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Newsfeed > William's Profile
William's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($294 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been facing health challenges, rendering me unable to engage in income-generating activities. Currently, I can barely stand without the support of a walking stick, relying heavily on my son, who is also my dedicated helper in every aspect of my plans. While I don't have any specific new goals at the moment, my focus is on sustaining the growth of the recently initiated goat farming project. Prior to receiving transfers, I had seven goats, and with the final transfer, I added three more, bringing the total to ten. This endeavor is a long-term and sustainable project that is not overly demanding, especially since my helper can assist in ensuring the goats receive adequate care, including food provision. This strategic approach allows me to navigate my health challenges while maintaining a source of income through the goat farming venture.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Without the support from GiveDirectly, I wouldn't have accomplished a lot that I can now account for. I used to face illness and could go without food for an entire day, but since receiving the first unconditional cash transfer, I have never experienced such lack. I appreciate the freedom we were given to make spending decisions, allowing everyone to address the pressing needs of their households. If given another chance, I would gladly welcome GiveDirectly's help, as it has been both unique and fair to everyone. I have no complaints, and I haven't heard any complaints from others either.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the final transfer, I prioritized several essential needs with the assistance provided by my helper, Robert. My first priority was to invest in a long-term plan by purchasing three goats for $150, aiming for future returns through the sale of their offspring. rearing them around has been easier due to the vast grazing area, and the immediate availability of water from the nearby borehole Additionally, I spent $154 on food supplies, including two sacks of maize, a carton of milk, and other kitchen essentials, ensuring sustained well-being. I addressed various household needs by spending $80 on utensils, toiletries, and two plastic chairs. Gratefully, I saved the remaining amount currently held in my Mpesa account under the care of my helper. Despite facing challenges in working on my farms or engaging in casual labor due to my deteriorating health, the support from GiveDirectly has enabled me to maintain a sufficient diet and seek necessary medical attention. I appreciate the positive impact on my life through this support.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($308 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my goal is to establish a hides and skin selling business. I plan to source hides and skins from local butcheries and households within the village whenever there's a goat or cow slaughter, as well as from nearby meat sellers. My intention is to sell these hides and skins in bulk to a buyer in Nakuru, aiming for a profitable venture that can sustain my daily expenses and overall livelihood. This decision is driven by the need for a consistent income source, as I currently lack any income-generating employment opportunities.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly excelled, and their approach is widely appreciated within our village. Receiving a substantial, unconditional transfer was remarkable, as it allowed us the autonomy to decide how best to utilize the funds. The absence of bias in distribution ensured that everyone received an equitable amount directly into their accounts. I sincerely hope that this same procedure will be applied in other villages, as it fosters a sense of fairness and empowerment. We are open to welcoming any other innovative programs that could similarly benefit our community in the future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the first transfer, I made thoughtful decisions to improve my family's well-being. With $160, I invested in four goats and four chickens for a total of $184, with the intention to breed and sell them to cover household bills and my children's school fees in the future. I purchased a new bed for $30 to enhance our sleeping comfort, pairing it with my existing mattress. This change has greatly improved my overall health. I allocated $23 for essential household goods, including toiletries and utensils. To ensure a stable food supply, I bought two sacks of dry maize grains for $120 that I kept it in my helper's store where I had been getting my daily food. Additionally, I spent $5 on land demarcation and cleared a $110 debt at the local shop where we regularly bought food supplies. These investments have positively impacted my livelihood and financial stability.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($127 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my daily life since I received the first payment is the ability to sleep peacefully on a new and comfortable mattress and bed. Prior to this, I had been sleeping on old rags placed on the dusty floor. The upgrade in my sleeping arrangement has brought immense comfort and improved the quality of my rest, making a noticeable difference in my overall well-being.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the first transfer brought me great joy, as I had many expectations to fulfill. Living alone after my son left for work in a neighboring county, I struggled to make ends meet. However, I am grateful for GiveDirectly's assistance, which has been a lifeline for me. With the first transfer, I spent $57, with the help of my helper, to purchase essential items that greatly improved my quality of life. These included a bed, mattress, blanket, and a pair of shoes, which were all new to me. Previously, I had been sleeping on old rags and using tattered sheets, while also struggling to access proper meals due to my health condition. GiveDirectly's support has completely transformed my life. Additionally, I bought half a sack of maize for $30, which has sustained me for nearly a month. I also allocated funds for a plastic chair, transportation of purchased goods, household items, and saved the remaining amount to address debts and daily expenses.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Due to food insecurity, I plan to buy some foodstuff. I am always worried of my next meal. I plan to buy food enough to sustain me for the next 5 months. Will spend at least $50 a month. I will be withdrawing that amount in a month. I currently don't have a bed and good beddings. I plan to buy using $100. This means I will have a comfortable place to sleep. It will also include a mattress. I can easily rear goats to sustain me. I plan to buy 4 costing $120. They will grow and support me. I can sell them to buy food, meaning I won't have to depend too much on my neighbors. Additionally, I plan to buy 6 chicken to keep. This will cost me about $40 including a small structure. The chicken will provide eggs that I can sell. The rest of the transfer will remain on the mobile money platform. This will act as savings and assist me during emergencies or when I get sick. I will also be using to buy food.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am happiest when someone offers me food in the community. I also live near the borehole and can fetch water freely. Community members don't charge me anything.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My biggest challenge is getting food. I have a problem with my leg which hinders me from doing several tasks. I depend on well wishers from the community mostly because it's hard getting something to do. I can only heard goats and in return offered food. This is hard to come by because of my limited movement. Sometimes I am forced to go hungry, when I don't get a hearding job or someone to offer me food. This has made my life really difficult.