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Newsfeed > Steven's Profile
Steven's family
Casual labour
Standard Kenya
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($525 USD)
access_time over 4 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The biggest difference in my life is that l managed to plant sugarcane in two hectares of land that I have never done in my life. I am very sure once I started harvesting them, my life will definitely change because I am sure I will get enough money out of it and spend the money to catter for my family needs. I am now hopefull that this my starting point of doing large scale farming in sugarcane and I will not stop at this point since l would want to put up my own house from this and also do other investments such as livestock keeping.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion Give directly did very well by training people before starting the program, at least they created awareness of what they were doing. They also did well by dealing with people directly and not forcing people to get into the program. I did not see what Give directly did not do well.
What did you spend your second transfer on?
I spent most of the cash transfer to lease two hectares of land where I have planted sugarcane in a large scale. I have never planted sugarcane in that scale because I had a very small farm and even a part from having a small piece of land, I was not able to cultivate a bigger portion of land using my own hands as I used to work before when I had a small piece of land. So also hired a tractor that tilled the whole farm being that it was too big that I was not able to caltivate it using my hand. I am very grateful to give directly for helping achieve my dream of longing to plant cassava in large scale. I am very sure of getting enough produce that I will sell to the community and act as a source of income for my family expenditure. The remaining balance I spent in buying decent clothes being that I did not have any decent clothes to put on when going for a visit or going for a function .
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($538 USD)
access_time almost 6 years ago
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
The biggest difference in my daily life is the feeling of safety because I'm currently staying in a new safe and comfortable house. I'm not worried anymore whenever it rains that the house might fall on us or might be blown off by wind, and we do not have to spend a lot of time too, parking my household stuff in one safe corner whenever it rains so that they couldn't be ruined by the rain as it was the case previously.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I always switch my phone off at exactly 10:00 pm so in the morning when I switched it on I was glad to receive a confirmation message that I had received money from GiveDirectly. I felt so happy and thanked God for such a miracle. I knew this marked the end of the shame of staying in a leaking house.
What did you spend your first transfer on?
I constructed a new house with the money I received from GiveDirectly because the previous house was old with some parts already falling off. I felt it was so risky staying with the kids in that house and most of the times especially while it was raining I was worried about our safety because I was afraid the house could fall on us or it could be blown off by the wind. I'm happy and proud I have provided good shelter for my children.
access_time 6 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means I am going to have a very positive change because I shall buy building materials and build a new house with the first transfer, this transfer means that I will be able to buy a cow that will reproduce to many more cows in my family whereby I will sell their milk and keep their calves.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiest part of the day is in the morning while I prepare my kids to go to school bidding them bye makes me happy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship I have faced is unemployment that has seen my children who were used to private school moved to public school, I am still struggling without success to get a new job.