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Newsfeed > Yassah's Profile
Yassah's family
Small business
Liberia Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
42500 LRD ($276 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
No, I don't have new goals for now. My previous planned on building my house in Monrovia is my main focus right now.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
To me, GiveDirectly has done lots of good things for me. Because I was down. I almost lost my land that I'm building on right now. Because I couldn't afford to pay the balance money that I was owing. So, as soon as I took the first transfer, I paid for the balance land money that I was indebted
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Although I have not withdrawn my money yet, but I'm planning on buying three bundles of zinc, a cartoon of mail and two five pieces of plank for the construction of my house.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
When I receive this cash transfer, I will use some to improve my small business, use some to renovate my house and the balance goes to food to feed my family. I am doing a small business (sells torgbee oil, fry bread [kala]) which helped to complete my son's school fees and graduation fees from high school. He wants to go to the University of Liberia to further his education but my earnings cannot cover that. I really want to see him there to bring pride to me but it's just difficult for me. The same business is where sometimes I have to pay people to help burn charcoal for me and the sales help to cover up some expenses for the family. I moved here since the war ended in 2003 with my husband, we build a house and have been staying in until he died, since his death, I have been struggling to maintain it, but heavy storm damaged most parts of it. A neighbor helped me with a room to stay until I can renovate mine. The room I am currently occupying belongs to one of my neighbor's family members who now lives in Monrovia but occasionally comes to visit, I will have to sleep with some friends until he goes back. The situation is very unbearable, sometimes I feel very depressed going to beg a friend to pass the night. If I receive this cash transfer it will greatly help to improve those situations for me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
What has brought happiness in my life in the last six months was, my Bitterball garden yeilded so much that when I sold the yields it helped to solve some family problem and even paid my son graduation fees from high school in July 2021. I was really worried about his graduation because I suffered so much to get to that level but at last after my sales great relief came to me. I was able to pay his fees and he was able to graduate successfully with his friends and the entire family celebrated his success overwhelmely. Secondly, We have anticipated Givedirectly coming to our village, I was so happy when you people choose to work in our village.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The challenges I am currently facing is access to finance. I moved here since the war ended in 2003 with my husband, we build a house and have been staying in until he died, since his death, I have been struggling to maintain the house until a heavy storm damaged most parts of it. A neighbor helped me with a room to stay until I can renovate mine. The room I am currently occupying belongs to one of my neighbor's family members who now lives in Monrovia but occasionally comes to visit, I will have to sleep with some friends until he goes back. The situation is very unbearable, sometimes I feel very depressed going to beg a friend to pass the night. Secondly my son's school issue is one thing that bother me most often. He wants to go to the University of Liberia to further his education but my earnings cannot cover that. I really want to see him there to bring pride to me but it's just difficult for me. I will really appreciate assistance that will improve my livelihood.