GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dama's family
access_time 3 hours ago
Dama received a $27 thirty-sixth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I plan to invest my transfers in goat rearing. I love goats because they are resistant to diseases, multiply quickly, and are highly marketable. I'm happy to say that I have already purchased six goats using my transfers, and one of them was pregnant and recently gave birth to twins. In the long run, I plan to barter these goats to acquire a dairy cow. I prefer dairy cows because they also reproduce, and if I ever need to sell one, they can bring in a good amount of money. This initiative will serve as my future financial investment, and in case I face any financial crisis, I can sell some goats or the dairy cow to support myself and pay for my children's school fees. With the ongoing food crisis and the need to pay school fees, I will continue to use my GiveDirectly transfers to support these efforts and secure a stable future for my family."
Kadhengi's family
access_time 3 hours ago
Kadhengi received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"My goal for the coming year and beyond is to expand my omena business. In addition to the income I receive from GiveDirectly, this business provides financial support, allowing me to earn a daily income. This ensures that my family never goes to bed hungry, as I am able to buy food every day. I am optimistic that by boosting this business, it will not only improve our financial situation but also offer stability and security. To achieve this, I plan to invest part of my transfer into growing the business. Additionally, I have a plan to invest part of my transfer in livestock, specifically goat rearing and poultry. I considered this because I have two children in upper primary school who will soon transition to secondary school. These animals will serve as my future financial security. In case I face financial difficulties, I can sell them to pay for my children's school fees or buy food when needed for family consumption."
Winnie's family
access_time 9 hours ago
Winnie received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"In the years ahead, my top priority is to ensure my children receive a solid education. They are currently in the final stages of secondary school, and completing in a few years. To support their esducation journey, I plan to use a portion of the transfers I receive from GiveDirectly for their school fees, while also lending a helping hand to their elder brothers who are contributing as well. Once one of my children graduates next year, I have an exciting plan in mind. I intend to redirect those funds into our local savings group. My goal is to invest in goats, envisioning a future where they multiply and flourish. This not only provides a potential source of income but also secures a safety net for my children's education when this program concludes. I am genuinely thankful for the support from GiveDirectly, which has been instrumental in our lives. With hope and determination, I look forward to building a brighter future for my family!"
Kache's family
access_time 15 hours ago
Kache received a $0 zeroth payment.
"Upon receiving my second transfer, I used around $260 to buy iron sheets and other materials to complete my two-room house, which I had started building with the first transfer I received earlier. The main reason for building a new house was that the current one is almost collapsing, and this has been my greatest fear. Additionally, the old house was made of grass, and it would leak terribly during the rainy seasons. It was distressing when it rained because we had no shelter and would get soaked until the rain stopped. I also bought a bed and mattress for $140 to replace the traditional one made of ropes, which I had been using my entire life. I used to experience a lot of pain every night, and I would wish for the day to come, as I dreaded the nights due to this discomfort. Furthermore, I paid school fees for my two children in secondary school, totalling $80. I was tired of always seeing them sent home because of the lack of school fees. It was disheartening, as I knew this affected their performance and was demotivating for them. With the remaining $52, I bought food. As a widow who depends on charcoal and casual jobs, providing daily meals for my two children has been very difficult. As has often been the case, I felt it was wise to buy enough food to ensure we don't run out."
Abdala's family
access_time 1 day ago
Abdala received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"My main goal is to focus on my studies. I completed high school last year, and fortunately, GiveDirectly enrolled me in their program, which has provided me with a monthly income—a great relief. Since my father's passing, my mother has struggled to raise us. With the support from GiveDirectly, I am confident I will complete my coursework successfully. I plan to save enough from my transfers to ensure I can pay my fees on time, allowing me to concentrate fully and achieve the best possible grades at the end of college. I have a passion for plumbing, and I believe that once I finish college, I will secure a job that will help me support my mother in taking care of my younger siblings. This has always been my prayer. Achieving this will not only improve my own future but also uplift my family’s living standards."
Katsaka's family
access_time 1 day ago
Katsaka received a $27 thirty-second payment.
"My primary goal for the upcoming year and beyond is to expand my goat rearing project. I'm happy to share that I have recently purchased four goats using my monthly transfers. I am passionate about raising goats because they multiply quickly and adapt well to our climate, making the project highly promising. Their fast multiplication leads to increased profits within a short period. Once I have a sufficient number of goats, I plan to sell some and eventually invest in buying a cow, which is my secondary priority. Owning a cow will provide several benefits, such as selling milk to support my children's school fees and utilizing cow dung as organic fertilizer, thereby reducing the cost of purchasing fertilizers. As my children are progressing to higher classes, and with my current lack of a reliable income source, I aim to maximize these two projects so that I can continue to sustain myself when my current financial support ends. Moreover, when I have a good number of goats, I can sell some to generate funds for my children's education. This is my primary goal for the near future and beyond."
Eunice's family
access_time 1 day ago
Eunice received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"I have completed my dressmaking training and I am eager to finish my tailoring and dressmaking course in December. After completing the course, my goal is to launch my own tailoring business. I plan to use the savings from our merry-go-round group to purchase a sewing machine, which costs around $280. Once I have the sewing machine, I will invest my savings to grow and stabilize my business. My aim is to achieve financial stability by the end of this program so that I can support my family. I want to ensure that when the GiveDirectly program concludes, I will have accomplished something meaningful and have a lasting memory of the support it provided. Additionally, I am looking ahead to opening a tailoring shop in the next year as soon as I acquire my own machine. I am truly grateful for the financial support that has given me hope for a brighter future."
Kanze's family
access_time 1 day ago
Kanze received a $27 twenty-eighth payment.
"This year, my primary goal is to complete the construction of my new house. My previous home was very small and on the verge of collapsing. With the support of the transfers from GiveDirectly, I have been gradually purchasing building materials, and I intend to use a portion of my future transfers to continue buying the remaining building materials needed to finish the house. I am very excited about the progress we are making, and I am very hopeful that soon enough we will move into our new house. Once we complete the house, my focus will shift to livestock farming. I intend to invest another portion of the transfers into buying goats, with the hope that they will multiply and increase in value over time. This will allow me to sell some of them in the future and provide for my family’s needs. With these livestock, I will have created a sustainable asset that I can rely on in the future, especially when this program comes to an end. I am genuinely grateful for the support that GiveDirectly has provided me and my family. Their assistance is helping me build a brighter future, and I am optimistic that my plans for both house and livestock farming will come to fruition. Each step I take brings me closer to achieving my dreams, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds."
Nyevu's family
access_time 1 day ago
Nyevu received a $0 zeroth payment.
"I had a simple yet profound dream - to build myself a house. Unfortunately, my financial resources were insufficient, leaving my ambitious project in limbo. To make matters worse, my living conditions were far from ideal. I slept on an old traditional bed and worn-out mats that were anything but comfortable. My struggles seemed endless until GiveDirectly came to my aid. With renewed vigor, I set out to change my life, starting with completing my mud house. I spent $150 to ensure it was not only finished but also spacious, providing the peace of mind I had longed for. Understanding the importance of a good night's sleep, I invested $100 in a new bed and mattress, replacing the old, uncomfortable bedding I had been using for years. Restless nights turned into periods of serene slumber. Food insecurity was another battle I faced, often going to bed hungry. Determined to ensure my family never experienced this again, I spent $250 to buy enough food. This ensured that my family was well-fed and never lacked food again. I spent the remaining amount on covering medical expenses. I received treatment in a good hospital, a luxury I hadn't experienced in years."
Justine's family
access_time 1 day ago
Justine received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"My plan for the coming year and beyond is to provide my children with the best education possible. By investing in their education, I am providing them an opportunity to have better lives in the future. With three of them currently in secondary school, the financial burden is quite heavy, but I am determined to see them through. This year, two of them will complete their final exams, which will ease the pressure of school fees and allow me to redirect the transfers toward livestock. I aspire to build a herd of livestock that will be a valuable asset in the future. To achieve this, I plan to invest a portion of the transfers in buying goats. My hope is that they will multiply, increasing in number so that I can sell some of them later. The proceeds from these sales will help me take care of my family and support the education of my younger children, as well as assist my older ones as they transition to college.I am truly grateful for the opportunity that GiveDirectly has provided us, and I remain hopeful that these ambitions will come to fruition."