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Newsfeed > Gladys's Profile
Gladys's family
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($492 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
This was one of the best moments of my life. I was at the market when I received a message notification at 9 a.m. I got curious and when I checked my phone, I saw that I had received KES 55,000 from GiveDirectly. I could not hide my excitement when it occurred to me that I could finally build my dream house.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
It gives me a great sense of joy as a mother when I see our newly constructed three-bedroom house. Before, we lived in a tiny house that could barely meet my family's needs. Since it was small, the living room also served as our kitchen and storeroom. There was no sense of privacy, but we could not afford to build another since we have no source of income. This cash transfer has changed that. We now live in a spacious home that has restored our dignity. Thanks, GD!
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before receiving this transfer, my family lived in a one-bedroom house, that could barely accommodate all five of us. There was no sense of privacy, which saddened me. Even though I wished things were different, I have no source of income and couldn't afford to change our circumstances. So I spent KES 30,000 on construction materials such as timber, iron sheets and bricks. I spent the rest of the amount on labour costs for the new house.
access_time 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money will mean a lot to me. I have plans that with the first transfer, I will build a kitchen so that I can use it because right now I cook in the main house and it is so uncomfortable especially to my children and guests. I intend to also buy a cow because I do not own one.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is in the morning. This is the time I plan on my day's activities and work on them.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship that I have faced in my life is financial constraints. I do not have a job and rely on casual labor in order to earn an income and feed my family. The income is not enough for saving and at the same time feeding my family.