GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Hillary's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hillary enrolled.
"I work as a casual labourer in the village doing farm work such as ploughing and harvesting. On the good days I get KES 200 which I majorly use to buy maize flour that costs KES 100 and the remaining amount I use on buying vegetables each day. My income can not sustain us because it's hand to mouth and I barely have enough income to save for the future or emergencies. Apart from having family feuds over milk and land since my late father passed away, I have been conflicted on looking for work outside the town since I got married recently. My family is still young and I prefer having quality time with my wife."
Kazungu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kazungu enrolled.
"Receiving this money means livestock keeping. I am an old widower without any source of a stable income. Over the years, I have been burning charcoal for my daily survival. This business is no longer reliable because there are no more trees for burning anymore due to the persistent drought in my village. Consequently, due to my old age, it takes me a whole week to get one sack of charcoal that goes at 350 KES. This money is not enough to sustain my basic needs. My ambition has been to keep goats and cows. However, due to the drought, only goats survival this weather condition. Upon receiving this money therefore, I will buy ten goats that will cost 30000 KES. I will then use the remaining amount to invest in agriculture during the rain season."
Dzende's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Dzende enrolled.
"I have a family of eight children. Out of the eight, one finished secondary school but did not go to college, five are in primary school and two are still young. Meeting the basic needs of my family have been very difficult. We sleep in a single roomed house. We cook, eat and sleep in the same place. This is because I do not have money to build a better house that can accommodate all of us. This has been as a result of lack of reliable jobs in the village. The only means for survival is charcoal burning which earns me a profit of 2500 a month. This money is not enough to save to build a spacious house. This has forced my children to borrow shelter from the neighborhood. My ambition has been to own a two bedroom house so that my children can have a better place to sleep. Upon receiving this money, I will prioritize building a house for my children that will cost me 40000 KES. This will restore dignity to my family."
Karisa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Karisa enrolled.
"Lack of a reliable source of income is the main challenge that I am currently facing. Imagine having a family of four children without any source of income. What even worries me more are the two children who are currently in school. My charcoal burning business that I depend on is not enough to educate them. This has made them to be on and off school due to school fee balances. However, because I have no any other option, I have nothing to do but watch and suffer. The cash transfer will be a big relief to me and my family because most of my problems will be solved. I will buy twenty goats at a cost of 60000 KES which survive dry weather condition and keep them and sell when they multiply. This will be a big business investment for my family."
Patuma's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patuma enrolled.
"Since everything rests on money, it is tough to lead a normal life without money. This is so as this is not harvesting time and the edible crops we harvested last season ended months ago. In addition, there are less opportunities to make money too and this means little or no money available to buy basic needs."
Kadzo's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $492 initial payment.
"I spent part of my forst transfer in buyng twenty pieces of iron sheets at KES 16000, timber, nails, and a labor charge of KES 4000. This was for the renovation of my house becasue it had an old leaky roof which was so hectic every rainy season and all we could do was just seek shelter from friends, Also I bought five goats KES 15000 which are now valuable assets that I am keeping in my compound. To add to that, I bought a new mattress at KES 3000 to replace the old one that had worn out and I couldnt always complain of back pains every day. Also, I cleared school fees of KES 3000 for my five children who are in primary schools. I am using the remaining amount in buying foodstuffs for my family and other household items like new clothes."
Paulina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Paulina received a $492 initial payment.
"I spent the money I received from GiveDirectly on renovating my house to look decent. I had always wished to do this but I didn't had the money. I paid school fees for my children and they were able to study without being sent home. I bought sofa set seats, pay hospital bills and used the remaining money to buy food and clothes. I am so grateful because GiveDirectly has changed our living standards."
Vincent's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Vincent enrolled.
"Receiving this money is an honor for me as it will greatly improve my life. I would like to use the money to buy a few bags of maize so that it can take me upto the next harvesting season. Food is a big challenge for me and most of the days i only eat once in a day so that the food i have can at least take me for a few more days. I would like to buy 2 bags of fertilizer although it has become very expensive now. I think k70 000 will be enough to buy fertilizer"
James's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
James enrolled.
"The compound I am in currently doesn't belong to me, therefore I will use portion of my transfer to start building my own compound. I am out of business. I will used portion of to money to start business as well."
Theresa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Theresa enrolled.
"I don't have any supporter, my spouse left me with the two kids, I want to send them to school,but no Money. I will pay my kids tuitions. I will also used some of tht money to pay my own tuitions. I am in the 11 th grade."