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Newsfeed > Toiyoi's Profile
Toiyoi's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($308 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my primary hope is to address a longstanding challenge that has affected my daily life. In my old age, I aspire to connect piped water from the nearby school to my home. The lack of access to clean and reliable water has been a significant struggle, and the installation cost is quite expensive at the moment. However, I believe that once I achieve this, it will be a transformative change for my household. This water source will not only fulfill our domestic needs but also play a crucial role in realizing my dream of fruit farming. The ability to irrigate my crops will significantly enhance their growth and yield. Additionally, it will eliminate the need for my goats to roam over a vast thicket to drink from a seasonal stream, which has resulted in the theft of eight of them this year alone. Having water readily available at my doorstep will not only make life more comfortable but also help me protect my livestock and invest in a more sustainable future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has been a game-changer in my life, and I cannot help but express my admiration for what they have done. As a hardworking mother of seven, it has been immensely satisfying to see my children learn from my example, even as they venture out to their own homes. Receiving support from GiveDirectly was a blessing I will forever cherish, although I cannot help but wish it had come earlier when I was still physically strong enough to do more on my farms. What truly stood out to me was how GiveDirectly embraced the diversity of people's ideas and dreams. The cash transfer they provided allowed individuals to implement their varied ideas, fostering innovation and empowerment within our community. I have nothing but gratitude for GiveDirectly and the positive impact it has had on our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Transfer from GiveDirectly has been a turning point in my life, allowing me to address various pressing needs. I used $70 to purchase dry maize grains, providing us with a stable source of food. Additionally, I am determined to support my two grandchildren in their education, so I have set aside funds to facilitate their school fees payment, ensuring they can continue their studies. I added two plastic chairs to complement the existing ones, making it easy for guests to join us indoors and outdoors. I also set aside $50 for emergencies and replenishing household goods, including toiletries and utensils, to ensure we have all the essentials we need. I also gifted my daughter $40 to purchase food for her children, fostering a sense of unity and support within our family. In addition, I erected a strong fence worth $200, using poles, barbed wire, and chain links. This fence now safeguards my crops from livestock, ensuring that my farming efforts are protected even in the face of adverse drought conditions. Despite the challenges, I have never given up on the valuable skills I obtained during my time with the Kenya Forestry Commission. However, the new fence gives me hope for the future, as I continue to rely on my farming skills and the support from GiveDirectly. I also allocated funds to pay the labor costs for the construction of the fence to safeguarding my crops from stray livestock.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($336 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My next investment in the coming years would be to connect tapped water. Though I have harbored this ambition for a long time, I still believe that God will open a way soon. Above all, the assistance from GiveDirectly has been of tremendous help to us, and I cannot express enough gratitude.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Overall, GiveDirectly's support has significantly enhanced the lives and living standards of our community. During the community sensitization, we received excellent training on the program's operations, funding sources, and all the stages that they would guide us through, starting with the census. From my perspective, there were no issues or flaws that needed correction.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Due to my old age, I am no longer able to work on the farm as energetically as I used to, and thus, I rely on goat rearing and my children to earn a livelihood. Presently, I live with my grandchild since all my children are grown. After receiving my transfer, my top priority was to fence my land to protect my crops from animals. Additionally, I purchased enough foodstuffs for myself, but I cannot estimate the exact amount spent. Nevertheless, I trust my son, who assisted me throughout the process. For many years, I was unable to meet these needs, and therefore, I am extremely grateful for the support that significantly improved my living standards.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($161 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
My neighbor, who had also just gotten a message and transfer from GiveDirectly, was with me. He had already received her own mail and was able to confirm with me that it was from GiveDirectly, so understanding the message was simpler. On the second day, I went to the local shopping mall and picked up my transfer, which I later used to fund my predetermined goals.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Since I can now simply clean my home's previously dirty floor, I am currently quite satisfied about this renovation. Since getting the transfer, my sleep has improved. I appreciate the help from GiveDirectly and am eager to raise the standard of living for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Living with my two grandsons has made it difficult for me to provide them with enough food because your fields are not fruitful. Upon receiving the initial transfer, I spent $52 on a sack of maize and $15 on other household necessities, such as rice that we still use now, cooking oil, salt, and sugar. I also had to renovate my current home, which required spending $35 on five bags of cement, $27 on sand and water, and $18 on labor. Now that there is no dust in my home, cleaning it is simple. Additionally, I spent $12 for a feature phone and gave my son $10 for personal purposes. I also needed to build a fence around my property, so I spent $44 on 23 poles. The limited sum that was left over I set aside for my personal upkeep.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Since I have been young, we've always depended on our livestock. Goats do well especially when there's rain. Due to the drought, I will first buy food. Will spend $40 to buy a bag of maize. I always worry about food. So that I can plant some maize and groundnuts during the rainy season. I intend to fence my land using $400. When I fence, goats will not destroy my crops. This means that I will have enough food to store. In addition, I don't have a cemented floor. Will use $60 to cement it. This will reduce the dust inside. Dust affects me, I cough at a dusty place. This means I will have a comfortable house to stay in.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In this village we depend mainly on our goats. One cannot plant crops such as maize and harvest due to the drought. When I sell some of my goats and be able to buy food makes me very happy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Earlier this year, 2022. I planted maize and groundnuts on a quarter a acre piece of land. It's has been very dry this year, I lost all my crops. We currently buy 1kg of maize at $ 0.80, which is very expensive. The price is not dropping, could get worse. I depend on selling some of my goats to get money for sustainance. A goat goes for $30 now, which is low. I am worried of my food security since I now have fewer goats. The goats have also lost weight due to the drought.