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Patience's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($324 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, my vision is to grow my salon business into a thriving enterprise that encompasses both retail and wholesale cosmetics. With a deep passion for beauty, I see this as a good opportunity to generate substantial income. My goal is to become a recognized cosmetic provider within our community, offering a wide range of products to meet the diverse needs of customers. While this endeavor requires a significant cash for the expansion, I am committed to saving diligently from the income of my salon and future earnings from maize farming to make this vision a reality.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly made a positive impact by providing us with a substantial amount of unconditional funds. This has empowered our community to allocate the money according to our individual priorities. Personally, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity this transfer has afforded me to pursue my passion. After completing a beauty and cosmetics course, I lacked the resources to start my own business. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to use the money to kickstart my entrepreneurial journey in the beauty industry, and for that, I am truly thankful.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Since our marriage a year ago, my spouse and I have shared a pit latrine with my in-laws, which often leaves me feeling uneasy. The discomfort is increased by its long distance from our home, making it hard to access it, especially at night. However, due to GiveDirectly, we can now have our latrine, which brings a sense of dignity and convenience. I used $70 to dig the pit, and soon we will install the superstructure, making our toilet ready for use. Additionally, I invested $120 to expand my salon business by purchasing more stock, including hair and beauty products. This investment aims to increase our income and attract more customers. I also utilized $80 to clear trees on our three-acre land and prepare it for cultivation. This land had remained idle due to a lack of resources to invest in it, but now, with the impending rain, we plan to plant maize for both consumption and sale of the surplus, boosting our income further. I spent $60 on purchasing a sack of maize and some food essentials for my family. The salon business has been unproductive at times, as there are days with no customers. The food ensures food security on the unproductive days. Recognizing the need for diversification, I entrusted the remaining amount to my spouse, who intends to start an M-Pesa business alongside the salon. Our ultimate goal is to achieve financial stability, enabling us to provide the best for our future children.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With a vision to expand my salon business into a cosmetics shop, I aim to raise $700 for this venture. The profits generated by the salon, coupled with income from my farming job, will be crucial in achieving this goal. Each satisfied customer and every moment spent tending to the farm contribute to the financial foundation for my dream. The synergy between the salon and the farm creates a dynamic partnership, bringing me closer to the realization of my entrepreneurial vision. As the profits accumulate and the funds grow, the prospect of transforming my business becomes not just a goal but a tangible step towards a brighter and more prosperous future for my family of two.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Givedirectly has been a transformative force in uplifting lives through its direct transfers. Personally, I have harnessed the opportunity to put my hairdressing skills into practice by establishing a successful salon business with the financial support I have received. The impact of these transfers has been substantial, allowing me to not only pursue my passion but also contribute meaningfully to my family's livelihood. From my perspective, the current approach and workings of GiveDirectly have been more than satisfactory; nothing needs to change. The direct and impactful support they provide has created a positive ripple effect, empowering individuals to turn their aspirations into reality.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The moment the notification pinged on my phone, signaling the arrival of my long-awaited transfers, a surge of excitement coursed through me. With a determined spirit, I decided to allocate my funds strategically, ensuring a brighter future for my small family of two. I directed $36 towards acquiring iron sheets, a crucial step in the construction of a two-roomed, mud-walled house, thus creating additional space, safety, and comfort for my loved ones. Next, I spent $50 towards purchasing maize, therefore food security. However, the bulk of the funds found their purpose in the heartbeat of our livelihood—my salon business. As a family, we depended on the salon to put food on the table and dreams within reach. With a blend of excitement and gratitude, I invested the remaining amount in expanding and enhancing my salon. The thought of bolstering the business that had become the cornerstone of our existence filled me with pride and anticipation.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($120 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The scorching sun beat down on the landscape as I sought shade beneath a tree, around 3 p.m. I kept a vigilant eye out for my precious vegetable crops, the lifeline of my family, from being invaded by domestic animals. These vegetables represented our sole income through sales. Suddenly, my phone peeped, signaling an incoming message. Swiftly, I grabbed the phone, my heart pounding with anticipation. To my sheer delight, it was an Mpesa notification confirming the arrival of the expected GD transfer. With a voice filled with joy, I immediately called my spouse, sharing the wonderful news. Together, we celebrated this blessing, reigniting our hope for a better life. We eagerly anticipated utilizing the funds for the plans we had longed to realize.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am now experiencing a significant improvement in my life, and there's newfound hope on the horizon. Previously, life was a constant struggle, as my family solely relied on our small farm for our daily necessities. Sometimes, we had to seek casual work to supplement our income, but even those opportunities were scarce. The arrival of the hairdressing equipment has brought about a positive change. I am confident that starting this business will lead to increased earnings and financial stability for my family. Additionally, the assurance of having enough food for our family means we no longer have to skip meals, a situation we often found ourselves in before. This improvement has brought a sense of relief and optimism for a better future
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfer brought a glimmer of hope to my family. Despite having completed a hairdressing and beauty course back in 2020, I was unable to practice due to a lack of job opportunities. Despite my relentless efforts to find employment, my endeavors were met with disappointment. Starting my own hairdressing business seemed like a distant dream, primarily hindered by financial constraints. My spouse and I relied solely on our small-scale vegetable farming on our half-acre of land, but the erratic weather patterns in recent years had resulted in poor yields. The arrival of the transfer provided the catalyst I needed to pursue my dream of owning a hairdressing business. With $150, I invested in essential business items such as a blow dryer and a hair salon washing chair. These initial purchases marked the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. I intend to use the second transfer to acquire additional equipment and officially launch my business. Additionally, I used a portion of the funds to buy food, ensuring that our family of two no longer had to skip meals as we had done before. This support has been transformative, offering us both financial stability and the prospect of a brighter future.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
We have so many good plans for the transfers and it means so much to us. I intend to purchase food for my family by using the first transfers. I will spend about $80 of the transfers to accomplish this. I also intend to open a Salon business since I have the skills. I intend to use about $300 of the transfers for this. This will enable me to purchase all equipments and rent a space. For the remaining amount I intend to build a two bedroom house since the house we occupy currently is small and made of mud. The transfers will surely transform my life positively.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness over the past 6 months has come from my vegetable farm which I managed to plant a month ago. This delighted me so much because I would sell the produce and make little money to support my family.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Currently, I feel my life has become very hard and difficult because of the high cost of living in our nation. At the moment my husband and I depend on casual work which is rare which also makes it difficult for us to meet our basic needs.