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Newsfeed > Vavine's Profile
Vavine's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money will provide me with the means to relocate to safer grounds before the rainy seasons arrive again. Having endured floods, it's crucial for me to establish a contingency plan to protect my family during times of peril. A priority for me is completing the payments for a piece of land where I've already made partial payments. I intend to allocate KES 75,000 from my transfers to finalize these payments and use the remainder to construct a house for my family. This plan will ensure our safety and stability in the face of future challenges.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am grateful to have survived the recent devastating floods that struck us unexpectedly two months ago. The flooding occurred at night, catching me off guard. Despite my efforts to seek help, everyone in the village was grappling with their own survival, making it difficult to receive assistance. I had to physically carry my three children through the water to higher ground, where we endured the cold until morning. Rescue finally arrived the next day, and we were relocated to camps in another area. Following the floods, my family and I battled malaria and pneumonia. I am thankful that we received much-needed medical attention and relieved to have survived such a calamity.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I reside in an ASAL (Arid and Semi-Arid Land) area where I regularly confront severe weather challenges. Recently, my area experienced devastating floods that resulted in the loss of my seven chickens, two goats, and one-acre bean farm. To recover, I am now compelled to borrow loans from SACCOS (Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies) to reinvest in agriculture, which is my primary income source. The loss of my hard-earned labor to the floods has deeply saddened me, especially considering the significant progress I had made towards achieving self-sufficiency.