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Newsfeed > Mustafa's Profile
Mustafa's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($154 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Happy me! The GiveDirectly message popped up on my phone while I was at work in Tiaty sub-county. I was overjoyed, and the first words out of my mouth were, "Wow! God is with me." The excitement bubbled up inside me, and I immediately called my wife, forwarding her the message. She was at home, and when I told her the news, she was very happy too. "Finally, the money from GiveDirectly has arrived," I said. We shared a moment of pure joy over the phone.Even though I received the money on Wednesday, I decided not to touch it until I got home on Friday. After hanging up, my thoughts turned to how we could use this blessing. The first thing that came to mind was investing the money in our farming. Specifically, I thought about paying for water for irrigation. We often have to pay $40 to the irrigation board in Kenya to ensure we have enough water for our crops.With this money, I knew we could secure the water we needed and improve our farming efforts. My family and I are very grateful and thank God for using GiveDirectly to bless us with this unconditional cash.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Through the help of GiveDirectly, I can now confidently say that I can afford things that were previously out of reach. My salary often used to be delayed, making it difficult to plan for my job. But this time, I received support from GiveDirectly, and the money arrived earlier than my salary. This timely support allowed me to plan for farming immediately, something that would have been delayed due to a lack of funds.With the income I will earn from farming, I plan to buy my own generator to pump water to my crops. Access to water has become a critical issue in our area, making farming very challenging. This generator will be a game-changer for us.My family is very happy and healthy now. They have joy in their hearts because we can finally afford the things we couldn't before. Thanks to GiveDirectly, our lives have taken a positive turn, and we are filled with gratitude.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After sitting down with my wife to discuss how best to use the money, we decided to invest the entire $200 in agriculture. Our plan was comprehensive: we would plough the farm using tractors, purchase seeds, pay for irrigation water, and hire laborers to help prepare and plant the crops. We decided to plant one hectare of maize and half a hectare of black nightshade vegetables, known locally as Managu.My main focus was on Managu because it's highly marketable, bringing in around $140 per harvest, with the potential for multiple harvests. This income would be crucial for paying our children's school fees. Meanwhile, the maize would ensure we had enough food for our homestead. With 12 kids and four grandchildren to provide for, and my wife not being employed but working as a farmer at home, this investment meant a lot to us. I work as a driver for the Ministry of Health, transporting supplies between hospitals and dispensaries, but my salary alone isn't enough to cover all our needs. This agricultural investment gave us hope and a clear path towards financial stability and a better future for our family.
access_time 6 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Once I receive my transfers, I plan to invest in a water pump for irrigating my 2-acre piece of land. I will set aside $450 for a Honda water pump because of its horsepower and ability to pump over long distances. This investment will allow me to cultivate vegetables during the dry season to provide for my family of 10. The remaining funds will go towards school fees for my children and reviving my retail shop to earn extra income. I will be excited to involve my wife, Jackline, in managing the shop to keep her engaged and contribute to our family's financial stability.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was excited when Faith received her grade 8 exam results in December 2023. Scoring 287 out of 500 was an excellent achievement, and it secured her admission to the secondary school she wanted. I am incredibly proud of her hard work and dedication. Now, it is my responsibility to ensure she can continue her education smoothly by arranging for her grade 9 school fees. Investing in her education is my top priority, and I will do whatever it takes to support her academic journey.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Money truly drives so much in our lives. Without it, everything from farming to education and even putting food on the table becomes incredibly challenging. Right now, I am in a tough spot. I have not been able to cultivate my 5-acre piece of land at the Perkerra scheme because I do not have the $2100 fee required to get assistance from the board. My family of ten relies on my job as a driver to make ends meet, but all the money I earn goes towards putting food on the table, leaving nothing to invest in our farm. I am worried that if I cannot find a way to invest in the farm soon, we will not have enough food to sustain us. It is a constant struggle, and I have had to take out loans just to try to keep up.