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Newsfeed > Apolonia's Profile
Apolonia's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has managed to give us an opportunity where we can grow economically and elevate ourselves from the position of complete poverty. I am grateful because I see the changes so far, and not just only in me but also from my colleagues here in the village and notice the great transition this funds have brought. Kids are going to school and people are not starving anymore. We are thankful for this opportunity.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
After receiving the money I consulted two of my relatives and suggested that we start a savings committee where we contributed money and distributed it monthly to a particular person so as we would have a larger amount of cash compared to the one we had and could invest it in individual projects that needed large sums of money. Fortunately they were down for it and I was the first person to receive the money that month so I contributed KES 2,000 on the money I had and plus what I got from the others I received KES 6,000 in total. My initial plan was to renovate my house with money but due to drought, water has been a predicament and so I decided to put the money away until the rainy seasons come or when I have enough money to buy water in order to finance the project. I was left with about KES 1,000 from the funds received from GiveDirectly so I took KES 300 and bought a chicken, then used KES 300 and paid tuition fee for my grandchild who was in kindergarten since at the time the parents had no finances. I was left with about KES 400 where I used KES 300 and bought maize flour and sugar then the balance KES 100 I took it as offering to church .
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($11 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I received the text message at around 10 in the morning. I was in my house resting because I was not feeling well. Since I do not know how to read I asked my nephew to come read it out for me. He explained that I had received some money. I was very happy. I did not have money at that time and I knew the money was going to help me.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Yes, the money has made a big difference in my life. I was able to seek medication at a time when I had no money left. With the money, I was able to clear my son’s school fees. He was able to continue with his education without any problems.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The past two years have been very difficult and extremely dark years for me. I lost my beloved husband. He was the only breadwinner in my family at that time. Luckily up to his time of death my eldest son had already finished his university education. He was able to get a good job immediately after he graduated from school as a doctor. That is when he became the breadwinner of the family. My son took the responsibility of educating his younger sibling in college. One year later I also happen to lose my eldest son and the only breadwinner of the family. He died after suffering a short illness. My youngest son who was in college at that time had to drop out of school due to a lack of school fees. I do not have a well-paying job and the little I earned from doing casual jobs was not enough to raise the required amount of fees for him to continue with his education. He had to drop out of school.I started burning woods and making charcoal for sale. I was able to save some money to get my son back to school. So when I received the first transfer from giving directly I was very happy that I will get the financial push that I have been longing for. I spent KSH 500 to clear some school fees for my son who is still in college. In addition, I spent KSH 500 to buy medicine. At the time I received the money I was not feeling well and went ahead to buy over-the-counter drugs to better my health condition. I also tithed the remaining KSH 200 in church.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
With the ongoing drought, I will be relieved to be able to buy food. I live with my son and eight grandchildren. My other six children work outside the home. I feel obliged to take care of my grandchildren because their parents do not make that much money. I prefer to feed them so that their parents can pay their school fees without so much struggle.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Despite life throwing punches at me, I find joy in the Lord. I like to find peace and hope in the fact that God loves me and my family enough to keep us alive and healthy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The heaviest burden in my heart right now is that my children do not have stable jobs. My heart breaks for them because they work very hard but all they get are casual jobs that do not last. I pray for the day all of them will be able to provide for their families.