GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Tenneh's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Tenneh enrolled.
"When I receive this money from Givedirectly, my plan is to build house of my own and use the balance to do business. We currently living in my spouse parents house and as you may know, we won't be in this house forever. Though no one is asking us out but I know one day we need to have place of our own. Although my spouse do not have a reliable source of income but this money will mean a lot to me because it will put us on our feet inorder to achieve our dreams."
Bendu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Bendu enrolled.
"When I received this money, I will use some to reconditioned my room by buying cement to do the flood and buy mattress for us. This is something I've always wanted to do but due to lack of reliable source of income, I'm unable to succeed achieving it. So receiving this money will mean a lot to me because me and my family will now be able to have our room fix by plastering the flood and buying a new mattress. And if there's any balance, I will get myself engage into business to help my spouse."
Rebacau's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Rebacau enrolled.
"Currently, the shortage of food is the major hardship we are experiencing. Last year we were not able to make farm as such, it poses high food insecurity on us. We have been burning chart coal which is our major source of income and spending the money to gather food. Eventhough, we managed to have made a small farm this farming season but yet still, the yeild was very poor due to the late preparation, lack suffi6land space and the change in climate. As I speak to you now, we have not gone any further in to the harvest season but we have began buying food since. So food supply remains our major hardship."
Sando's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sando enrolled.
"My challenge is finance. I want to educate my children, I want to build a house and many more depend on finance. If I had cash all what I am referring to as planned now would have been accomplishment. I have to cut now trees to produce fire coal to sell in order to earn cash and the cash from hard labor is not sufficient to sustain the household and at the same time carry out development. I understand that coal burning is harmful to the environment because it completely destroy the forest and you can see, there is no forest here now. Our children are not able to see the trees spices we saw and animals as well. So we are asking people who are protecting the environment to fund DiveDirectly because if we received this transfer, we will stop burning coal for sometime."
Zoe's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Zoe enrolled.
"My challenge now is my health, I have a stomach problem. At the end of every month, I can experience my stomach hurting so I can be worried whenever the month is about to end sometimes 24th onward. If I can go to the hospital to solve my stomach problem than my challenge is over because I will be able to go around to do my business."
John's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
John received a $493 initial payment.
"The biggest difference that the transfer has brought into our lives is some peace of mind. We now have fewer thoughts and we are happier having been able to achieve to do things that we thought we were never going to be able to achieve due to lack of money. These are things such as being able to construct another kitchen and buying a calf that is going to be of great benefit to us in the future. This has only been possible because of the money that we got from GiveDirectly. Thank you so much."
Boakai's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Boakai received a $273 initial payment.
"I felt very happy when I received this money. My wife and I became to sing and dance our traditional songs. We have been thinking of our children school fees for this academy year. One of my children who was living with my relative in Monrovia returned to the village due to the lack of school fees."
Amadu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Amadu received a $273 initial payment.
"At least I will have my own business that will sustain my family and I. I'm feeling much more better in my body as compared to before. I'm feeling empower right now. My worry of establishing my own business will come to past soon. Many thanks to GiveDirectly for helping me with this money."
Augustine's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Augustine received a $273 initial payment.
"I have been happy throughout since I received this money. As I speak to you now, I'm still feeling that excitement. My son is now in school without much worry. I'm expecting a new house maybe in four months time."
Samwel's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Samwel received a $493 initial payment.
"The biggest difference that the transfer has brought into our lives is that my two children who are in secondary school are happy. This is because they can now study well without troubling themselves thinking that they are going to be sent home anytime due to arrears. The transfer also enabled us to buy some food and some furniture because we didn't have any. We hence no longer go hungry and when guests visit, they at least have something to sit on. All these have only been possible with the help that GiveDirectly has given us. I am so grateful for this, may God bless you."