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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Saul's Profile
Saul's family
Motorcycle or bicycle taxi
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Now that I have successfully fenced my 3/4 piece of land, I am eager to venture into extensive farming to secure a sustainable source of food for my family of two. Recognizing the challenges posed by drought in this region, diversifying into agriculture becomes crucial for resilience. In the upcoming year, my focus will be concentrated on farming, and to initiate this endeavor, I require a capital of $200. I plan to raise this amount through a combination of profits from my motorcycle taxi business and the sale of goats. By leveraging these income sources, I aim to create a foundation for successful and resilient farming activities. This strategic approach not only ensures financial sustainability but also addresses the need for diversification in the face of climatic challenges. I am optimistic that, with careful planning and hard work, the coming year will bring about positive changes and increased food security for my family. The support from the motorcycle business and goat farming will serve as catalysts for the agricultural venture, contributing to a more stable and prosperous future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The unconditional nature of the transfers has not only transformed my life but has also had a positive impact on the entire community. Personally, I have acquired assets through these transfers, establishing a sustainable source of income. The unconditionality of the support has been instrumental in empowering individuals like myself to make meaningful changes in our lives. I am grateful for the flexibility and trust embedded in GiveDirectly's approach, which allows recipients to use the funds in ways that best suit their unique circumstances. As a beneficiary, I see no need for anything to change in GiveDirectly's approach. The impact has been tangible, providing not just financial relief but also fostering a sense of agency and self-determination. I appreciate the organization's commitment to making a real and lasting difference in the lives of those in need.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers has been a game-changer for my family of two. I strategically allocated $200 to invest in a chain-link wire, which I used to fence off my 3/4 piece of land. This piece of land holds great potential, as I plan to cultivate maize during the rainy season and tomatoes during the short rains, leveraging the ability to irrigate. A significant portion of the transfers, $240, was wisely spent on goats, enhancing our livestock assets. Goat farming, coupled with our existing motorcycle taxi business, has become a crucial part of our livelihood strategy. The remaining funds were dedicated to household goods, ensuring that our immediate needs were met. The diversification of income sources through agriculture and livestock has brought a sigh of relief, providing an additional layer of financial security. I am grateful for the positive changes these transfers have brought into my life. The ability to invest in productive assets not only provides a source of income but also opens up new opportunities for sustainable livelihoods. The combination of agricultural activities, goat farming, and the motorcycle taxi business has created a more resilient and diversified economic foundation for my family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Having successfully marked the boundaries of my land and being mindful of the demarcations, my focus now shifts to another parcel adjacent to the river. My goal is to establish a strong fence around this additional farm. Currently, I am in discussions with the neighbors on both sides of the land, seeking their collaboration in the fencing project. The idea is to create a unified perimeter fence that aligns with the needs of all involved, facilitating seamless tractor tilling without individual fences in between. To finance this venture, I have been diligently saving from my taxi business. These funds are earmarked to contribute to the construction of the fence, a crucial step in ensuring a secure environment for cultivating crops without the threat of livestock invasion, which has been a persistent challenge in the past. The collaborative effort with neighbors and the strategic use of savings aim to lay the foundation for a more efficient farming endeavor.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Cash support has proven to be the most impactful assistance one could receive, turning our goals into reality. GiveDirectly has facilitated this for the first time in my lifetime, significantly contributing to the success of our plans. Despite initial trust issues that some had upon enrollment, the organization not only delivered as promised but also granted us the freedom to spend the funds as we saw fit. The surprise and satisfaction within the community were palpable. I sincerely hope that GiveDirectly continues its commendable work in other communities, employing the same effective approach they used for us. The inclusive enrollment process, coupled with clear communication from the visiting staff, minimized complaints and ensured that everyone had a fair chance to benefit from this transformative initiative. My prayer is for GiveDirectly to extend its positive impact to more communities, bringing about positive change just as it did for us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We used to live on a big piece of land that extended from the top of the hills down to the stream in the valley. It was challenging because we did not have clear boundaries, and we relied on rocks or trees as improvised markers. Selling or dividing the land was difficult, often leading to conflicts with neighbors over unclear boundaries. The relief came when we received the transfer, which helped cover the surveyor's cost for subdividing the land and assigning plot numbers. I paid $100 for the acre of land where my house is situated, and now the boundaries are clear. However, after the subdivision, I realized my current house was right on the boundary, so I am starting a new foundation deeper into my land for a new house. I have spent $66 on 5 iron sheets and $30 on labor for leveling the foundation. I plan to use the remaining funds to buy poles and barbed wire for fencing and some food to sustain myself until the final transfer arrives, especially since I currently live alone. I will also supplement my food expenses with earnings from my motorbike taxi business, which brings in an average of $4 a day. The support has been crucial in making these necessary changes to my living situation.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($137 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Receiving the initial transfer from GiveDirectly was a heartening experience for me, as it arrived at a time when I had a specific issue I needed to resolve. Although the exact date of receipt was uncertain, we were informed about the month. The arrival of the funds took me by surprise, but I swiftly connected the dots and understood that it was indeed from GiveDirectly after going through the message. Even though I received it as early as 3:00 pm, I could not immediately collect the funds, so I patiently waited until the next day after aligning my goals. Living on my own, I had my own set of plans and goals that the money would assist me in achieving.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant change in my daily life following the receipt of my initial transfer is the commencement of the fencing project around my land. This endeavor has brought about a crucial shift in ensuring the protection of my crops, as it effectively prevents the recurring issue of animal intrusion. As a result, I am optimistic about achieving improved harvests in the upcoming planting season. The support I have received has been invaluable, and I am eagerly anticipating the potential for further positive changes in the time ahead.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my second transfer from GiveDirectly, I immediately addressed a pressing issue that had been causing me significant losses—animal intrusion on my farm, leading to crop destruction due to the absence of a perimeter fence. Prioritizing this concern, I invested $120 to purchase five chainlinks and successfully erected a robust fence that now ensures the safety of my crops in the upcoming planting season and promises improved harvests. I also repaired my motorcycle taxi business, which had been temporarily halted due to worn-out tires that I could not afford to replace. Allocating $40, I purchased and installed new tires, enabling me to resume offering transportation services to individuals and goods between the shopping center and various destinations. In addition, I allocated $12 to deworm my 29 goats and set aside $16 to acquire 20 poles for the construction of a goat house. To sustain my family's well-being, I used $70 to purchase essentials such as sugar and maize flour, which continue to be beneficial.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
For the longest time I have wanted to do farming but due to financial constraints, I have never done it. I have three acres of land along the river and it needs proper fencing before planting. Join receiving these transfers I will purchase good fencing material, a generator and pipes for laying drip irrigation. Afterwards, I can venture into farming full the as I would no longer have to worry about efficient production of vegetables. With the high demand, I can fetch good amount of money which will help me change my life around further more pursuing agricultural interests.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I started rearing livestock a year ago in order to supplement the income from motorcycle taxi. I am happy because they have multiplied and I am in a position to sell and raise money in the case of an emergency. This has also helped me repay a debt of $30 on time.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of water for home consumption and livestock use is a challenge. I fetch water from a nearby borehole at a cost of $1 for six twenty litres containers. I consider it expensive because I must also purchase fuel for my motorbike since it is far. If I had piped water within my compound it could be easier.