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Newsfeed > Dominic's Profile
Dominic's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($442 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal this year was to look for well paying projects since I am a mason. Achieving this means that I will be able to educate my children and provide for my family of four.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What GiveDirectly does well is enrolling people in the villages by themselves without relying on secondary data. This has made their processes more simpler, transparent and with no community conflict, keep up the good work.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Previously I had a muddy grass thatched kitchen that was not so strong and I feared that some day it will be blown away by strong wind. With the second transfer, I spend $300 to build a kitchen that is a bit more permanent. I spend the balance to buy a dairy cow that I had desired to own for quite a long time. Early next year, my cow will have given birth and I will be getting enough milk for the family and some for sell. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for the financial support.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($484 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 10 pm and I was at home with my family taking supper. Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing notifying me of a incoming new message. I stopped to check what it was all about and to my surprise, I found out that it was an SMS from my mobile money provider telling me that I had received KES 55000 from GiveDirectly. I couldn't believe it, I immediately told my family who were by now wondering what was going on. They were so happy on hearing the wonderful news and we celebrated together. We even forgot that we were eating since the news took us by surprise.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transfer has brought a very big difference in our lives as a family. We were able to buy the cow that we had always desired to have. We now have milk for our consumption and hence we no longer incur the cost of buying milk. We were also able to build another house. The one that we used to live in had grown old and it was about to collapse. We have not yet fully completed the construction but we plan to do so with the next transfer that we will get. We are so much thankful because our lives have changed for the better and we are no longer the way we used to be.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We spent the transfer money on various important things. We bought a cow at KES 15000. We also built another house at a cost of more than KES 30000, and with the remaining amount of around KES 8000, we used it in buying clothes and boosting the small business that we have. Buying a cow was our biggest priority since that is what we had always wanted to have for a long time. The cow is going to be of great help to us in the future and we will be able to get milk for our consumption. We usually buy milk on a daily basis. Although we had always desired to have a cow, we didn't have the money to buy one. We usually depend on casual jobs of farming to earn a living. We usually get paid KES 400 per day where we save up about KES 200 in the self-help groups that we have joined. With the remaining amount of money, we usually use it in buying food, that is maize and milk for the consumption of our family of five. The money from the self-help groups is what we usually use in paying school fees for our two children. With the cow that we bought, we no longer incur the cost of buying milk. When we bought the cow, it used to produce only a litre of milk but the milk production has increased with time. We are so much grateful to GiveDirectly for their help.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I live in a semi-permanent iron-roofed house which I am so proud of. I am still stabilizing my household and so far I have acquired items that can enable my startup. It has been my wish to have access to clean water for domestic use. Currently, I get clean drinking water from my in-law's parents' home. They don't have a big water tank thus we are forced to go to the river after a rainy season. This is so tiring and clean water is not guaranteed since we fetch water from a river stream where all animals drink from and other dirty things are washed into by flowing water. To me, receiving this money means clean water at my doorstep. I am planning to spend KES 25000 to buy a water thank. I will be collecting clean water from my roof thus have clean water for my household use. This means less work and a healthy family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
A stable source of food is required for a household to stand. As a new couple, we try our best to stay independent. In the last six months, I cultivated my piece of land. I later on planted maize which is our main food here. This is what has brought joy into my life. I am hopeful that they will do well thus have enough food for my family.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial stability is the challenge I am currently facing. I got married a year ago but I have been living independently for the last six months. Starting my household has been a struggle for us. We need a huge amount of money to buy necessary household items. This forced us to spend the little we had and since we have not gotten enough.