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Newsfeed > Veronica's Profile
Veronica's family
Charcoal burning
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($344 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life has been very tough for us. We face many challenges because we can't support ourselves. Neither my husband nor I have jobs, and we have four children. My husband is a farmer, and I make charcoal to get food and pay for school fees. After receiving my last transfer, I thanked God because the money came just when we needed it most. My child was suffering from tuberculosis of the bones, which cost me $100 in medical bills. I also spent $150 on iron sheets to build an extra room for my children because the one we have is too small for all of us. Additionally, I used $50 on farming to plant one hectare of maize, but the floods destroyed it all, leaving us with nothing. There's nothing we can do except buy more seeds and replant. I also paid $100 in school fees, so my kids are now in school and are not being sent home due to arrears. With the remaining money, I bought food because sometimes, despite my charcoal burning, there's no market for it, and we end up going to bed hungry.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
One thing that impressed me about GiveDirectly is how kindly and respectfully you communicate with us. You show us love, give us accurate advice, and educate us about securing our MPesa pins. Please continue with this spirit of helping those in need because now, we are stress-free and living a more comfortable life.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My plan now is to replant the maize and, after harvesting, use the income from selling it to start a cereal business buying and selling maize. The profits from this business will go towards paying my children's school fees. I am very grateful to GiveDirectly for helping us achieve dreams that would have been impossible without their support.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($309 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers marked a pivotal moment for my family. Primarily, I directed $145 towards my daughters' education, ensuring they have the necessary resources for their academic pursuits. Additionally, I invested $20 in a fruit business and $40 in maize seeds, diversifying our income streams and securing a sustainable food source. I also allocated $40 for a bag of maize, ensuring food security for my family of five, and $80 for bedding, prioritizing our comfort. Moreover, I invested $25 in a goat, viewing it as a valuable asset for potential income generation. The remaining funds were used to fulfill any outstanding school requirements for my children. Previously reliant on charcoal burning, the transfers enabled me to explore more reliable income avenues, fostering empowerment and growth. I am grateful for the support and excited about the prospect of a brighter future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's assistance has made a significant difference in the lives of my family, particularly in ensuring that my children have consistent access to education. The fact that they are not constantly sent home from school due to unpaid fees has alleviated a major source of stress and uncertainty for us. In my opinion, this approach of providing unconditional cash transfers should indeed be replicated elsewhere. Its simplicity and effectiveness in addressing immediate needs while empowering recipients to make their own decisions about how to best utilize the funds are commendable. Overall, I believe that the core principles of GiveDirectly's approach are sound, and there may not be a need for significant changes. Rather, the focus should be on expanding its reach to benefit more people in need.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the next year, my primary goal is to improve the living conditions for my family of five by constructing a 2-room house. Currently, we reside together in a single-room dwelling, which often compromises our privacy, especially as my children are teenagers now. To accomplish this task, I have devised a plan to allocate $300 towards the construction expenses. My intention is to utilize the proceeds from the maize farm to raise this amount. By reinvesting the profits from our agricultural efforts, I aim to gradually save up enough funds to initiate the construction project. The construction of a 2-room house will not only provide us with more space and privacy but also enhance our overall living standards. It is a significant step towards creating a more comfortable and conducive environment for my family's well-being. I am committed to this goal and will diligently work towards achieving it in the upcoming year. I am optimistic that we will be able to realize our dream of having a better home for our family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($115 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The arrival of the financial aid couldn't have been more timely, bringing a profound sense of relief to our family during a challenging period. With five children on their lengthiest school break due to a two-month closure, the lack of a harvest from our one-acre maize plantation, affected by a prolonged drought, added to our difficulties. As a housewife with my spouse earning $45 monthly as a watchman, providing for the family became difficult, especially with the kids at home and no available food. Upon receiving the transfer, a mixture of gratitude and optimism filled me. I used $40 to buy a bag of maize, which ensured that our children would have sufficient food throughout their break. With $100, I bought two goats and used $20 to acquire chickens for poultry farming. The goats will provide us with milk once they give birth, and I am optimistic that the goats and hens will multiply, creating a potential income source for my children's education through sales. I used the remaining amount to address a day when illness struck me, covering admission charges and the purchase of essential medicines. Gratefully, the transfer facilitated the fulfilment of crucial needs, fostering a sense of hope and resilience for our family's future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I have experienced a significant improvement in my life since the transfer, as it has alleviated the constant worries of struggling to find food. The maize purchased with the transfer has brought joy and cheerfulness to my children, as they are ensured of receiving an ample and satisfying amount of food. Additionally, the livestock investments I made with the funds instilled a sense of happiness and optimism in me, promising a brighter future for my children
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I have a vivid recollection of that particular day. It was late in the evening, and I had taken a nap outdoors beneath a tree, seeking refuge from the intense sun following a fatiguing day spent working on my neighbor's farm. Out of the blue, my phone, which I had placed on the ground, emitted a sound indicating the arrival of a message. Retrieving it, I discovered an SMS that brought immense joy – the promised funds from GD had finally arrived. Overwhelmed with happiness, I immediately knelt down in gratitude, thanking God for the transfer. Shortly afterward, I shared the delightful news with my family of five, who were equally elated. We were aware that this financial boost would make a substantial difference in our lives.
access_time 11 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have three children in secondary school. It's hard raising their school fees, it's a lot of money to pay for us. Another child will be joining next year. One child needs about $500 for a full year of education. Raising this amount is difficult and our children are always send home. We depend on burning charcoal, their are specific trees that are allowed. Doing charcoal burning and casual jobs cannot fully sustain our children's education. We're always worried about their futures, education is very important.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It's makes me happy being able to feed my family. When we're able to get income from casual jobs and put food on the table brings joy to us. Due to the high cost of living, being able to get a meal means a lot for my family.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Due to the poor state of our house, we plan to build a one room house. We currently share one as a family of 6. A separate room will give us privacy and also enough space to sleep. It will cost about $500 and to buy a bed and beddings. Henceforth, my family will have a comfortable place to live in. Additionally, due to the difficulty in payment of school fees. We plan to set aside about $400 for our children's education. Lastly for future sustainability, we plan to buy 2 goats. They breed faster here. When they grow, we'll get milk for use and can also sell them for extra income.