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Newsfeed > Alphina's Profile
Alphina's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year, I am hopeful and excited about venturing into chicken rearing as a means to generate income for my family of three. To initiate this business, I am estimating a requirement of $400. My plan is to secure this capital through an equity bank loan, leveraging financial support to kickstart the venture. The goal is not only to contribute to the family's income but also to assist my husband, who works as a watchman. By diversifying our sources of income through chicken rearing, I aim to create a more stable and resilient financial foundation for our family. One aspect of the plan involves hatching the eggs laid by the chickens, thereby expanding the business. This strategic move not only adds value to the initial investment but also lays the groundwork for the sustainable growth of the chicken-rearing enterprise. I am optimistic that, with careful planning and the necessary resources, the upcoming year will bring positive changes to our family's financial situation. The support from the equity bank loan will serve as a catalyst for this new venture, and I look forward to the potential success and growth it may bring.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly's approach to unconditional transfers has been truly beneficial. It allows individuals, including myself, to attend to pressing needs without external influences dictating how the funds should be used. The flexibility provided by unconditional transfers has been a significant factor in addressing immediate concerns and necessities. I also appreciate the follow-up calls implemented by GiveDirectly. They serve as an excellent way to stay accountable and responsible for the use of the funds. This level of engagement ensures that the assistance received is utilized thoughtfully and effectively. From my perspective, the current approach is working well, and I see no need for change. The combination of unconditional transfers and follow-up calls has made a positive impact, and I am grateful for the support provided by GiveDirectly. If there is anything to share, it is that the flexibility and accountability measures in place have contributed to a positive experience.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers brought about positive changes in my life, and I made strategic decisions to address various needs. Allocating $40 for household food was essential to ensuring the well-being of my family of three. One unforeseen challenge arose when our cow got lost for a week, prompting me to spend $40 on hiring someone to search for it. The importance of the cow to our family's livelihood made this investment necessary. Another $45 was wisely spent on acquiring a goat, contributing to our livestock assets. The remaining funds were saved, with the intention of eventually purchasing a cow. Currently, my family depends on my husband's job as a watchman for our livelihood. The support from the transfers has enabled us to acquire essential assets, providing a level of financial security that was previously challenging to attain. I am grateful for the assistance, which has not only met my immediate needs but has also allowed me to invest in valuable assets for the future. The support has made a significant difference in our lives, and I look forward to continued positive changes in the future.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My objective is to kickstart a poultry project and expand by adding goats to our endeavors. I plan to actualize this dream by utilizing my third transfer strategically. This initiative not only aligns with my goal of diversifying our sources of income but also contributes to the sustainable development of our household. By incorporating both poultry and goat rearing, I aim to create a more resilient and thriving economic foundation for my family. This thoughtful approach ensures that the utilization of the third transfer is not only impactful in the short term but also paves the way for long-term financial stability.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
One commendable aspect of GiveDirectly's efforts was their provision of valuable insights that significantly enriched our understanding of Mpesa security. The organization went beyond the financial support and took a proactive approach in empowering us with knowledge, particularly in ensuring the security of our Mpesa transactions. This added layer of information proved to be invaluable, enhancing not only our financial literacy but also contributing to a heightened sense of security in our financial dealings. It reflects the organization's commitment to comprehensive support, going beyond the immediate financial assistance to empower recipients with knowledge that has long-lasting benefits.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband serves as a security guard, while I manage our household responsibilities, including tending to goats and various chores. We are fortunate to have one child. With my second transfer of $275, I strategically invested in a dairy cow, ensuring a sustainable supply of milk for our family. Furthermore, I enhanced the living conditions of our home by allocating $34 towards wiring in all the rooms, a valuable improvement. To address financial obligations, I repaid a loan amounting to $20. The well-being of our animals was also a priority, with $8 spent on purchasing animal medicine. In addition, I invested in the future by acquiring Mango seeds for $7. Prioritizing our immediate needs, $30 was spent on purchasing essential food items. Demonstrating foresight, $70 was set aside for savings, reflecting our commitment to long-term financial stability. This strategic allocation of funds represents a thoughtful and holistic approach to improving various aspects of our lives.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($139 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I have a clear memory of the moment when I received my transfer. I was fully engrossed in taking care of my chicks, which were under two weeks old. I had left my phone in the house, so I didn't notice any notifications. Once I had finished tending to the chicks and returned them to their enclosure, I finally checked my phone to see if I had missed any calls during that time. To my astonishment, there was a message confirming the receipt of GD transfers. The happiness that flooded over me was overwhelming. I wasted no time and immediately phoned my spouse to share the wonderful news. Later that evening, when my spouse arrived, we enthusiastically began discussing our plans for making the best use of the transfer.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Receiving the transfers has truly transformed my life. I find happiness in having a proper seating arrangement, which spares me the embarrassment of offering visitors broken old chairs. Moreover, I'm delighted that we've made progress in terms of investments, having added two goats to our assets. This step holds promise for a brighter future, especially in supporting my children's education. The transfers have indeed brought positive changes that bring hope and better prospects for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The money brought much-needed relief to our family as it has not only eased immediate needs but also laid the foundation for a more promising future.As a young family, we made the decision to allocate $100 towards securing our future by purchasing two additional goats to add to the twenty we already had. Goat farming thrives in our area due to their rapid reproduction and their value as a reliable income source through sales. This investment promises a brighter future for us, especially since we lack a stable source of income. I rely on my spouse for our family's provision, and his job as a security guard in a nearby hotel provides very little. Additionally, I used a portion of the funds, $50, to acquire a sofa set. This step was taken to enhance the appearance of our living room, which was previously empty. Not only does this add to the aesthetics, but the sofa set also serves as a dignified seating arrangement for guests, sparing me the embarrassment of offering old and broken chairs. I used the remaining funds to purchase food for our family of three, ensuring that we have a sustainable supply.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Nothing beats the joy we have over this transfers. We have had sleepless nights because of a loan we took from Equity Bank to purchase the motorbike. Day after day we have been troubled by the incessant calls to clear the pending loan. We thought we could generate enough income from the business that could pay the loan without struggling and help us put food on the table. That was not to be the case, the events have destabilized us a great deal. We can't engage in any other development since the burden of paying for it is almost unsurmountable. We are almost through paying them and this transfers could not have come at a better time than this to salvage our grave situation. We intend to use $100 to clear the remaining amount and be free from the stress and enable us to concentrate on other things. We will use the rest of the money to purchase goats for keep.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I used to have the challenge of childbearing for about 2 years. It had weighed down on me, I was so stressed and pained. In our society when a woman does not bear a child is frowned upon, it is a disgrace and I had carried that tag of disgrace for long. I was on the verge of having wrangles, especially with the inlaws. I had gone to several hospitals but with little success and that is when I resorted to traditional medicine that eventually brought a breakthrough culminating in giving birth to our firstborn daughter, Jepkemoi. I gave birth to her in January, it was a momentous and defining moment for our family, I was over the moon. The feeling and the mood was out of this world. I am forever grateful to God for the blessing He bestowed upon me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We are a young family of 3 and struggling to make ends meet especially in terms of food insecurity. My husband used to work with Kenya Wildlife Service as a scout supporting the rangers albeit on a contractual basis. The contract elapsed in February and it made our lives a bit difficult because we could no longer get the constant source of income. He tried a hand in the motorcycle business but it has not been sustainable since we took it on a loan and we have been struggling to pay it back. It has strained us a lot since the little we get goes towards loan repayment and other competing needs.