GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 2 years ago
received a $27 sixth payment.
"My attention is currently on securing more livestock, specifically goats and chickens, and letting them reproduce and expand the herd. In the future, after the cash program comes to an end, I could sell these goats to generate funds that will allow me to provide for my family’s needs such as food and school fees. Since I already have one from previous transfers, I hope to increase the number to five by the end of the year. "
View Kadzo's
almost 2 years ago
received a $411 second payment.
"Upon withdrawing the money, I opted to renovate my house by building some pillars to make it firmer because it could not withstand the whirlwind and rainy season. Therefore, I bought some hard corals for $1760 and eight bags of cement for $50. As of now, I am very happy and comfortable because the pillars were built and the house is very firm. I am confident in it. Thereafter, I bought a bed and a mattress though I cannot tell how much they cost since my daughter is the one who keeps the records for me. I opted for the bed and the mattress because I used to sleep on a small traditional bed using some worn-out mats. This was a pathetic situation and very exhaustive since I used to wake up very tired every morning. Currently, I am very happy because I got a nice bed and a mattress courtesy of GiveDirectly. I sleep well and comfortably unlike before. Lacking a defined and reliable source of income, and being a festive season, I opted to buy stock of some foodstuff and also kept the remaining amount for the family's upkeep."
View Sidi's
almost 2 years ago
received a $411 second payment.
"I believe GiveDirectly performed a great job by providing financial support for me. This was the ideal option because each of us has unique needs and would pick a solution that suits them. I now can own assets that, in my homestead, I would have to wait years to get. There was no need to adjust their method of operation because everything went according to plan."
View Kahonzi's
almost 2 years ago
received a $235 fourth payment.
"In my opinion Givedirectly is doing extremely well. I love their approach in selecting recipients for the program which is very transparency."
View Martha's
almost 2 years ago
"Having to support my children single-handedly yet I have a spouse is quite challenging. Meeting our daily needs, requires me to engage in vending local brew and charcoal burning. Despite all the hard work, my children often miss school because I fail to pay fees on time. This has greatly affected their performance and it makes me worry of their future."
View Jumwa's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 sixth payment.
"The house that I am currently living in is in a dilapidated state and it had always been my wish to build a new one but due to the lack of funds, I had never managed to. My goal for the next one year is to have a good house for my family, and to achieve this, I plan to save part of my transfers and also use the money that I would be getting from table banking to help build my house."
View Penina's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 fourteenth payment.
"Apart from living in a poorly conditioned house, I feel that I do not have any other source of income. Therefore, when the year began, I developed a goal of venturing into livestock keeping. Once I accomplish the goal of building a better house, my second focus will be buying and raising domestic fowl and goats. They are very profitable and can help me with some money when I am financially down. Currently, I have three goats, but I want to raise more. The rest of the transfer will help to acquire food for my household since I am the sole breadwinner."
View Kadzitu's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 tenth payment.
"I am a motorbike rider and I would normally make $5 daily from my daily runs. I have always wanted to have a sustainable plan that can take care of me when I am unable to work. I have hence decided to start an animal farm that I hope to one day commercialize. My plan this year is to add to the already existing goats and chicken to achieve a bigger number than the ones I currently have. I hope that through this I am able to make profits as animals give birth and when the young ones grow I can sell then and get money worth what I invested in the animal or more."
View Hussein's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 sixth payment.
"I sell charcoal and my earnings in a week are $5. My husband works as a watchman on Kilifi town but we do not see much of his money. I would like to increase my income as I do not make much. I would like to start a business this year that will be able to allow me increase my earnings and even educate my child. I would also like to use this business to buy a few more animals as I have been buying a number over time. I hope to save a reasonable amounts from my savings to invest in the business. I do not know how much I will need as commodities have been on a seesaw with prices but I will be really excited if I meet this goal."
View Dama's
almost 2 years ago
received a $27 sixth payment.
"Before GD came I used to hunt for tree stumps to make charcoal, it is not an easy task. I would hunt and would only come by these stumps rarely and I could only make $8 from a stump. Now I am receiving a significant transfer amount from Givedirectly. I am able to use this money to buy animals and my hope is to increase them to a point I can own goats and cows. I have now 10 chicken which some have young ones while others do not. My hope is they increase in number and then I can sell them off and afford buying a goat of a cow. Keeping animals will be a good investment for me and my family."
View Kadzo's