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Newsfeed > Sarah's Profile
Sarah's family
Casual labour
Standard Kenya
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($518 USD)
access_time 4 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am now a proud owner of a dairy cow thanks to the project. This was a dream come true since I had always wanted to buy a cow so that I would stop spending on milk and even have a source of income by selling the excess produce. It was however not possible before due to the many responsibilities I had paying school fees for my children and taking care of other household needs which made it impossible to save. I am also very glad that the transfer enabled me to construct a new kitchen and wiped away the stress I had of raising enough money for the project.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
According to me, what Give Directly does best is assembling the recipients before they receive their transfers and giving them proper education on how best to secure their money from theft and losses. The officers also enlighten us on how best to use the transfers without telling them exactly what to spend on leaving the choice with the recipients.
What did you spend your second transfer on?
I have a plan of constructing a new kitchen because the current one that we are using belonged to my late parents and our culture demands that I renew it now that my parents passed on. For this reason, I used part of the money I recently received to purchase the required construction materials for the new kitchen that I am planning to construct. The materials cost me quite a lot of money especially because I am planning to construct a semi-permanent kitchen, something that is slightly different from the previous kitchen which was mud-walled. We made the decision to construct a semi-permanent one because it requires low maintenance as compared to a mud-walled one which has to be repaired constantly though smearing. I also paid my children's school fees and set aside the rest of the money for labor costs that will be required by the construction workers.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($541 USD)
access_time over 4 years ago
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
When I received my first transfer from GiveDirectly, I spent some of it on my family wellness. I bought a cow that is an asset to my family and I believe that it will be calving soon and I will get milk for both household consumption and sales. I am happy that this has given me a peaceful mind in that, it has reduced my thinking of what to lean on in case of a financial crisis. Also, I spent some amount to buy one sack of maize. I am at peace now since I know that my family will never sleep hungry for some time now unlike before.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was early in the morning after waking up when I realized that I had some unread messages on my phone. Upon checking them, two of them, one from Mpesa and another from GiveDirectly, confirmed that I had received the promised money. I became so happy knowing that I would finally own a dairy cow.
What did you spend your first transfer on?
I bought a dairy cow worth KES 30000 using my first transfer. This is an added asset to my family that I will rely on when it reproduces. Also, I will be able to save the money I would otherwise use in buying milk. In addition, I spent KES 10000 to pay school fees for my son so that he would be allowed to sit for his examinations. I used the remaining amount to buy one sack of maize flour, decent clothes, shoes and other household expenses.
access_time over 4 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
My target for now is getting a daily source of income.With the money from Give Directly I will be able to buy a dairy cow.With the cow I will be able to milk and sell the milk on a daily basis.I would like a cow which can produce 5 litres of milk a day.This will cost me not less than Ksh 30,000(300 USD).This will help me a lot since I will be able to satisfy the basic needs and even save money for school fees.The second plan I have is building a kitchen.My current kitchen is old and in a bad condition.The roof leaks and it is also very small.This will cost me Ksh 30,000(300 USD).Part of the money will also go into paying school fees for my children.I have one child in secondary school and another in college and school fees has been a big burden.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I spend the morning hours till noon working in people's farms as a casual.In the afternoon I do my own farm work and the house chores.I am usually happy in the evening when I am done with the day's activities.This gives me joy because I have successfully seen the day through.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a single mother of 8 and it is very tough for me raising up my children.With the casual jobs I do ,it is only enough to buy food while other needs like clothes,school fees and medication becomes a problem.When I work half day as a casual labourer in people's farms,I am usually paid Ksh 100.Talking of school fees,my children have been in and out of school due to arrears.This has really affected their education.I currently have a child in secondary school and another in college.For my son to join college it took the assistance of a village group(which I am a member) to pool resources since I could not have made it alone.