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Newsfeed > Emily's Profile
Emily's family
Subsistence farming
Malawi Large Transfers
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
The money will meant buying iron sheets, food and beddings. I live with my husband and together we have five children. As a family we have a piece of land that we usually farm. That piece of land is approximately half an acre. From the piece of land if fertilizer is applied properly, we can harvest close to 15 bags of maize weighing 50kgs. But for us when we farm we usually harvest 2 to 3 bags of maize due to worms that attacked the maize stock. On monthly basis, we use close to 2 bags. From those statistics you might see that the maize that we always harvest is enough to feed the family for a month or a month and half. Due to that, we most of the times but maize about to 22bags for us to have food year round. On monthly basis we make on average we make 2000 to 3000 kwacha ($1.45) a month. 50%of the money is used to buy food. We do not usually buy clothes or other basic needs cause we know, our problem is good. We would like to buy matress and bed. We have good blankets and bedsheets but we use them to cover ourselves on the floor. We would like to sleep on something soft. In addition we would like to buy iron sheets as we have grass thatched house. It is a requirement to change the grass on yearly basis which is becoming expensive. It is expensive because the exercise do not allow us to rest and relax with our farming after farming season. For that, we would like to buy iron sheets from the first transfer.
What is the happiest part of your day?
For the past six months there was nothing that have bought joy into our lives because I lost my mother and with two months my husband also lost his mother. So there was nothing at all to be happy about
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The main challenge that we are currently facing is hunger, we have no food. If my husband did not go for fishing that day, we spend it without food or with one meal. With the kids around it is very difficult for me to watch them crying with hunger not having anything to provide for them.