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Newsfeed > Williams's Profile
Williams's family
Small business
Liberia Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
When I receive the cash transfer, I will use some to start a business and use the balance to go back to school. Finance has been a serious challenge for me, I was in school in Monrovia but could not continue due to lack of money to pay my fees. I have to return home because of that, I am currently burning charcoal in order to start a business that will help me earn some money to get back to school. Most of my friends have now graduated from high school and some are in colleges, it hurts me mostly seeing myself in this condition. So if I am successful to receive the cash transfer I was start a business to help me keep paying my school fees and even build my own house in this village that anytime I return home I will have a place for myself to sleep instead of sleeping with friends in theirs rooms. I will really appreciate assistance that will help improve my status.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In the last six months what has brought me joy or happiness was in June 2021, my first biggest coal sales which I earned over Fifteen thousands Liberian dollars. I was really happy because during the rain season, the challenge to prepare the charcoal can be very difficult, the rain disturbs and wet the woods and you will have to apply more energy reach your goals. The money earned help me a lot, I used some to get food for myself and my parents, and saved the balance for my school because I want to go back to school. The presence of Givedirectly also has brought me greater happiness, because I am sure it's going to improve my life and hopefully execute my plans.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The challenges I am currently facing is access to finance and food security. I am a 10th grade dropped out, because I couldn't afford enough to continue paying my school fees. My parents are farmers and their earnings could not help too because they have to cater to my siblings and feed the family. I dropped out and returned home in order to work hard by doing charcoal business to help me get back to school. Many of my friends are now college students and some are expecting graduation from high school. The situation is very hard for me but I have keep focus to get to my dreams, I really want to go back to school.