GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Elijah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Elijah enrolled.
"I plan to fix my house, because it's not in good condition and I also want my woman to make business with this money."
Saturday's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Saturday enrolled.
"When I get this money I want buy my zinc to build my house with bathroom and buy my mattress."
Sundaygar's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sundaygar enrolled.
"The main hard time i'm facing is the sleeping place business, I don't have better sleeping place; I was also going to school, but couldn't continue because I never had money to pay my school fees. So when GiveDirectly give me this money, I will try to go back to school and build my house with the balance money."
Patience's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patience enrolled.
"No money to take care of my children, I want make my business but no money. So when GiveDirectly give me this money, it will help me and my children to live good life."
Dama's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Dama received a $492 initial payment.
"I spent part of y first transfer on buying several building materials like building poles at KES 5000, nails, timber and the threads and the labour charge at KES 7000. This was purposely for the construction of a new house becasue the initial one collapsed two months ago and I had to build a temporary shelter made of plastic bags and my children had to sleep in my elatives houses. I also bought two mattresses at KES 7000, the old ones had worn out and we could always complain of back pains every morning. In addition, I cleared KES 25000 for my children, one in secondary and the four in primary schools respectively. With the remaining amount."
Rachel's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Rachel enrolled.
"I plan to build my house, send my son to school and sell small small market so that money we can always have money to buy food and do other things."
Nancy's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Nancy enrolled.
"The hard time i'm facing now, is that my husband is seriously sick and I'm not going on the farm again, because I have to stay him to look after him; for that reason, we are depending on our children to always send us food."
Thomas's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Thomas enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I will finally have a stable income. I'm a vegetable farmer, mostly doing vegetable nurseries and selling the seedlings. During dry seasons, the market is bad, I do not get to sell much because most people have to wait for the rainy season. I plan to purchase a cow worth approximately KES 30,000. During dry seasons, when vegetables do not do well, it will be an alternative source of income through the sale of milk produced. For the rest of the amount, I will fence my farm and buy food for my family."
Sammy's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sammy received a $492 initial payment.
"After I separated from my wife 22 years ago, life had never been that easy as I had been working hard to raise my son I was left with through his schooling. I had been working on the casual labor that pays me at a range of KES100 to KES500 whenever I get one a day. I am glad that my son just completed his grade 12 and currently looking forward to furthering his studies in college. Life has never been any better for him too as he has always stayed in his grandmother's house where he was always assured of a place to sleep and at least a meal whenever he is not in school. With the first transfer, I had promised myself to construct him a new house of his own so that he may come home and work closely with me on the currently running projects on my farms. Buying all the construction materials, and later paying the labor charges on the construction site, totaled to KES39000. This put a smile on my son's face as he came thanking me for considering a house for him at home. With part of the remaining amount, I also invested in farming as it has been the only assured source of income and also foodstuff for the household. So far I have purchased seeds and tilled the land ready for planting. I saved the remaining KES12250 that is currently useful in checking and replenishing household foodstuff as well as serving any arising emergency. At the moment, I feel energized and working hard to ensure that I keep my family going."
Leonard's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Leonard received a $492 initial payment.
"After buying milk for a long period now, I am glad that I managed to finally obtain a heifer calf and a cow. These two have brought great joy to my family and hope to soon get enough milk not only for our household consumption but also surplus for sale. This has been the biggest difference in my daily life. It has brought an instant shift from the hopelessness that was slowly getting roots to being hopeful once again after the transfer."