GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Hannah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hannah enrolled.
"I have been building this house i currently live in for the past four years. I have not been able to complete because of several challenges. I have plastered 40% and planning to complete. Though my husband brings income, it is not able to settle all our problems. With this money if opportune, i will be able to buy 50 fifty bags of cements to plaster my house properly and continue the the building of the new project in Yarpa town."
Bendu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Bendu received a $273 initial payment.
"I used the money to take care of son's educational expenses and I bought zinc to build a new house. I also bought food with some of the money."
James's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
James enrolled.
"Old age in itself is a challenge. Ten years ago i made very large farms ranging from rice to cassava. The produce were sold and family related issues were settled. However, i am unable to make such farm due to old age. I am quickly tried and unable to adequately provide for my family . I have the plan but cannot do because of my age. Also , I have not been able to change my roof for the past 3years due to lack of endurance. These are my current challenges hoping that , with this transfer, will go a long way to reducing or solving them."
Miama's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Miama enrolled.
"My children are not in school presently, and my husband is not working, therefore I will firstly pay my children tuitions. The compound I am in currently doesn't belong to me. I want to build my own compound. I will spend some of my money in building my own compound."
Author's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Author enrolled.
"The compound that I am in doesn't belong to me, therefore I want to build a compound for me and my family. My spouse is not doing nothing for now, if I am successful, I will also invest in business through my spouse."
Marima's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Marima enrolled.
"Currently I owe people in my community. I credited some money inorder to start business, but the business wasn't successful. I am in a serious worry as a result the payment. I don't have money now, business is not really going on well."
Naomi's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Naomi enrolled.
"I have lived in this village for more then one decade and life has always been challenging for me. Hardship is a way of life in this village, I have made lots plans but due to poor financial condition none of then has been realized. When I'm enrolled in GiveDirectly program, I will used this money to start my business and send my daughter to school. My business will help me to always have cash that I can used in case of emergency and when my daughter is educated she will be able to take care of me when I grow old."
Alice's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Alice received a $493 initial payment.
"It was around 9 a.m. when I received a message from GiveDirectly confirming the receipt of my first transfer. With great excitement, I had to inform my husband instantly as I could not withdraw without a plan. At that moment, my second-born child - currently in the university - had called asking for the school fees. He needed a total of KES48000 to be allowed to sit for the examinations. This was quite a stress for us before we received the support but the early morning text relieved me of that headache as it was an answer to our prayers."
Christina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Christina received a $493 initial payment.
"We had been dependent on a neighbor's cattle that had been providing us with enough milk for our home use and surplus for sale. It was unfortunate for us that the owner took it back a month ago as he needed to sell it out as he had some pressing needs and the only asset he could turn to was the cow he had helped us with. It was a mixed feeling for us in that we felt bad seeing the cow leave and at the same time we were so grateful for the great support we had been getting all along. Meeting the milk expenses over this period was so hard for me and the family as we had not gotten used to it. We could miss a cup of tea at times which was so hard explaining to my children. This gave us a lot of pressure, and we had to think of a way to secure it or better still buy another one in case it would have been sold out earlier. On receiving this money, we could not wait but called our neighbor who agreed to sell us both the cow and its calf at KES50000. We are now back to getting enough milk for my children and selling some to earn us some income too. With the remaining amount, I paid KES3000 school fees for my child in secondary school and bought household goods with the remaining KES1000."
Massa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Massa received a $273 initial payment.
"Paying my children school fees was a serious challenge for my husband and I but thank God for Give Directly, we paid our children school fees in full installment."