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Newsfeed > Bahati's Profile
Bahati's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
After completing the construction of my dilapidated house, my next focus is on purchasing livestock. I currently have two goats, which I bought with the help of the transfers. Investing in livestock is a wise decision for me because, over time, the goats will multiply and increase in number. Later, I plan to sell some of the goats and use the money to purchase two bulls. The bulls will be incredibly useful for plowing my land, and I also anticipate earning additional income by offering plowing services to others in the community. I am very happy and deeply appreciative of the financial support I have received from the transfers. This assistance has been instrumental in helping me rebuild my life and secure a better future.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My mud-walled house partially collapsed during the heavy rains we experienced in early April. To keep the house warm at night, I had to cover the collapsed section with pieces of polythene and old nets. Upon receiving my transfers, I spent $20 to purchase 33 new building poles to repair the damaged part of the house. I paid the mason $15 for his services, ensuring that the repairs were done properly and that the house was safe for us to live in. I also purchased two pieces of iron sheets for $20, which I used to replace the old and rusty ones that often let rainwater seep into the house. I am very happy that my house is now in good condition, and I feel at peace knowing that it is safe and secure. With the remaining $47, I purchased food, ensuring that my family had enough to eat. As I have no stable source of income, selling charcoal provides very little, and the earnings are not enough to cover all the essential needs of my family. My son, who works as a motorcycle taxi rider, is also struggling financially. The financial support from the transfers has been a significant boost for us, helping to ensure that we can purchase enough food for the family.
21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My objective for this year is twofold, to repair my house and to invest in purchasing livestock. The heavy rains experienced in February caused significant damage to my house, leaving it in a precarious state. I fear that if it remains unattended, it may collapse at any moment, rendering both my husband and me homeless. To address this urgent issue, I am determined to save enough funds to restore the house to its optimal condition. Simultaneously, along with the house repairs, I aim to invest in acquiring livestock. This strategic investment will serve as a source of future income, as I plan to sell some of the animals once they multiply in numbers. This dual approach will not only secure our shelter but also pave the way for a sustainable source of revenue through livestock farming.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Both my husband and I experienced illnesses, although at different times. My husband's condition required hospitalization for a period of two weeks, resulting in a substantial bill of $180. Through the collective efforts of our relatives, we managed to gather contributions and clear the hospital debt. I personally contributed $34 towards settling this significant bill. The payment ensured his discharge from the hospital, and I am overjoyed that my husband has returned home and is recovering well. Subsequently, I also fell ill, but my ailment was less severe. I spent $34 on medication, which aided in my speedy recovery. In addition, I saved $20 in a savings group with the intention of using the funds to purchase livestock later in the year. These animals represent a future investment for me, offering potential income as they multiply and expand in number. I acquired a goat for $24, adding to the three goats I already own, all purchased with the received transfers. My plan is to procure more goats and grow my herd. Furthermore, I allocated $7 for food purchases, ensuring that both my husband and I had ample meals. I am grateful for the financial assistance, especially since I am the primary provider for our family, as my husband's health prevents him from working due to his weakened state.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($21 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have been saving a portion of my transfers every month in our local merry-go-round with the sole purpose of renovating my house. Unfortunately, one of the walls of my house collapsed during the recent rains, leaving the interior exposed. To prevent a complete collapse, I had to urgently reinforce and support it with sturdy poles and cover it temporarily with canvas fabric. Living in this compromised house has left me feeling unsettled, as I fear its collapse during heavy downpours. Saving $20 every month for this purpose has been my dedicated effort, and my primary goal is to use these savings to purchase cement, sand, and bricks, enabling me to undertake a comprehensive renovation and create a more permanent and stable living space. By achieving this goal, I aspire to not only secure a safer shelter but also to regain a sense of dignity in my living conditions.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I found myself in a difficult situation when my son needed urgent hospitalization and surgery, which resulted in a medical bill of $370. In my distress, I sought help from my family and neighbors, who generously helped cover the expenses. Fortunately, I received my transfer also which enabled me to contribute $34 towards my son's medical bills. I am relieved to say that he is currently recovering well after a successful surgery. Before my son fell ill, I had been saving $20 each month at a local merry-go-round. I intended to use these savings to buy building materials for the much-needed renovation of my deteriorating house. Unfortunately, heavy rains recently caused one of the walls to collapse, forcing me to temporarily reinforce it with heavy poles and canvas fabric. This is not an ideal solution, and I am uneasy as the rainy season approaches. However, I plan to use the savings to buy cement, sand, and bricks for a more permanent reconstruction. My ultimate aim is to build a stable and secure shelter where I no longer have to worry about the impact of rain. Furthermore, I spent the remaining portion of the transfer to address immediate needs, such as buying food and essential household items that were lacking. Despite the challenges, I am grateful that the financial assistance improved my family's living situation.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary aspiration centers around the construction of a new home. Our current dwelling is in a dismal state, and it's become increasingly evident that we need a safe and comfortable space to live in. The prospect of building a new house represents not just a change in our physical surroundings but a significant step toward improved living conditions and overall well-being for my family. With each passing day, I am reminded of the brighter, more stable future that awaits my family once I achieve this goal, and it fills me with hope and determination.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the recent cash transfer, I allocated $10 to pay for the monthly merry-go-round in our village. This contribution has not only strengthened our community bonds but has also allowed us to save collectively for future needs. Another $15 went towards buying the essential medication I have been needing to manage my heart issues. I can't overstate how critical these medications are for my health, and I am incredibly thankful to GiveDirectly for enabling me to access them and attend regular clinics, which I couldn't afford before. With the remaining funds, I bought food to sustain my family. I live with my elderly spouse, who needs care, and our one working-age child, who is currently the breadwinner. This extra support has alleviated a significant burden, allowing us to focus on our health and well-being, and I can't thank GiveDirectly enough for this lifeline.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I want to renovate my house, which nearly collapsed after the recent rains. I had to cover it with canvas material since I could not afford to buy building poles to rebuild the house. My goal currently is to save enough money to buy the required building materials, such as iron sheets. I joined a merry-go-round group where I have been saving Ksh. 1000 every month. I want to save enough money so that by the end of this year, I can use my savings to buy enough building materials to renovate the whole house with my husband. I am also planning to start buying goats by setting aside some cash in order to purchase at least one goat every two months.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been saving Ksh 1000 every month since I joined our merry-go-round in January. We are a total of twenty-seven members,, and our main goal is to save and at least be able to invest our savings in beneficial projects as the year progresses. I also spent my recent transfer hiring laborers to work on my farm. I hired oxen and I was able to plough my two acres of land. Since the rains are adequate, I am assured of getting a good harvest, which will ensure food security in my household. I can also divert my spending to other investments when food is available at home. Apart from this, I also spent the transfer on medication, I am suffering from hypertension due to old age, and the transfer has enabled me to pay for the medical expenses and also the frequent checkups that I have to attend. Lastly, I paid school fees for my four children in order to allow them to comfortably stay in school and did shopping for foodstuffs, which ensured that we did not lack food in my household.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I joined a savings group where we put aside $10 each month with the idea of buying an ox for each member at the end of the year as my driving force . My strategy is to make them available for employment so that others can hire them to plow their farms, adding to our family's revenue. Additionally, we won't budget for labor costs associated with plowing, so we'll be able to cultivate our farm on schedule and produce a healthy crop.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We felt the necessity to buy an ox because farming is the main source of economic income in our area. In order to save $10 each month, the twenty-seven of us from the same village organized a savings organization. At the conclusion of the year, we want to distribute the savings to each person so that they can each buy an ox. I thereby saved $30 with the transfers from the previous three months. To combat the food shortage, I spent $43 on a variety of foods for my family that would last them for a long time. In addition, I spent $9 for two chickens that I am raising. I also spent $20 on my children's school tuition. I burn charcoal for sale while my spouse raises goats. Even if we don't earn enough from the sources to cover all of our household's expenses, we have not had any trouble taking care of our family members thanks to the transfers.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I salute the Give Directly employees who helped us with the enrollment process in the village in a calm and courteous manner. We felt comfortable trusting them and providing them with all the information they required because of their generous deeds. However, I implore the organization to reevaluate its prior decision concerning the individuals who were disregarded and excluded from the program.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In a household of six, I am the only provider (husband and four children). I make a living by selling charcoal. Due to his advanced age and health, my husband is unable to work and support the family. He has been suffering a strange sickness for the past six years that causes him to pass out anytime he undertakes a strenuous activity. The situation of poverty in which we reside has made efforts to find appropriate treatment fruitless. Customers are increasingly choosing to utilize readily accessible, inexpensive fuels, including firewood, which has resulted in a decline in my business' sales of charcoal. Due to my erratic income, I have found it difficult to pay my children's school expenses, resulting in their expulsion from school. As a result, I paid $10 in partial school fee arrears when I received my transfer so that my children could pick back up where they left off after a week at home. After using up the family's prior supply of food in the house and paying the school's tuition, I also purchased food. Last but not least, I put the last $10 aside to use when I get my next transfer to purchase a goat. Once the goat breeds, this will turn out to be a wise investment. I'll sell a few of the goats and use the proceeds to cover my children's' tuition.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I burned wood and tree twigs in the field all day long to produce charcoal. I was notified that I had gotten a text message when my phone vibrated really loudly. I promptly checked my phone and was shocked to see that I had already received one transfer. Despite being worn out, I leapt up and down in pleasure while screaming at the top of my lungs. I stopped what I was doing and started walking home, giving thanks to God that my kids could now go back to school after paying their tuition.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My life and the lives of my children have both been significantly improved by the transfer. I couldn't pay the arrears my kids owed the school because of the meager revenue from my charcoal-selling business. Seeing their friends attend school while they stayed at home made them feel guilty. I am excited that my children’s ability to return to school and further their education thanks to the transfers will improve their quality of life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Two of my kids attend primary school. Three times every term, they normally take the theory exams. According to school regulations, they must settle any outstanding debts before taking the examinations. They were sent home to pick up school fees two days prior to taking their midterm test. In a strange coincidence, I got my first transfer two days after they were returned home. In order to allow them to take the exams, I used KES 500 from the transfer to pay the outstanding school fees. I spent the remaining money, amounting to KES 670 on purchasing meals for the family. I am grateful for the transfer since it gave me the financial means to do all of this. I work as a sporadic worker in the village selling charcoal. Receiving the transfer was a huge financial boost in my life because the little income I get from selling charcoal is insufficient to meet all of my family's expenses.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
My family of four is living in abject poverty. Providing the family with basic needs is never a walk in the park because I only depend on my spouse who does manual jobs like burning charcoal in the village. Receiving this money will be a blessing to me because I will be in a position to provide my family with basic needs such as food and school fees for my grand daughter who is in college. I will be spending 1500 KES on her education monthly and some money on upkeep. This would make her complete her studies successful. I plan to start livestock farming whereby I will be buying two goats after a period of six months of receiving the transfers. A goatcosts 4500 KES. I will also be saving money so that I can go for heart medical check up as the condition has been persistent for the last five years.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My grand daughter joined college three months ago. This was one of great memories this year because I value education and despite that I am struggling to raise her fees, I believe that she will successfully complete her studies.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I developed back pains and heart problems about 15 years ago. These conditions have been affecting my health and I am no longer productive in terms of doing normal domestic chores. Due to lack of enough money, I am yet to get better medical attention and this has really depressed me. Lack of school fees for my grand daughter is also a challenge as she is most of the time sent home for school fees.