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Newsfeed > Furaha's Profile
Furaha's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary objective is to transition from the arduous and unpredictable charcoal business to a more stable and profitable venture selling fish and vegetables. This decision stems from my unwavering belief that this new enterprise will not only provide me with much-needed relief but also generate substantial profits. With these earnings, I aim to secure a brighter future for my children by ensuring they have access to quality education as well as all the essential necessities they require. This vision drives my determination, and I am committed to making it a reality, leaving behind the uncertainties of the past and embracing a more promising and prosperous path for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly excelled in providing me with the freedom to make decisions about how to use the unconditional money they've provided. This autonomy has been a game-changer for my family. I was able to pay my children's school fees without any stress or financial burden. I genuinely hope that GiveDirectly continues to provide the same services to others in need, as it makes a profound and positive impact on families like mine, enabling us to invest in our children's future and break the cycle of poverty.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I recently received an unconditional cash transfer that proved to be a true blessing for my family. The first thing I did was invest $160 in finishing the construction of our new house. The previous one was in such disrepair that I constantly worried about its structural integrity and our safety. It was also too small to comfortably house my family of five. With the new building materials, including iron sheets, building poles, threads, and timber, I can now proudly say that our house is complete, providing us with security and peace of mind. No longer do I fear it collapsing, and our belongings are safe from theft. It's a wonderful feeling to finally have a stable and secure home. Moreover, I allocated $220 to buy six goats. These goats serve a dual purpose in my life. They enhance the security around my property, which was previously vulnerable, and they offer a means of financial stability. Whenever my children are sent home from school due to unpaid fees, I can sell some of these goats to ensure their education continues without interruption. Additionally, I managed to allocate $40 to cover the school fees for my two younger children in lower grades. Lastly, I used the remaining funds to stock up on food for my family. As a widow, depending on the uncertain income from my charcoal business, there were times when we went without food. Now, I'm relieved to have enough to provide for my children, knowing they won't have to go to bed hungry anymore.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($388 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As the recipient of GiveDirectly, I couldn't believe my luck when I received my first transfer. It all happened while my phone was charging at a power center while switched off. Unbeknownst to me, a life-changing message was waiting for it to be switched on so that it could pop in. It was my daughter who came across it when she switched the phone after picking it up. Her excitement was undeniable as she rushed to share the news. $550 had been deposited into my account, and the significance of that amount overwhelmed me. At that moment, a whirlwind of emotions consumed me, leaving me unsure whether to laugh, cry, or shout with joy. Gratitude and relief flooded my heart, knowing that this unexpected windfall would alleviate some of the challenges we faced.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Receiving the cash transfer from GiveDirectly has truly transformed my life. Previously, my family and I struggled to find enough food to eat, often going hungry for days. Despite my efforts in the charcoal business, I couldn't generate sufficient income to meet our needs. However, since receiving the transfers, I have noticed a significant change in our well-being. The improved diet has resulted in me gaining some weight, a clear indicator of better nutrition. Moreover, the abundance of food has lifted the spirits of my family, relieving them from the burden of depression. Furthermore, the transfers allowed me to settle a longstanding fee arrear bill that I had struggled with for so long. Overall, the impact of GiveDirectly's assistance has been remarkable, providing us with newfound stability and hope for a brighter future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the first transfer I opted to improve the lives of my family. Firstly, I bought a bale of maize flour for $24. With this essential staple, my family of five would no longer have to worry about going hungry. The relief in their eyes as they sat down to a satisfying meal was worth every penny. Thereafter, I turned my attention to our humble abode which needed reinforcement to make it firm. So, I used a portion of the transfer to renovate the house by building sturdy pillars to withstand the strong winds that often battered our region. It brought me immense peace of mind, knowing that my family would be safe and protected, no matter the weather. As a caring mum, education was of utmost importance to me. My son had completed his secondary education, but his certificates were withheld until we paid the outstanding fees. Without hesitation, I used $200 to clear the debt. The joy on his face, when he received his hard-earned certificates, was indescribable. He now had the opportunity to pursue higher education. Lastly, I decided to build a small house for my three sons, who had always sought temporary accommodation from friends. As of now, they have a place to call their own. The gratitude in their eyes when they stepped foot into their new home made my heart swell with pride, and I know this newfound stability would open doors for their personal growth.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Living in a better house will bring peace to my life. Currently, my house's walls are braving the heavy roof since the poles used were weak. This has posed me with a lot of fear since they can collapse at any time. I have desired to repair it but due to financial constraints, it has never been possible. With this money, I intend to spend utmost $300 to have it repaired. This will guarantee me safety and hence peaceful nights. On the other hand, my daughter has not been able to collect her KCSE certificate due to the huge fee balance of $200. Getting her results will help her stand a chance of securing a decent job or doing any course of her interest. The remaining amount will help me to venture into livestock keeping specifically goats and also to support our other basic needs like food and school fees. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Food insecurity has ever been my headache since the only source of income was charcoal burning. Currently, I am so happy since we are now receiving heavy rains in our area. This has given us hope in life since we have fully put focus on farming. I believe in 2 months to come, my household will be food secure. I, therefore, consider the current state of the weather to be the sole source of happiness in my life at the moment.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Being a widow means taking care of my 4 children single-handedly. Considering the high cost of living, I am currently facing a lot of challenges in supporting their education. Since my main work of charcoal burning earns me very little, usually $25 per month. It has become so hard to sustain all our needs. To an extent, my children would miss classes for at least a week before they resume. At home, we mostly skip meals or survive on one a day, a situation that has directly affected our health status. Watching my children desperately has robbed away my joy as a mother. Hence, financial constraints stand out as my main challenge.