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Newsfeed > Patuma's Profile
Patuma's family
Casual labor
Malawi Large Transfers
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I am one of the people in this village who has welcomed this project wholeheartedly. I believe my life will change for the better as things have been tough these past years. My husband who is in South Africa has not been working due to closure ofmany companies and laying off workers. Currently, I survive by selling firewood collected from the nearest hills. On a good day, I make around MWK6000 on good day and this happens at least once or twice per month as the hills are a bit far and less tress available. This is used up after a week hence I have to find other means too. The money will assist me to afford a better house, better utensils and food. I plan to have a better harvest next season by buying a bag or two or fertilizer. All these will improve how we will be living than before.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My husband still communicates with me at times and this makes me a happy woman as other men forget about their wives when they go to South Africa. Nowadays, if there is money available or any other job to earn some money, i get happy knowing my children will eat for that day and they will not be begging from neighbours.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Since everything rests on money, it is tough to lead a normal life without money. This is so as this is not harvesting time and the edible crops we harvested last season ended months ago. In addition, there are less opportunities to make money too and this means little or no money available to buy basic needs.