reliable source of water, even during dry spells. It is a crucial step towards self-reliance, enabling us to meet our household needs and sustain our crops and livestock throughout the year. With these investments, we are building a foundation for a better future. We no longer need to worry about the scarcity of food or the availability of water. We are filled with gratitude for the support we have received and the opportunities that now lie before us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Recognizing the immediate need for sustenance, we allocated $100 towards purchasing food that would nourish our bodies and fill our bellies. In addition to addressing our nutritional requirements, we sought to invest in assets that would provide long-term benefits. With this in mind, we decided to allocate $900 towards acquiring two sheep. These animals not only represented a source of sustenance but also held the potential for future income generation through breeding and the sale of offspring. It was a step towards greater self-sufficiency and a means to secure a more stable financial future. Education remained a top priority for us, and we dedicated $10 towards school remedial programs. By investing in their education, we aimed to equip them with the tools they needed to thrive and succeed. Every decision we made was driven by a deep commitment to optimizing the use of the funds we had received. As we moved forward, we remained grateful for the assistance we had received. The GiveDirectly transfers had provided us with a lifeline, empowering us to make choices that would lead to a more secure and prosperous life. We embraced the responsibility that came with this opportunity, striving to maximize its impact and create a better future for ourselves and our children.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
It's timely that Give Directly arrived in the village. The transfer will help me establish myself. Due to food insecurity, I plan to buy a bag of maize which now costs a high $60. It will be important to buy other household supplies such as cooking oil, sugar, and beans. It will cost an extra $50. It should be enough for at least 2 months. I have connected piped water to my home. I pay $2 per month. We're supplied 2 times a week. Plan to plan to buy a 5000 liters water tank for storage. This will cost me $500. This means I will have enough water for domestic use and to plant some vegetables on my land. I can also sell to my neighbors to make some money. To secure my future income, I will buy sheep. They are easy to maintain and also expensive when sold. They also breed faster. I believe I can keep sheep to supplement my income. One sheep costs $50. I will buy four for a start.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I have a small farm. Currently, I have planted maize, and it brings me joy to see it green with crops. I look forward to reaping what I sow.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest challenge here is food insecurity. The drought made it hard to grow my small farm. Getting food is hard because of the high cost of living. I depend on casual jobs which pay $2.50. It's very little, sugar costs $2.50 a kilogram, and maize flour $0.90. This is very high compared to the previous years. It was half that. This means I must budget well from the few casual jobs I get lest we go hungry with my grandchild.