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Newsfeed > Mukabarabara's Profile
Mukabarabara's family
Subsistence farming
Rwanda Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The first thing I'm planning to do is to pay health insurance for my family, it will cost $12. When I am sick or my children are sick during the days the health insurance is not yet paid, it becomes really hard for me. That's why it is the first thing I will do when I get the transfer. The second thing I will do is to buy a cow so that I can get manure to put in my land in order to become more productive. The cow will cost $300. The other thing I am planning is to renew my house, as u can see it is not well finished, I will have to cover it with a cement that will cost $100. The rest I will buy clothes for my children and I, and other household items like mattress and kitchen materials for $40 , and clothes will cost $50.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I the last 6 month I have grown beans and harvested more than 20kgs which was not normal, for me it brought me joy because now I am not worried about something to eat during this period from October till now. The production has increased due yo the fact that I have used manure produced from my pig. " when I was harvesting beans , i was smiling alone and thanking God because of joy" Said the recipient.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Tha main challenge I am facing is is poverty because I don't have money, even to pay for health insurance, I have to go to cultivate for others. The other challenge is that it is not easy for me to afford manure to use in agriculture hence the low production.