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Newsfeed > Cherono's Profile
Cherono's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53200 KES ($467 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been supplying water to the nearest school where one of my children schools and I usually get paid at the end of each month. They usually deduct 50% that goes to school fees from the amount that I am paid. I have six children in different levels of education and despite getting help from my spouse in paying school fees for them, they are usually in and out of school most of the time. It has been my wish to start a poultry-keeping project as a way of diversifying my sources of income. When I received my transfer, I spent KES 20000 building a chicken coop and used KES 6000 to pay school fees for my son to avoid being sent back home. In addition, I spent KES 20000 on the purchase of a dairy cow as an investment for my family. This will lead to an increase in the income from milk sales when it reproduces and I will be able to use this money in educating our children.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly officers educated us well on the security information that is still helpful to me up to date. The financial aid that we were given enabled us to achieve so many things including paying for hospital bills since it was unconditional. These to me are a few of the things that they did well in since I do not see anything that went wrong.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I do not have any new or additional goals since I am yet to achieve one of starting a poultry-keeping project. I have already ordered 100 chicks and I will pick them up once they are one month old. I have already paid half of the amount and I will be paying the remaining amount when I will be going to pick them up and also buy their feeds. I am glad that the poultry coop is ready and is in good shape and I will think of another project once this stabilizes
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($508 USD)
access_time 3 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the first transfer was a great deal of blessing to me as I had a lot of bills to settle as well as pending projects that needed a huge sum of money to be completed. This first patch saw my five children acquire new school informs with the elder son's school fees both for the previous and the next three terms cleared. I also obtained foodstuff worth 70000KES, and constructed a new chicken coop with the remaining 20000KES after purchasing iron sheets, woods and also putting up a circumference wall with a chain link.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
After struggling with the school fees payment and other school demands for my seven children, I was grateful to see them in brand new uniforms and their school fees cleared. This has so far been the biggest difference in my daily life as it has given me peace of mind and ample time to work on other income-generating projects that had been lagging.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The thought of having all unsettled financial obligations met after receiving the first transfer gave me great joy and a sigh of relief the moment I received. I had been anticipating this moment, and never left home to my daily chores that day as it was well stated by the officers who visited that everyone would be receiving that same day. I was excited to receive it early enough that day to start planning how best I will align to the budget I had.
access_time over 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My vegetable vending business as well as my spouse's taxi business earns us about Sh 1000 daily of which up to Sh 800 is consumed daily.This is attributed to the fact that even though we farm in our 0.6 acre piece of land,we have not had a maize harvest for 4 consecutive years.For the first three years it was due to inadequate rain and last year there was a crop disease that wiped out our entire crops. As a result of this,we have had to use up all what we earn daily to meet the basic needs of our family-with food taking up a large part of that. We have therefore not been able to make any investment because of this.This is the biggest hardship I have faced.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My day usually starts at 6:00 AM with preparing breakfast for my family and getting my three young children ready they leave,I finish up on other chores on the compound which include getting feeds and water for our cows as well as general cleaning.I then proceed to a nearby market to get stock for my shop.Am always happiest in the afternoon as I run my business.This is because I have come to love this activity owing to the fact that it is a major contributor to our family's daily income.It just makes me very happy to be able to bring something home to assist my spouse in putting food on the table
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Last year,we were fortunate to be hosted by the Country's Vice President after our 10-year-old daughter recited a poem that caught his interest. He then assisted us to start up a poultry project here in our farm. My spouse and I have recently completed building the poultry unit and we expect to receive 550 layers next month.This is a venture that we have always wished to attempt but it had never come to be because of financial reasons.I sell vegetables at a stall nearby while my spouse runs a motorbike taxi business.From the two jobs,we get Sh 1000 on average daily.The daily household expenses for a family of eight takes up about Sh 800 and this leaves us with very little to meet education needs for our children as well as save for the project. I am elated with the imagination that I may be a beneficiary.This money will enable us to buy an incubator for Sh 70,000.Having done this,we anticipate that the business will give us an income of Sh 120000 per month.With this,my family's standard of living will greatly improve in all aspects.