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Newsfeed > Elvina's Profile
Elvina's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My priority in the coming year and beyond is to boost my business as soon as possible, utilizing these transfers as a stepping stone to raise the necessary capital to support my family. I currently sell chapati and beans, but I hope to build up more customers to increase the quantity of goods I sell. Having this business stabilized will make a great difference in my life. Since I have a child in school, I need to have enough money to cover their fees and other essential requirements. Additionally, expanding this business will allow me to acquire enough capital to provide for my family's basic needs with greater ease.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am grateful because I managed to use part of my transfer, $10, for bus fare to the Safaricom office to unblock my line, and it is now working well. Besides that, I spent $46 to buy food for my children so they don't go hungry while I have money. Additionally, I bought personal items like soap, body oil, and more for $24, and clothes for myself and my children for $20. I did this to ensure we don't lack necessities. Finally, I spent $20 on my son's school fees to ensure he isn't sent home for the remaining balance.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The collapse of my business last year has left me in a situation where I must rely solely on these transfers to meet my needs. However, depending solely on transfers not only presents financial challenges but also fosters a sense of dependency. Therefore, my priority is to rebuild my business as soon as possible, utilizing these transfers as a stepping stone to raise the necessary capital. Additionally, I aspire to enroll my four-year-old child in school next term, which will entail additional financial commitments. Once I have addressed these immediate goals, my focus will shift towards long-term investments. One such aspiration is to save towards purchasing a cow, which I view as both a sustainable investment and a symbol of resilience beyond the duration of this project. By leveraging these transfers strategically, I aim to not only address my immediate needs but also lay the groundwork for future financial stability and prosperity. Through diligent planning and prudent allocation of resources, I am confident in my ability to overcome challenges and achieve my aspirations.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The bulk of my monthly transfers is dedicated to meeting the essential needs of my household, including necessities like food supplies and basic clothing. The unfortunate collapse of my sole source of income, my business, late last year has left me reliant on these transfers for sustenance. To revitalize my business and regain financial independence, I have initiated a savings strategy. Setting aside $10 from my monthly transfers, I am accumulating funds with the intention of relaunching my business as soon as possible. While these transfers primarily support immediate household requirements, my commitment to rebuilding my business underscores a proactive approach towards restoring stability and financial security. With perseverance and prudent financial management, I am optimistic about reestablishing a sustainable income stream and fostering economic resilience for my household.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aspire to become a landowner, ideally possessing up to 3 acres of land. Presently, I rely on borrowed land for cultivation, and this arrangement brings about uncertainties and conflicts. Owning land would provide a more stable foundation for our agricultural activities. Each acre of land is valued at least $800, and I plan to save funds from the cash transfers towards acquiring this land, fostering a sense of security and stability for our family's future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The primary provider in our family is my husband, whose income is derived from casual labor in house construction and working on people's farms. His earnings are unpredictable, making the recent cash transfers crucial in supplementing his income. In the last three transfers, I strategically invested $24 in acquiring a goat, considering it as an emergency asset to build a safety wealth net post the cash transfer period. This aligns with my goal of establishing security through livestock rearing, and currently, I have two goats acquired through the transfers. Another $10 was dedicated to buying new clothing for my two children, addressing the need for fresh attire, as their existing clothes were tattered and worn out. Allocating $24 for purchasing cement allowed me to finally floor my house, a desire that was previously hindered by financial constraints such as outstanding school fees. With these burdens settled, I am delighted that my house now boasts a well-floored surface, eliminating concerns about dampness when it rains. Additionally, I spent $14 to acquire food, contributing actively to our household expenses. Also, $34 was designated to cover the school fees of my children, who had accumulated outstanding debts that jeopardized their continued education. I am relieved and grateful that they did not have to miss school due to these financial challenges.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main goal is to have a big livestock-rearing project. With my previous transfers, I have been buying livestock for rearing and I would still want to buy more and have at least 20 livestock so that in case the project comes to a halt, I would have something in place to help me generate some income to support my family. To achieve this, I would be saving part of my monthly transfers and ensure that after every two months, I buy at least one livestock worth $12 or $15 depending on the size.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfers that I have been receiving had been of great help, with the tough economic situation, getting money to fully provide for the family had been quite a nightmare. I, therefore have been buying food on credit and paying for it whenever I get the money. The most recent transfers came at a time when the debts that I had at a nearby shop were almost due and I therefore managed to settle the whole of it worth $10. I had also initially started a livestock-rearing project that had been running for the last few months, and I also added one goat worth $14. With the remaining amount, I bought food for my family worth $10.7 and I felt so happy for the support.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Making and selling donuts is how I raise funds to cater to the needs of my two children. Though their father is actively involved, his casual tasks in working on people's farms barely keep them clothed. Since they are still young, my aim is to ensure they receive proper education throughout. I intend to raise the finances through livestock keeping; that is why I already own two goats courtesy of the transfer.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When my parents passed away, my uncle took on the mantle to provide for my younger sister and me. Given that he also looks after his family of two children and his wife, the little he makes from burning charcoal and working on people’s farms is barely enough for food. I always feel obligated to support him whenever a chance arises. When I received the most recent transfer, schools were almost resuming and my sister had an outstanding debt of $30 from the previous term. She would not be allowed to proceed to the next class unless this amount was cleared. So I deducted $10 from the transfer to top up the $20 my uncle had raised to settle the debt. Am glad that she progressed. I also used $14 for food because we had slept hungry the previous two days due to a lack of money. I spent $10 to buy new clothes for my infant son and me to replace the old ones that were torn. A total of $20 from December and November transfers went towards the purchase of two goats for rearing, $24 towards food, and another $20 on clothes. 
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I run a small business selling chapati, but it does not bring in a lot of money. My husband also lacks a job and hardly ever works in construction. As a result, we were starving when I received my transfer. I, therefore, had to buy food worth KES 1,000 because I did not have enough food for my family of four. I bought enough food to feed us for two weeks. I also spent KES 1,000 on a new set of clothes. It has been a long since I last bought decent clothes, so I bought clothes for myself. I am happy to have bought three outfits that make me look presentable. To be able to raise some livestock, I also spent KES 1,000 on buying a young goat. They are live assets that may be of great help in the future.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The GiveDirectly staff do well in sensitizing us on how the direct cash can positively impact our lives. The entire enrolment process is always very smooth and fair and everyone who deserves the support qualifies to be enrolled in the program. Unconditionality of the cash transfer also allows us to decide on how to spend it for optimum impact. On my side, GiveDirectly does well in all that it executes, however, there are people who question the approach it uses although they were not around during the enrolment process.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have always wanted to raise goats, even though I did not have money to do so. With the transfer,  I was able to purchase a goat worth KES 2000. When it grows, I will be able to sell it to generate some income in case I have an emergency. Because I had purchased some items on credit from the shop, I used KES 500 to pay off what I had purchased on credit. I am glad I am in a good relation with the shopkeeper as a result of off setting a a debt that had been running for about two weeks. The previous batch enabled me to purchase maize flour. This helped me because my business of selling cooked food had been struggling due to the increase in food prices.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
  It was late at night and we gathered in the living room, enjoying the only meal we had that day. I received a message notification from the phone and I stopped eating to read the message. I broke the silence and shared the good news with my family (my mother-in-law, my brother-in-law, and my husband). They were happy to hear I had received the cash.  
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The difference in my daily life since I received these funds is buying the two chickens. I intend to start poultry farming as another way of boosting my income. Poultry farming is one of the best ways to make extra cash because the market price is high and the demand is as well. Chicken rearing is relatively manageable and in 6months, I can start making a profit. I also intend to use the profit to buy some goats and practice goat farming as well. I am certain that keeping this livestock will be a turning point for my financial issues.  
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am married with one child. My husband is unemployed and has been working as a casual laborer on a people’s farm. Lack of food has been a major issue because I run a small business selling food in schools and they opened just the other day. My husband has been struggling to get a job because of the prolonged drought. When I received my cash transfer, I used KES 720 for food and bought two chickens for KES 200. because of the financial issues, I could pay KES 280 as part of the debt accrued in the nearby shop.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have had a desire of owning my own business for long. This is because a business would ensure that I meet my family's needs given that my husband mason occupation is no longer reliable. I am planning to use KES 30,000 to start a food kiosk in the village. Most of the foodstuffs are readily available in the village and this will ensure that my business thrives. My village is densely populated meaning the customer base is amazing and I will definitely make handsome profits. I will use the profits from the business to relieve my husband from some of the responsibilities such as buying food and paying for our child's education.
What is the happiest part of your day?
During the festive season, we slaughtered a goat and enjoyed together as a family. I also got a chance to meet my distant relatives and this brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The greatest challenge I am facing currently is lack of water in the village. I am forced to walk for over 2 hours every morning only to come back home with a 20 litre Jerrican of water. This situation is stressful and has denied me peace for long because getting more than one jerrican of water in a day is close to impossible.