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Selly's family
Charcoal burning
Kenya Large Transfer
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($350 USD)
access_time 5 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My plan for this year and beyond is to buy a new place to relocate, as my primary goal is to mitigate the threat of future floods. The devastating floods I experienced have taught me the importance of finding a safer location for my family, and I am determined to make this move a reality. I plan to use the last transfer from GiveDirectly to help me achieve this goal. The thought of securing a safe, flood-free home fills me with immense joy and relief, as I no longer want to face the dangers and damage caused by floods. Relocating will provide my family with peace of mind and a stable foundation for the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What stood out to me the most about GiveDirectly was their quick and effective emergency response when the floods devastated our community. Through their unconditional cash transfers, I was able to recover from the flood’s harsh impact and get back on my feet. The support I received helped me rebuild my business, restore my home, and even invest in livestock for long-term sustainability. Now, I am on the path to completely overcoming the effects of the floods, as I plan to buy a plot in a safer area to relocate my family. I truly appreciate how GiveDirectly stepped in during a time of crisis, providing immediate and meaningful assistance. With that in mind, I would like to recommend that GiveDirectly consider building houses for flood victims in the future. This would offer even greater security and help many families, like mine, recover faster and protect themselves from future disasters.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving $450 from GiveDirectly, I was grateful for the support. Previously, my business had been struggling, so I saw this as an opportunity to invest. I used $150 to expand my business into a kiosk shop with more stock, significantly increasing my profits. This growth has helped me recover from the effects of the devastating floods. With the income generated from the business, I was able to repair my house, which had been damaged by the floods, and restore my poultry farm which had also been destroyed. I'm truly thankful because, without this financial support, I would not have been able to recover. I also used $120 to buy two goats, which I plan to keep and breed as a long-term investment for sustainable income. In addition, I had two children in secondary school who had missed several days of classes due to unpaid school fees. I used $110 to clear the balance, and since then, they have been able to attend school regularly. Finally, I used $70 to purchase household items, including a mattress and plastic chairs. This was my first time owning a proper bed and mattress, as I used to sleep on makeshift bedding. The improvement in my living conditions has greatly enhanced my well-being. I am deeply grateful for this support, as it has allowed me to rebuild my life and secure a better future for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
On Sunday, around 3 p.m., I was at church when I received a message on my phone confirming that I had received cash from GiveDirectly. I immediately went outside because I couldn't contain my happiness and just needed to breathe in the fresh air. I was super excited and thought to myself, 'Tomorrow, I must go to town to buy iron sheets so I can start constructing a better, small temporary house.' This was especially important because I had been living in tents ever since my house was destroyed by floods.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I don't even know how to thank GiveDirectly enough. If it weren't for you, I think I would have died from the stress of having no house to live in, no food, and my small business collapsing. I lost hope in life, but now things have improved. Earning such an amazing profit each day is great progress for me. I'm hopeful that when I receive the second transfer, I'll be able to build a better house and expand my business to sell a wider variety of foods.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used to be a very hardworking woman, dedicated to my work to ensure my children got everything they needed. However, the floods came and almost destroyed the dream I had. The floods destroyed my house, my 1.5 hectares of maize, and caused my business to collapse. This setback returned my progress to zero, but I thank God because just when I had lost all hope, the GiveDirectly money arrived. I immediately used $160 to purchase iron sheets and build a small house. Although the iron sheets weren't enough to fully complete the house, they covered the roof and three walls; I had to use tents to cover the remaining wall. With the remaining $40, I bought enough food to sustain my family, as I have five children to care for, and my husband is unemployed, working only as a farmer. I run a business selling food in a hotel near my village, and the income I used to earn was enough to cover our bills and buy food. However, the business collapsed when the entire village flooded, forcing everyone to relocate to higher ground. When the floods receded, I returned and reopened my business, where I am now making a better profit of $15 per day. Since people received money from GiveDirectly, I've started earning much more than before when I only made around $5 a day. I am truly thankful and appreciate GiveDirectly for their great support.
access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money is a dream come true for me because it signifies the opportunity to rebuild my life. After experiencing firsthand the devastating impact of floods, I am resolute in preventing such hardships in the future. My immediate plan is to use the funds to relocate to a safer area. Addressing food shortages is another priority, and I intend to invest in climate-smart agriculture by acquiring irrigation equipment, which will allow me to cultivate crops even during dry seasons. Any remaining funds will be allocated towards expanding my hotel business, contributing to a more secure future for both myself and my community.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Operating the sole hotel in my village brings me immense satisfaction. Despite the recent floods partially damaging my hotel and reducing the number of customers, I find joy in continuing to earn a livelihood from my business.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Currently, my greatest challenge is facing homelessness and food insecurity. The floods destroyed our one and a half acre farm where I had planted maize to prepare for the upcoming dry seasons. Sadly, all crops were lost. Moreover, the floods also wrecked my house, leaving me exposed to the cold and mosquitoes. This situation has heightened my risk of contracting malaria and pneumonia. I look forward to receiving my transfers, as they will provide me with the means to rebuild my life and improve my circumstances.