GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Anjela's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Anjela enrolled.
"I'll be happy to receive the money because I'll be able to build a house in this village. I am from another village but there's bad blood with my family. So I'd rather stay away from them, and this money will help me do that. I will also use the money to buy food. I live with 3 of my late aunts's children so we will really benefit from the money."
Ellena's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Ellena enrolled.
"Receiving this money will be of great help to me as I intend to use it to build a more good looking house as I currently stay in a small one roomed grass thatched house which actually leaks during heavy rains making living in it very uncomfy"
Hazzilah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hazzilah enrolled.
"Currently, the major challenge that I am facing is that I do not have enough food in my household. I sell firewood so that I can make money. Sometimes I make MK1000 a day which is not enough for me to buy food. The other challenge that I am facing is that I do not have a good house. The house that I have has a bad roof that leaks during the rainy season."
Magret's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Magret enrolled.
"When i received the money i will firstly renovate my house because during rainy season it leaks alot and i don't sleep because the house is always full of water and also i will buy food because i did not harvest enough since my farm was affected by the earthworms i managed to harvest only two bags of 50 kgs while when everything is okay i usually harvest 70 bags. Currently i am buying food after i have sold out some firewood then i am able to buy food."
Eliza's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Eliza enrolled.
"Receiving this money means having a decent house. My house is in a very bad state , right now am worried because the rains will be coming shortly and the roof of my house is in a very bad state. When I received these transfers am planning to build a new house maybe I can experience a new and better life."
Annie's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Annie enrolled.
""When God blesses me to receive this money, I will use some of the money to build a decent house of my own. Presently the house we are living in is not intact. The government school in the community does not have junior and seniors high sections and I want my children to further their education so I will transfer them to the city to further their education. I will also invest into business to help maintain the family. ""
Saujatu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Saujatu enrolled.
"This money means that I will be able to build a new house. The house I am living in is small, made of unbaked bricks and is thatched with grass. I have to change the roof every year. It is tiresome because I get the grass from the mountain. Receiving this money will be an end to this problem. I will buy iron sheets, timber, baked bricks and other building materials which I will use to build the new house. I am also tired of sleeping on an uncomfartable mat with a few beddings. As such I will buy a matress and more beddings which will be enough for me and my family."
Jennifer's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jennifer enrolled.
"Receiving this transfer will mean so much to me and it has come at the right time my main plans with the transfer will be farming I will use the money to buy farm inputs such as fertilizer seed and other materials by doing so I will make sure I have enough food for my household and also sell the excuse crops for income and savings"
Magret's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Magret enrolled.
"The biggest challenge I have faced is getting a stable source of income, it is really difficult to get work in the village during the dry season which makes it really difficult to get money due to this am.forced to walk long distances in search of work, in some instances I leave home at 3am to go fatch firewood so I can sell and get a little money"
Austen's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Austen enrolled.
"With the ever changing environment my business as a fisherman has been affected in so many ways back then I was able to bring enough food and income but with the ever increasing and change in the environment business is not as it was previously, I barely catch enough fish to sell case of the rules and regulations set up now"