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Newsfeed > Charles's Profile
Charles's family
Subsistence farming
Standard Uganda
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1730250 UGX ($468 USD)
access_time over 4 years ago
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
The biggest difference in my daily life is the feeling of knowing that I have money at hand that I can freely spend to provide for my family feeding, dress code among others. Before getting this money, we would wait until I get bicycle to repair (at times I would not get any) or go farm in another person's farm to raise money to sustain my family.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Having heard the notification at six o'clock in the morning, I checked, saw it was my money. At that moment, I felt delighted that could not get back to sleep. Together with my wife we started planning for our my money.
What did you spend your first transfer on?
I spent my first transfer to get back my farm land at Ugx 400000 that my father had given out in exchange for money that was used to prepare my brother's funeral. I then gave my wife Ugx 200000 to buy some household needs such as bed sheets, clothing for family, utensils among others. I then paid debt of Ugx 200000 to my brother who had lent it to me in the early year. I then gave my other brother Ugx 800000 as part of my saving for him to use to buy his motorcycle and later pay it. I also used the balance of Ugx 100000 to boost my bicycle repair business by buying more spares.
access_time over 4 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving the money means I will be able to pay school fees for my children which will enable them receive better education for better jobs in future. The jobs they will get will be a source of livilihood for their families as well as ours. The balance that will be left, I will spend it on buying food for my household in order to nourish them. Currently, I pay school fees for my children through farming but the income got through farming is not adequate enough.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is in the noon time. This is because, it's the time when I have found what my family can feed on for that day. It reluxes my mind and I am able to plan for the next day.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship I face in my life is I do not have enough income. I have one source of income which is through farming. However, farming demands a lot in terms of time and money which I do not have. That forces is to use family labour which can not enable us to have large scale production. Some seasons are not good because of the drought and the floods which affects the yields.