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Newsfeed > Naomi's Profile
Naomi's family
Casual labor
Liberia Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
4th Payment
Transfer Amount
42500 LRD ($277 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Before receiving payment from GiveDirectly, as a single Mother, I was not really doing anything that could bring forth income. For this reason, I struggled a lot to cater for my children's daily needs and school fees. Gracefully, since I started receiving payment from GiveDirectly, I immediately started a little business using my first transfer. My second and third transfers were spent on my four children's school fees with a little amount added to my business. However, with my recent transfer my new goal is to built a two bed room house for my kids and I. On that note, I spent the amount of thirty one thousand dollars and bought two bundles of zinc. The remaining money was spend on my children's food.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am very grateful to GiveDirectly for bringing this financial favour my way. Lest I thought that my children's were not going to enter school this year. Happily, it was through GiveDirectly financial assistance that I am a self -employed woman today and all my kids are in school and doing quite well. They have brought so much relieved and life changing opportunity to us. For this reason, we are very grateful to GiveDirectly for this great financial opportunity. Truly speaking, I have not seen or heard anything that GiveDirectly did not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving my first two transfers, as a single Mother who couldn't afford even a proper daily meal for her kids, I used a good portion of my two transfers and started a mini business that could help as source of income. The balance Was spent on my children's school fees. Furthermore, I used all my third transfer on my son's college fees. Now with my recent transfer, I have decided to built a two bed room house for my children and I. Therefore, I used the amount of thirty one thousand dollars and bought two bundles of zinc. Moreover, the balance money was used to buy food for my children. Now I feel very happy and lucky to be one of the beneficiaries of GiveDirectly program.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
42500 LRD ($279 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Before receiving payment from GiveDirectly, I am a single mother with six children, with the earnings from the petite business I am doing, it is never enough to pay all of them school fees including the one in college. For this reason I have not developed any new goal. My only goal is to see all of them in school and cater for their well being. With this transfer I was able to pay all five of my kids second installment tuition including the one in college. I am very grateful to GiveDirectly for this financial opportunity, I am a proud happy mother to my children right now .
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion GiveDirectly has been doing a tremendous job. I have seen every efforts and sacrifices put in place by this Organization just to reach all their beneficiaries. They have brought so much joyed and relieved in our various lives. The love and care shown by this Organization is unspeakable. Sincerely speaking, I have not seen anything wrong done by GiveDirectly. They remain our hero and for this we're grateful.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving payment from GiveDirectly, as a mother seeing all my kids in school had been my biggest worry. with the responsibility and quest to see all my kids in school even as a single mother, I used almost all my recent transfer to pay all my five children second installment tuition including the oldest one in college. Furthermore, I used a little portion to buy a mattress for myself. Finally the remaining money was spend on buying food.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
42500 LRD ($299 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
There are lot of different goals that I have been planning to achieve but I have not been able to because of the lack of money. Due to these plans, I am still holding onto my first transfer because I need more money to be able to do what I am planning to do. I have planned to sell or do a business. If I am selling I will be able to save more money and send my children to school for a brighter future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Givedirectly had been known as the best NGOs in our country. It's approaches towards people are very much appropriate. The agents on the field representing the organisation are also carrying a very good image for the organisation. GiveDirectly have made so many poor people to have a better future that they have never expected. To me, there is nothing wrong about GiveDirectly. It has made me to achieve my dreams and secure a better future for my children and also my grandchildren I . Within my own opinion, I have seen nothing bad they have done.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My plans were unable to reached by myself. I was not able to reach these goals because of the kind of poverty that I am going to in life. As God could have it, I was fortunate to be eligible on the cash transfer program of GiveDirectly in my village. With this cash, I have decided to see my plans being fulfilled by sending my children to school and also educating my grandchildren as well. My long terms business plans has also been achieve by means of receiving this money from Givedirectly. I am so grateful to GiveDirectly for coming to help me and my family achieve my dreams.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
40375 LRD ($269 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was doing my normal daily work when I heard my phone message tune; when I went there to see what it was, I'd noticed that it was a cash transferred message from Givedirectly. I was so happy and filled with joy, feeling so fine in my mind and soul.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I have been living a very poor life not because I want to but because I am very poor. I wouldn't be able to help myself if this transfer had not been done. I could not even have a comlete good meal a day, but now I can see great changes in my life I can eat good meal daily, I also eat breakfast now these days. I am also planning a fire coal business that will help me in the future to raise more money and keep me and my family up.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have planned to invest into business and my business attention has been drown to fire coal business. I'm planning to do this coal business there is no one around my surroundings here that do such business. I don't wish for my hands to ever go dry financially anymore like what I have been passing through before the coming of Givedirectly cash transfer. I believe that my life will be very better than ever before.
access_time 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
When I receive any money from Give Directly, I will use some to build my house, establish business and support my children in school.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Since my husband left the house, nothing has brought happiness to me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My major challenge is how to feed my children. Since my children father left the home three years ago, I have found it very hard to support them. I have to go into the bushes to break wood to burn as char coal before providing for my children and me.